- Comment on Remember when the body washes contained literal micro plastics and were advertised as such? 10 months ago:
Is it advertised with plastic in it or just an abrasive? I have a scrub that contains walnut shell to exfoliate the skin
- Comment on Popular social media apps TikTok and Instagram use AI to analyze photos on your phone, introducing both bias and errors 10 months ago:
It makes sense if that’s the level of contact ypu want, but yeah I would rather talk to someone one on one, or like my family has a group chat through text, I’d rather communicate like that than post my life on IG. The things I want to tell my friends about my life I don’t usually want to post publicly.
- Comment on Popular social media apps TikTok and Instagram use AI to analyze photos on your phone, introducing both bias and errors 10 months ago:
And people look at me weird when I say I don’t like using Instagram much. It’s funny how a lot of my friends don’t like facebook, generally anti-corp, pro-privacy but have no problem being on Instagram all the time.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
I haven’t seen the original yet but the DS9 version of that episode was great, I was impressed they even used old style lenses and film to recreate the style of the 60s episode. It also made me realize “huh, William Shatner is kinda hot isn’t he?” Ahah. I’ll watch the original series eventually, I have a lot to catch up on lol.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
That’s the one, I personally dislike even the smallest of spoiler so I was being vague haha. I enjoyed it though, I never watched any Trek at all before this and I’m so hooked lol.
- Comment on Anthropology 10 months ago:
There’s a Star Trek ds9 episode where a non-human alien gets sent back in time to 1947. They discover on their sensors the radiation from the continual nuclear bomb tests and are horrified that the humans would irradiate their own planet. I just recently became a ‘trekkie’ and I get it, it really has some of the best themes and plots in sci-fi
- Comment on Researchers unlock fiber optic connection 1.2 million times faster than broadband 10 months ago:
We must make ISPs a public service owned by the people. Who can argue that internet isn’t essential to being a regular member of society? These companies rob us and use their monopolies to manipulate us.
- Comment on Cable lobby vows “years of litigation” to avoid bans on blocking and throttling 11 months ago:
Numerous places I’ve lived had contracts with Comcast so there was no option but them, and the speed is shit, maybe they needed to raise prices to pay for their forced monopolies.
- Comment on Taylor Swift among 141 new billionaires in ‘amazing year for rich people’ 11 months ago:
I guarantee you the average carpet installer works harder and is more deserving of billions. I’m not saying she doesn’t have talent or doesn’t work hard but the money that goes to her and other billionaires could actually help society but instead becomes a useless horde or pays for yachts and jewelry.
- Comment on Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business 11 months ago:
Facebook and others actively promote harmful content because they know it drives interactions, I believe it’s possible to punish corps without making the internet overly policed.
- Comment on seems to have banned the largest piracy community on Lemmy. 11 months ago:
I’ve never noticed any defederation from my instance or drama aside from the main posts talking about it, and if you came here interested in a piracy community it’s good for that, “Lemmy.World” seems to be where all the drama happens hah. I have only ever made one account, interact with several different instances without issue. I agree using several accounts would be annoying.
- Comment on Spider cats 11 months ago:
Is the frog captive though? I had a cat that became mine after it starting killing the mice in my garage, so it was mutually beneficial, maybe the frog and the spider have an understanding.
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
I have an android from 2018, it still works great and I can run adblock on firefox, eat shit apple!
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
There are crypto ads involved in the product though? Fuck that, even if it was default off
- Comment on We can dream 11 months ago:
Is this r/singlesentencehorror?
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
Ignorant of what?? The things I see with my eyes and ears in real life? I’m seriously baffled, what the fuck is your deal, I even said you were correct
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
What the actual fuck are you talking about? There is no other city in this nation where people leave their cars open. Not a single one.
You’re either trolling or so disconnected from reality it’s terrifying.
This is one of the most intense responses to a comment I’ve ever had and I was just mentioning a fact of my life experience lol, I don’t understand where you are coming from with this.
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
It is a more common problem in certain cities, I’m not denying that but that doesn’t mean it’s rare in other places. I didn’t know it was that much higher there though, that does make those top cities outliers.
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
Wtf are YOU talking about?? What are you basing that on? I have lived in multiple cities where many people leave their car window down so it doesn’t get broken. Even suburbs!
I am baffled by this exchange right now haha. Is there some kind of study that has shown no city has smash and grab crime like SF? It’s common nearly everywhere in the US. Are you trying to say SF is a crime-ridden hellhole like no other?
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
The first point about leaving your car open, people do that everywhere, car break-ins are prevelant across the country.
There are very high housing prices but also high wages, though yes it’s worse than a lot of the country as far as inequality. The bay area is more than San Francisco though, have you spent much time in the area? If there were more autonomous Waymo cars in cities this wouldn’t be the only time it’s happened.
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
I wasn’t being totally serious, it’s true the bay area is significantly more racially diverse than the US as a whole, but the issues and political atmosphere in the area isn’t so far removed from the general population.
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
I have driven across the US multiple times, in what way is it not? The bay area is a lot more than San Francisco
- Comment on A crowd destroyed a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco 1 year ago:
Often the RVs in places like OP is referring to are dilapidated and don’t run, with tarps on them, not connected to water or power. Essentially a small shanty house in a slum so I guess it depends on your definition
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
They can buy whatever they want haha I didn’t say I care, I was just saying the article title could be accurate, people spend money without knowing much about the purchase all the time.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
Many average consumers probably don’t specifically know what ‘spatial’ means, or what defines a computer vs a phone or whatever. People with too much money do spend 3500 carelessly, I have known a few of the types, and for the latest Apple technology I could see plenty of people buying it without even knowing what it really is.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I feel insulted every time Windows has some sort of pop-up or notification that is obviously manipulative, like making it appear that I HAVE to make Edge my default browser and putting ads for Edge and other Microsoft products on the lock screen disguised as ‘fun facts’. The people making these decisions don’t respect the autonomy of people, they want to force us into habits that benefit Microsoft to the detriment of the user.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Why tf should a kid want to work? Why would you want a society to normalize a 14 old hustling and working after school. It’s not authoritarian to protect children from parasitic businesses.
- Comment on A literal child taking orders in a fast food restaurant in the US 1 year ago:
Its not hyperbolic, 14 is a teenage child. Teenager is not more accurate, because when you say a ‘teenage worker’ most would assume they were at least in the usually accepted ‘young adult’ range, 16-19, the image here is of a child worker. If they were 17 or 16 that might be different, though still literally, legally a child.
- Comment on Smartphone manufacturers still want to make foldables a thing 1 year ago:
You telling me you don’t rock South Pole?
- Comment on ‘Front page of the internet’: how social media’s biggest user protest rocked Reddit 1 year ago:
Did they ever cry or say it wasn’t their fault? It seems like an obvious easy way to get banned, I don’t see any complaints about it. I don’t think calling an asshole an asshole is an unhealthy environment, I would blame the asshole first for being the asshole.