- Comment on YSK someone created a site to endlessly scroll Wikipedia 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Costco, Teamsters reach tentative contract agreement, avoiding a strike 4 weeks ago:
Good. In my area (original Price Club in San Diego) they held a “strike rehearsal” as a warning.
- Comment on SideOfTheRoad - everything cool on the side of the road 2 months ago:
Hey, I’ve been there! DSRV at Morro Bay. Part of the Maritime Museum there.
- Comment on Countries promised to ditch fossil fuels, but instead they're booming 3 months ago:
You mean the sham of a conference hosted by and chaired by petrostate sponsors? The conference specifically designed to facilitate fossil fuel expansion deals? That conference?
- Comment on Calif. Governor vetoes bill requiring opt-out signals for sale of user data 5 months ago:
He’s always been surrounded by the wealthy and well-connected, and that’s who he listens to.
- Comment on Calif. Governor vetoes bill requiring opt-out signals for sale of user data 5 months ago:
Such a corporate stooge.
- Comment on Top Director at Bungie Was Fired After Misconduct Investigation 6 months ago:
Seriously, I just finished my annual “preventing harassment’ training and there’s a whole section on power differential and how just asking puts employees in a bad spot. Just…don’t.
- Comment on Wind and Solar Produced More Energy Than Coal in the U.S. From January Through July This Year, a First - EcoWatch 6 months ago:
Yes, all true, and don’t forget the mild climate that allows us to spend significantly less on heating and cooling. On a typical day, or over a month in summer, California uses only about half the electricity that Texas does, even with the larger population and bigger economy.
But don’t get the wrong impression. Colder northern states can be just as good, or better, equipped to deploy solar. Solar panels work best when it’s sunny and cold. Heat drops their efficiency. Also, all those midwestern states are going with wind power in a big way, and with their established drilling industries are uniquely positioned to move to deep geothermal rather than extracting oil and gas.
- Comment on Wind and Solar Produced More Energy Than Coal in the U.S. From January Through July This Year, a First - EcoWatch 6 months ago:
This is that year for California. Except for January, renewables produced more than fossil fuels. We’ll probably end with renewables producing more than fossil fuels for the whole year.
- Comment on Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover 6 months ago:
- Comment on Elon Musk's X sues advertisers over alleged 'massive advertiser boycott' after Twitter takeover 6 months ago:
I believe the correct response is “go fuck yourself.”
- Comment on Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI' 8 months ago:
They see the post-PC world, and Windows Phone never panned out.
- Comment on T-Mobile users thought they had a lifetime price lock—guess what happened next 8 months ago:
I’ve had the same T-Mobile family plan since…I actually don’t recall. 2011? $25 per line for 4 phones. It was 2GB of 3G data per month, with a promotional bump to 4GB that they kept extending until it was permanent, then LTE data, then 50GB of LTE before it throttles down. It’s plenty fast, so no real need for 5G speeds, especially since most activity is on our home WiFi.
- Comment on ‘It’s got nasty’: the battle to build the US’s biggest solar power farm 10 months ago:
They aren’t in one area. Midway through the article, there’s a diagram showing the actual areas, many of them are non-contiguous. It isn’t a monolithic block.
- Comment on Will people show off their old computers and phones in say, 30 or 50 years in the future? 1 year ago:
I’m not sure, because cars were more widely seen as a status symbol in the US (because they were marketed that way). I would bet that a much smaller percentage of people in the US see their phones as a status symbol. Other countries may be different. Remember all the premium phone brands like Vertu? Or the gold Apple Watch?
- Comment on European Union set to revise cookie law, admits cookie banners are annoying 1 year ago:
“Free sites already operating out of the goodwill of some random admin” are where the good shit is.
- Comment on Do Teslas have OBD connectors? 1 year ago:
Not Tesla specifically, but anytime I look at the included navigation of a “legacy” manufacturer I am immediately reminded of the difference. Thank god my Chevy has CarPlay (that I didn’t have to pay extra for).
- Comment on Regarding Avocado Toast 1 year ago:
Jan 4, 2010. Air date for an episode of Good Eats with this avocado toast recipe.
- Comment on You may want to sit down 1 year ago:
- Comment on Academic Writing Mood Meter 1 year ago:
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
My boomer mother only knew how to heat up frozen foods or follow the directions on the box, so what really helped me learn to cook was Good Eats. Watch it and make the food. Many of the recipes were retooled by Alton Brown and are on his website for free (with no annoying monologues before each recipe). The rest are on Food Network’s site.
- Comment on At least it's not Pumpkin Spiced 1 year ago:
I recently learned of the existence of Frearson; like the Philips but without the slightly rounded inside corners.
- Comment on New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels 1 year ago:
Interesting, I never got into the details on “reading level”. Yeah, sounds like this should be used to score readability of text, not someone’s intelligence or education level, as was originally intended. I’ve read many military manuals, and can vouch for their ease of reading, so thanks to DoD for making that a requirement.
“Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss comes close, averaging 5.7 words per sentence and 1.02 syllables per word, with a grade level of −1.3.”
I just find that funny.
- Comment on New Study: 54% of American Adults Read Below 6th Grade-Levels 1 year ago:
For me personally, it seems like reading comprehension is a pretty necessary skill. Between social media, texting, email, etc we are reading more than ever. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to jump on a call because some colleague has misinterpreted or misrepresented something from an email.