- Comment on Is the US finally getting ‘all aboard’ with electric trains? 6 months ago:
Maybe we should reanimate John MacDonald. Not to be a politician or give him any legitimate power (for obvious reasons), just give him a bat and make him a CN lobbyist.
Surely we’d get our rail soon.
- Comment on Choose your Fighter 8 months ago:
“Iguanadon” (my favourite) and “Coelophysis” are also mispelled
- Comment on Microsoft won't fix Windows 0x80070643 errors, manual fix required 9 months ago:
Simple. It’s theirs when it works and yours when it doesn’t.
- Comment on Roku says 576,000 user accounts hacked after second security incident | TechCrunch 10 months ago:
At this point, why even consider getting a Roku?
Note, I rarely, if ever, use a TV anymore, so smart TVs have never appealed to me. But Roku seems to be very anti consumer (between the forced arbitration and their ad policy), so I don’t understand why someone looking to get a smart TV would actually want a Roku over an alternative.
Maybe I’m just poorly informed, but it just seems like almost anything else should be a better option?
- Comment on CCP reveals first details of survival game set on a single shard in the EVE universe, but wait: here comes the blockchain 11 months ago:
But if I call them that, people will think I’m talking about the Conservative Party of Canada (who also go by CPC).
- Comment on is this copium or hopium or schizophrenia? 11 months ago:
Artificial General Intelligence
- Comment on Uber: EU rules will see us pull out of “hundreds” of European cities — Brussels’ proposal to classify gig workers as de facto employees could slam the breaks on operations across the bloc 1 year ago:
This might not be universal, but here it doesn’t even require it.
Back in 2017, Uber tried to expand to my home province and tried to get us to change our local regulations regarding rideshare (it boiled down to Uber being required to call its drivers employees and to function like the pre-existing taxi services).
Local government doesn’t budge, so Uber decides that it doesn’t want to come anymore. Within the year, a local alternative pops up that complies with the regulations Uber tried to fight, and they’re still profitable 6 years later.
It’s not that Uber isn’t capable of paying their employees living wages, it’s that they can earn more money if they don’t.