- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 1 day ago:
I have pretty extensive experience with someone who is high functioning bipolar. She’s an incredible person, someone I trust immensely and respect the hell out of. She takes the lowest dose possible of an anti-psychotic. She’s great 99% of the time. Every once in a while, for no explicable reason (this is according to her) she drops into a depression where she wants to take her own life. She truly can’t explain why, and once we’ve ridden through it, she’s back to being her wonderful self. I have seen this cycle play out MANY times and have needed to help stabilize her most of those times. She absolutely should not have a gun. Up until the point that she was properly diagnosed as being bipolar she was incorrectly diagnosed as having depression and medicated in accordance with that. She had two suicide attempts during that time. Again, she should ABSOLUTELY not have a gun.
Mental health issues come in many shapes and sizes, but the common thread is a lack of stability and predictable function. In no way is this a judgement of the person, I would choose my person a million times over, but you’re an absolute fool if you think that stability and predictability should not be requisites for gun ownership. All it takes is once.
- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 1 day ago:
I have pretty extensive experience with someone who is high functioning bipolar. She’s an incredible person, someone I trust immensely and respect the hell out of. She takes the lowest dose possible of an anti-psychotic. She’s great 99% of the time. Every once in a while, for no explicable reason (this is according to her) she drops into a depression where she wants to take her own life. She truly can’t explain why, and once we’ve ridden through it, she’s back to being her wonderful self. I have seen this cycle play out MANY times and have needed to help stabilize her most of those times. She absolutely should not have a gun. Up until the point that she was properly diagnosed as being bipolar she was incorrectly diagnosed as having depression and medicated in accordance with that. She had two suicide attempts during that time. Again, she should ABSOLUTELY not have a gun.
Pardon me for saying this, but YOU don’t know what the fuck YOU’RE talking about. Mental health issues come in many shapes and sizes, but the common thread is a lack of stability and predictable function. In no way is this a judgement of the person, I would choose my person a million times over, but you’re an absolute fool if you think that stability and predictability should not be requisites for gun ownership. All it takes is once.
- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 1 week ago:
Wait, are you suggesting that taking antidepressants, antipsychotics, or having anxiety aren’t forms of mental instability? That’s quite literally the definition. Seems super reasonable that we wouldn’t want someone in that position to own a firearm.
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
You might be right, but if the requirement for shelter is to not use drugs, why is it the shelter’s responsibility to alter their requirements rather than the person who’s seeking shelter’s responsibility to abide by the requirements? They aren’t owed anything, they’re being offered shelter at someone else’s cost. If I’m hungry and a restaurant offers to give me free food, I can’t then get angry that they have a “no shirt no service policy” and require me to wear a shirt to receive my free food.
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
It’s easy to advocate for things that you bear no responsibility for. It’s no different than politicians war mongering and advocating for wars that they will send other people’s children to fight and die in.
I don’t want anyone to die on the streets, but I also recognize that at a certain point giving help is enabling, and individuals are responsible for their own well-being and decisions. The help should absolutely be offered, but society should not be required to suffer those who refuse to take it/change their lifestyle.
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
So do you let homeless people sleep in your house with you? I’m sure you have plenty of extra space…
- Comment on NYC Pays Over $300 a Night for Budget Hotel Rooms for Migrants 1 year ago:
So wait, is it from destabilization or climate change? I feel like you’re just throwing out buzz words.
Is it possible that it has anything to do with robust welfare programs, ever increasing concessions to grant non-citizens the rights of citizens, and essentially open borders?