- Comment on flouride 2 months ago:
Yeah that proves my point entirely.
In 1945 they fluoridated the first public water supply.
In 1979 the first published research began to appear to show how fluoride might be able to remineralize dental enamel.
- Comment on flouride 2 months ago:
It’s so funny I was just having a similar conversation about neurotoxic venomous animals in another thread. Lethality is an obviously concerning threshold, but there are substances out there that can easily destroy your quality of life and livelihood that never reach the concern of being lethal.
I think for mostly rational people concerned about fluoride in their water is that it was a public health decision made with little to no actual science proving it’s safety or efficacy when it was first decided that they were going to add it to the public water supply. The proposed benefits of it weren’t even supported by scientific evidence, it was just supposed that exposure to sodium fluoride could potentially reduce tooth decay for some.
Personally, I’ve suffered from the cosmetic damage of dental fluorosis, and I’m not necessarily thrilled about fluoride. But I have way more issues with public mandates founded on pseudoscience than I am with sodium fluoride. Especially now that we can see evidence that for some people fluoride can be especially beneficial.
So what was wrong with giving people the option of using fluoride toothpaste or mouthwashes… Why did it have to go into the public water supply?
- Comment on Just a little guy 2 months ago:
Yeah that’s mostly true… But it’s not like a hangover… I had a friend bitten by a snake out in the Mojave once and I’m sure she would have strong opinions about how strenuous the recovery was from it. Neurotoxins, especially potent ones, can be disruptive enough to create long term disabilities. If you are someone who performs a lot of skilled fine motor movements as part of your job or as part of a hobby or something it could be a significant amount of time for you to fully recover from a neurotoxin.
Cytotoxins are interesting as well, though generally not considered deadly they can really mess up your quality of life and be extremely debilitating.
Generally just a good idea to stay away from anything venomous.
- Comment on Just a little guy 2 months ago:
Yeap, but that’s because the venom is a hemotoxin rather than a neurotoxin.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 11 months ago:
This is the silliest shit I’ve ever discussed on the Internet. I will say kudos to you for keeping things mostly amicable. It’s been awhile since I’ve had an argument on topicality and it’s been entertaining for me. Thanks my friend, best wishes.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 11 months ago:
Velocity is not suggestive because it is defined as speed in a direction.
In your example you are only taking speed, assuming direction and stating velocity.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 11 months ago:
That’s no how legal systems work… Plenty of things are legal in one place and illegal in another. No Christians are worried about blasphemy against Zeus or Jupiter. Like wise a Zoroastrian is only concerned about blasphemy against Ahura Mazda and not Allah.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 11 months ago:
Okay… Which one?
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
Opinions, such as “all methods of decaffeinating coffee are blasphemy” are subjective in their very nature. What makes this more obvious is that the definition of blasphemy is entirely subjective and can’t even begin to be assessed objectively until at very minimum a religious dogma is declared for the basis of evaluation.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
That’s because words on their own all have definitions. The subjectivity is created contextually. I swear it feels like I’m talking to a bot.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
How do you gather? You think there isn’t many ways to decaffeinate beans or that some of them aren’t gross? Or that most ways used to decaffeinate beans doesn’t make the coffee taste bad?
These are the very points James makes in the first 2/3rds of the video.
The only point that he and I might delaminate on was that all decaf is blasphemous, and that’s a stretch because he never talks about the religious criminality of drinking coffee?
Why do you think I would offer a video to people about decaf that I didn’t watch? Hint: I don’t hate decaf coffee.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
Yikes this is getting drawn out and silly, eh. I’ll save us some time.
You win.
But one thing that I couldn’t help but chuckle at is your interpretation of the coffee capitol point.
You live in a hockey capitol. That doesn’t make you an expert, but I bet if you wanted to buy a hockey stick you would have a number of stores carrying top gear… If you wanted to see a game you probably have a number of hockey teams from pro to amateur you could go watch live.
I have direct access to three of the top 20 roasters in the country. I’m fortunate to have access to some of the best coffee in the world regardless if I’m an expert or not.
And this is sort of the point overall… You added so much of your own arguments to my position that you aren’t even arguing with me or the points that I’m making.
I’m not hiding behind subjectivity, I was the one who posted the video “negating” my so called “opinions”. You still think I did that as a mistake. Which I think is the second example that shows you are coming to this discussion in bad faith.
It’s no wonder you recommend introspection, given you have been arguing only with your interpretation of my opinion.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
I’m a huge fan of James Hoffman… I don’t think anyone alive understands coffee better than he does.
I live in a US Coffee Capital…
I make brilliant decaf for my pregnant wife.
My preparation is flawless in drip and espresso
You guys really don’t understand subjectivity or sarcasm and are filling in a ton of the blanks.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
No no, that was the only reasonable part. Everything else wrapping that was absurd though.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
That’s the funny thing about subjectivity right?
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
That’s some top shelf stretching there.
- Comment on Junior Dev VS Machine Learning 1 year ago:
There are many ways to decaffeinate a coffee bean… Some more gross than others… All of them blasphemy.
And yes most of them ruin the taste of coffee.
- Comment on Do scrota have the same wrinkle pattern every time they get cold? 1 year ago:
No chance… The taint stain wipe industry lobbyists are way to powerful and far to rich to let something like that slide…
- Comment on Do scrota have the same wrinkle pattern every time they get cold? 1 year ago:
“press harder…” “Make sure sack is dry and try again”
- Comment on Do scrota have the same wrinkle pattern every time they get cold? 1 year ago:
Day to day, yes… Decade to decade, very unlikely.
- Comment on During Pride month, Target sells shirts and flags. Gun ranges? 1 year ago:
For those of you who don’t know… the caliber is usually known as 9mm Parabellum… so there is a joke in there too.
- Comment on Petite is the new perfect 1 year ago:
I’m guessing they meant 6cm… but I don’t know or really care all that much.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase. 1 year ago:
Many countries other than the US are comprised of a federation of states. And also those that aren’t are generally considered nation states or sovereign states, which are still definitively states. The United States of America do not have an exclusive right on statehood.
Plus even though it may be implied that the original replier intended the context to mean the United States of America… it is a valid response with further implication that one should check their local jurisdictions laws if they were so inclined to do so.