- Comment on Hey we got your pics pay up! ASAP! 5 months ago:
next up: “Great thanks we’re gonna sell all your photos unless you pay for a subscription. Gotta keep in business somehow!”
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
Yeah, I grew up in Fahren-wasteland, but have lived in Celsi-heaven for 7 years. I embraced it, and now when someone says “40 FUCKING DEGREES!!” I know exactly what they’re talking about. It’s hot. You probably don’t have an air con. It’s misery.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
I was with you until the “construction site and under the bridge” bit. It definitely takes a bit of imagination, but I’m not sure not wanting your kids to play on a site which requires the use of hard hats classifies as being “anxious”
- Comment on Protesters Gather Outside OpenAI Headquarters after Policy Against Military Use is Quietly Removed 1 year ago:
Just commenting to also get a name in that history book.
“Oh yeah. We knew it was coming. We were just waiting to see which one would finally cause it.”
- Comment on Tough break, kid... 1 year ago:
it’s only real programming if you also use CSS