- Comment on How to improve your Lemmy experience 4 months ago:
I’d say no. But they did a pretty good job with the right as well.
- Comment on Celebrate Pokémon Emerald’s 20th with Stunning Art ROM Hack 5 months ago:
Especially because there are tons of Roms with very good sprite and also a totally new adventure and all new Mons.
- Comment on Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian 6 months ago:
But that’s what we did with “Gomorra” the TV series!! But it was people from the Camorra not the Mafia
- Comment on Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian 6 months ago:
Its a dialect. But i assure you if a Sardinian, a Pugliese, a Siciliano and a Valdostano all speaks their dialect only, there won’t be any communication going
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
Well, I take their cold brew every once in a while (where I live is basically the only place that does it) and it’s quite good. I take it with no sugar, only ice.
- Comment on Apple Foldable iPhone Launch Faces Delay Until 2026, Faces Design Roadblocks 7 months ago:
Yes, but you can rig the screen with a fingernail if you push hard enough. Tested it in store…
- Comment on Tesla loses EV market dominance, falls below 50% in US [unit sales in 2024Q2] 7 months ago:
Subjective i know: on the outside it’s just the model S that can compete to the same design level you get with that kind of money.
BMW at the same price range are better designed for example
Audi? Same
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
need them
LOL I do nerd em all as well
- Comment on Do you poweroff your server during night / unused times? 7 months ago:
It all depends if you actually nerd those services 24/7
I dont need DHCP or DNS from 1am to 6am for example
- Comment on Pre-IPO Reddit lets ads be dressed up as promoted user posts 11 months ago:
There are FF addons that can do that for you. Otherwise you have to manually change the www into old.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Exactly what I wrote. Include it in the menu price so that they can “afford” to pay their staff
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Tipping then should be a fix amount. Is not like if i pay 15$ for a pasta or 50$ for a stake there is a differenze in service.
Once it’s a fix amount, they could… Drumrolls… Include it in the menu prices!
Anyway i know is not your fault and it’s the american system that is cheating but you can vote with your wallet
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
You tip a fastfood?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
So let’s say you go buy a car, do you leave a coupple thousands more for good measure?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
In Austria often times they expect it because of “good behaviour”. Its not a fix percentage but more pocket chance. Still they are getting a full salary at the end of the month
- Comment on Deepfake scammer walks off with $25 million in first-of-its-kind AI heist 1 year ago:
I’d like to hear the whole story, like how hold was the scammed guy etc.
To me it smells like he was an accomplice, or a very old person who is full of his company shit.
- Comment on Help and questions on my current setup 1 year ago:
ng a DDNS client to register the public IP would be step one, then using haproxy for an inbound proxy rather than port forwarding the traffic. That way you could have ‘owncloud.your.domain’ and ‘otherservice.your.domain’ hosted on the same IP using 80/443 rather than having to forward random ports in.
I managed to have it run. Horrible the fact that you have to choose between Apple, Microsoft, Google for Tailscale login…
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
The main purpose in my opinion is that when the window is tilted open, it’s still almost as safe as when it’s closed, while still giving you a breeze inside the house. Keep in mind that this windows are sturdy and quite heavy with often triple glass so is not something you easily brake or force.
Newer model have crazy good insulation.
- Comment on Help and questions on my current setup 1 year ago:
Yesterday I tried installing it on my windows server and it does not run. Like, installation ok, no error, nothing in the sys tray and I can’t execute it either
- Comment on Help and questions on my current setup 1 year ago:
Any guide you suggest? I don’t speak very well “Linux” but I can follow procedures and build on that
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
You frenchies do some nasty shit sometimes. Very high cuisine but the day to day sometimes is weird (I have some colleagues that told me this)
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
Extra virgin olive oil. I’m Italian :D
I get 5L per year from my uncle who produce it in Tuscany
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
Remove butter, put EVO, remove parmisan, put Parmigiano Reggiano, you have a masterpiece
- Comment on Almost ready for Halloween 1 year ago:
Well, there’s ghost, witches, scarecrows, is not that really need to bring a pumping heart with bloods everywhere XD
But ok I get it :D
- Comment on Almost ready for Halloween 1 year ago:
Honest Question: isn’t Halloween a “spooky” thing? Why is it treated like a carnival?
In EU at least where I live we have carnival for dressing as you want but Halloween is just spooky masks or accessories (or even full costume but still scary themed)
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
By family pack I mean if you buy more for less price per kilogram (or ounces IDK what you use).
Usually when I buy chicken for example even if it’s just me, I buy 2kg (4.40 Ounces), I cut out what I need for the day and the rest get frozen. Same for some vegetables. Then for shelf stable stuff I always overbuy as well. For example I use a lot of oregano and I bought the dried plant 2 years ago and I’m almost finished with it (it costed 5€, the usual 10g spice cost like 1.50€ and it last me a couple of months)
- Comment on Gen Z is cooking more and shopping less as they struggle to achieve financial success 1 year ago:
Where do you leave? What if you buy family packs and mealprep and freeze?
- Comment on Some Walmart employees say customers are getting hostile at self-checkout — and they blame anti-theft tech 1 year ago:
Meh. I can literally leave my house and be back in 10 minutes counted if I miss a couple of ingredients. I got randomly checked like 15 times and they found one time that I beeped two times the same packet of soap instead of beeping one and one (different aroma, same price) and one time they found I was stealing like a 1€ packet of chips that I forgot to scan. They said no problem and didn’t complain at all and made me pay for the chips. For me it’s totally worth it and I don’t see many issues. I agree that the prices are higher and they have less fix costs which make me angry as well but yeah…
- Comment on Some Walmart employees say customers are getting hostile at self-checkout — and they blame anti-theft tech 1 year ago:
We have it as well. I call it the anti-boomer queue (so no queue)