- Comment on Feedback about our name: someone's concerns on sharing 4 months ago:
You can link from almost any other instance. This is a skill issue.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
Honestly, wouldn’t be surprised, it goes hand in hand with my experience and other’s experience with them. If Ruud isn’t in on it, he sure is an expert about keeping quiet about it and leaving it to those responsible. But do take pictures and specially web.archives, which can’t really be faked, and just keep the link to it saved somewhere.
Little else that can be done about it, I tried to get the instance he made false allegations in involved because he had apparently linked to CP and CSAM content as proof, but the SFW “No porn” instance he made the accusations in (yes, he used another alt to potentially put another competing instance in trouble) didn’t even seem to care about all the NSFW links that were potential links to pedophilia themselves, so I would say the degree of impassiveness is pervasive, hypocritically so, which is odd for a social network alternative that tries to sell itself as an alternative to the abuses in other social networks. Took evidence, reported the claims of CP and CSAM to the appropriate authorities ( , ……/report-illegal-content-on-the-intern… , ), and moved on. Maybe there is something one could do, since it’s clear who it is and libel, abuse of authority, and making false allegations do seem like things that would be prosecuted, but the cost of going the legal route would probably be a lot more than any compensation or consequence you could get as a result.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
That’s not the same thing, kerploosh dug around and found that I had responded to a top level comment and not to the thread directly, and this comment was removed but also prevented the comments hanging from it from displaying. I’ll update the comment.
But I know what you mean. The modlog hardly matters if the interface is so non-intuitive that you can’t easily tell what has happened. What you are describing could be due to federation synchronization issues, I’ve been noticing a lot of those lately. Don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely at least one top admin who is still in the team and is an asshole who will happily make shit up while sweeping problems they created under the rug, but lemmy is also buggy enough on its own, it seems.
- Comment on Comment missing: where could it be? 1 year ago:
Ah, that makes sense, thanks for your time and the investigative work. I guess I’m used to the way reddit handles it, which is that you can still open up branches where some of the parent comments have been deleted, and I didn’t remember I had replied to a comment under.
- Comment on Comment missing: where could it be? 1 year ago:
The only comment I deleted was the one hanging off of (which was basically me pointing out the same thing I later commented elsewhere about, the comment not showing up). Which makes sense, because it doesn’t show up.
If I had deleted itself, you should not be able to see it. But you can, and anyone can. What they can’t do is see it from the thread discussion itself.
And no, the comment I actually did delete does not show in my history … because I deleted it.
It may simply be a data inconsistency issue from one of the times went kaput, although it’s weird that a comment that previously showed up under a thread, got upvoted on it, and is still under said thread stops showing up under it.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
The only comment I deleted was the one hanging off of (which was basically me pointing out the same thing I later replied in this thread about, the comment not showing up). Which makes sense, because it doesn’t show up.
If I had deleted itself, you should not be able to see it. But you can, and anyone can. What they can’t do is see it from the thread discussion itself.
And no, the comment I actually did delete does not show in my history … because I deleted it.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
The only comment I deleted was the one hanging off of (which was basically me pointing out the same thing I later replied in this thread about, the comment not showing up). Which makes sense, because it doesn’t show up.
If I had deleted itself, you should not be able to see it.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
It still shows up here:
But it isn’t visible when viewing the whole thread.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
I posted this comment 14 days ago,
It seems easier to register in than on, I just did it and there’s not even a captcha. It might have more to do with the server problems and what it may be doing to other instances. Or it might just be that time of the year again,
Happened three months ago:
Happened five months ago:
There’s a lot of vague accusations, but it’s hard finding evidence, perhaps because of the nature of it.
I’m curious why it’s not showing up with the rest of the comments (or my reply to it) but there isn’t a modlog removal.
- Comment on defederated from & any update on 1 year ago:
It seems easier to register in than on, I just did it and there’s not even a captcha. It might have more to do with the server problems and what it may be doing to other instances. Or it might just be that time of the year again,
Happened three months ago:
Happened five months ago:
- Comment on Games with characters you miss most after completion. 1 year ago:
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
- Comment on Games that my non-gamer girlfriend can watch me playing? 1 year ago:
The Stanley Parable What Remains of Edith Finch Anything from D’Avekki Studios Anything Telltale
- Comment on abandonware empires 1 year ago:
True, but look at the documentation for IBM platforms and compare it to legacy documentation from Microsoft. People keep using it and part of it is because it has a lower maintenance cost than the short term costs of moving on. It’s not trust that exists in a vacuum, Microsoft has tried to sell too hard being a Microsoft developer using their Microsoft tools to ever have that legacy demand, companies will just use *nix instead.
- Comment on i'd watch this anime 1 year ago:
- Comment on abandonware empires 1 year ago:
COBOL is still used heavily in banking, it would be the ultimate abandonware if it wasn’t still getting supported.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocking crackdown is facing a new challenge: privacy laws | Privacy advocates argue YouTube’s ad blocker restrictions violate the European Union’s online privacy laws. 1 year ago:
In the US there was a period of time where it was illegal to export encryption above a certain level, so in a way it has already happened. Dumb has never stopped governments before.
- Comment on Mozillas petition to get an answer from Microsoft, is it using your data to train its AI? 1 year ago:
I mean, it is. They keep a list of all your conversations and they are extremely vague about giving a direct reply. Hopefully this does something because, like US congress has itself admitted, they cannot afford to let the same thing happen with advanced AIs that they’ve let happen with social networks. Transparency needs to be a thing, and not fake “oh yeah I’m all about transparency” then goes out of their way to hide shit under the carpet or gaslight with bullshit when they can’t.
- Comment on Seek relief 1 year ago:
Spoken like a true someone who doesn’t have secondary side-effects to headache medication.
- Comment on Who wouldn't want to finance warm cardboard? 1 year ago:
If you look as religion as padding for the ego instead of an idealistic pursuit, it makes all the more sense.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Talk about blinding yourself with greed.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
That has had an Acceptable Ads Committee for over a decade now. I’m surprised that YouTube Ads wouldn’t have been permitted on it.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
Not really making fun of it, just genuinely curious. Are people still installing Adblock Plus? It has had an Acceptable Ads Comittee for over a decade now.
- Comment on YouTube's plan backfires, people are installing better ad blockers 1 year ago:
I had uBlock Origin installed since forever, are people just finding out about it?
- Comment on Facebook Puts a Price on Privacy in EU, EEA and Switzerland: It’s 9.99€ a Month + 6€ for Each Extra Account 1 year ago:
Hopefully large social networks have not metastasized enough to prevent their death with this. I hope that they also decide to bully through this bullshit onto WhatsApp, which is heavily used throughout the EU, thus ensuring their death is even quicker. They’ve tried to copy Google Premium, but Google gives you the option to disable personalized data collections and ad serving.
- Comment on Pfizer says it will price Covid treatment Paxlovid at nearly $1,400 for a five-day course, which researchers estimate only costs Pfizer $13 to produce. That's a 10,000%+ markup. Shameful. 1 year ago:
Seriously, people are acting like this is new. There is no sense in shaming them we’ve had it brought to the mainstream by people like Martin Skhreli and nothing has been done. Martin Skhreli himself is only in jail because of his ponzi schemes, a.k.a. screwing other rich people out of their money.
- Comment on ‘Reddit can survive without search’: company reportedly threatens to block Google 1 year ago:
When a company does this, they aren’t just making a business decision, they are making a decision for the people who use their platforms, who got to their platform from Google searches and who made content that other people see in Google searches. Abuse is abuse, and even in the US this should be grounds for the loss of fair use. The EFF should realize Reddit is not their friend.