- Comment on Why is the term "bloodline" often used instead of "family tree"? 4 months ago:
We can start using BloodTree universally in place of either…
- Comment on Nintendo's new music app is a clone of YouTube Music. 4 months ago:
What a terrible app to clone…
- Comment on Exploding pagers and walkie-talkies are a reminder of how easily your devices can be hacked – here’s how to make sure they are safe. 5 months ago:
- Comment on How come LED Light Bulbs only last for about 2-3 Years? 5 months ago:
This guy watched The Lightbulb Conspiracy… Am I right…?
- Comment on Is there is any modern Reddit alternative on the fediverse? 6 months ago:
Does anyone have any good alternatives to my hometown, due to all the problems my hometown has? I dont want to get involved and help with my hometown, just stand in the town square and ask where a better town is. Oh, and don’t suggest the neighboring towns either.
- Comment on Is 0.3 quarts extra too mich oil in a car? 8 months ago:
*Old man knowledge here, not a professional mechanic. *
It’s fine.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Ahhh. That is good to know. Well, my most down-voted post will at least have taught me something. Thank you for taking the time to respond.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Huh, when i started in on Lemmy it seemed that emptying overgrown caches was the first step in troubleshooting app woes. Have they gotten to a place where this isn’t the case? Was i misinformed? Thunder seems to be more snappy now that i cleared it.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
You’re one of the smart ones then. This message is for the rest of us
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Fair enough. It was meant to be more, "hey everyone, I’m an idiot and thought my app was misbehaving then remembered that i merged to clear the cache. After deleting 3 and a half gigs it’s working very well again. The bit about regularly scheduled programming was probably more projection than anything else. :) Sorry if i came off sounding like a prick, of you heard me say it out loud, it would have been dripping with self depreciation.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
… Is technology the wrong channel for cache-clear messages, are we not reminding to clear cache anymore, or is my tone being misinterpreted…? Truely interested
- Comment on Smartphone Keyboard Information Bonanza: What's available and what's best for your needs 1 year ago:
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 22 comments
- Comment on Helldivers 2 will "never" get PvP because Arrowhead don't want a toxic community 1 year ago:
When you die, if you have to wait for for resupply, you get to play as bug until you get back in the game… i like this idea. That way it gives you a chance to geek your buddy that just casually shot you while trying to drop a bbeg
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
There are bootstraps you haven’t appropriately pulled up if you live at home.
The more legitimate reason is that there’s a school of thought that you can’t become a fully-fledged, independent adult without putting some distance between youself and the folks that raised you. There’s a difference between someone who never left home and is content to just stay in the status quo, vs an adult who maybe went to off to college or was away from home for some period of time while working that has had to come back due to challenging circumstances and doesn’t plan to stay longer than they need to. Obviously, the stereotype is of the former and not the latter.
- Comment on How do you tell the difference between dream and reality? 1 year ago:
Meh, don’t worry about it… whatever environment you find yourself in, navigate it the best you can. Reality might be real to someone experiencing it, but it’s irrelevant to someone who isn’t.
- Comment on YouTube Premium announces 100 million subscribers 1 year ago:
I agree with this sentiment completely. Not sure if they still do it or not, but YTM started out letting you upload your own music and then being able to access it across any device through the app. YTM doesn’t have the best catalog now, let alone when they started so i think the upload feature was a way of acknowledging that. I uploaded both local bands that are defunct and literally nowhere online and artists that didn’t embrace the internet age and restricted their catalogs. I can still listen to the music i uploaded back then through the app or a browser. That feature set it apart from the other options available at the time. I guess I’m trying to say that i also want to own my own music, but i dont hate the convenience of some of it floating in the cloud waiting for me to pull it down. Speaking of… ownCloud is dope and what i’m transitioning to for my media. When in doubt, roll your own solution.
- Comment on YouTube Premium announces 100 million subscribers 1 year ago:
It would be a hard-sell these days to charge someone to gamble on whether or not their content is going to get any views. My guess is that the conent economy et al is like an iceburg, it takes a lot to float it but only a little bit is worth seeing the light of day. Ie, you have to host a ton of garbage to be able to sift out the gems.
- Comment on Whats the best way to remove mold stains from clothes? 1 year ago:
Crossing my fingers for you. Hope you get it it cleaned.
- Comment on Whats the best way to remove mold stains from clothes? 1 year ago:
I don’t have an answer for you, but my dry cleaner used to hollar at me when I wouldn’t talk to them before trying to remedy a stain multiple ways myself. She would tell me the more things i tried the less likely it was she could help because i’d helped set the stain by trying unsuccessful methods to clean the garment. Take it to your cleaners. Worst case, you decide not have them do anything. Best case, they’re able to get it done.
- Comment on Why are there so many cracked software spam posts in the last few days? 1 year ago:
Absolutely not. :) Liberally borrowed from the abundance of the internet.
- Comment on Why are there so many cracked software spam posts in the last few days? 1 year ago:
Can mods at /c/technology do anything? Thats where I’m seeing them the most
- Comment on Could Superman cook a batch of chilli so spicy that he couldn't eat it? 1 year ago:
This is the correct answer
- Comment on Could Superman cook a batch of chilli so spicy that he couldn't eat it? 1 year ago:
I’m not an expert on Superman’s super mouth and GI tract, but I have some thoughts. First, whatever amount of spice that would approach Superman’s limit would be intense enough that mere humans couldn’t be anywhere near the chili cooking. The amount of capsaicin in the environment surrounding the chili pot would be toxic and possibly fatal. If he was making the chili at the Justice League headquarters the following would happen when Superman offered the chili to the others: Flash would phase around the capsaicin molocules and say that it was really great in a very non convincing way. Wonder Woman would take a bite and with flushed cheeks mention that the Amazonian women made a chowder that was a little hotter. Martian Manhunter would take a whiff of the Chili and decide that the sensation was too close to burning for his liking. Plastic-Man would be so annoying with his antics following a taste that Superman wouldn’t offer him any even though Plastic Man would be fine eating it. DCEU Aquaman would take a bite, and though it would burn and cause him hours of misery, he wouldn’t show it and proceed to drink 2 cases of beer. Batman would enter the kitchen in his Bat-Hazmat Suit and direct Clark’s attention to the posted rules for appropriate workplace food and mention that he expected everything to be cleaned up before the end of the workday. He’d then extract a sample of the chili for analysis and formulate countermeasures in case it was ever weaponized. Green Lantern would will himself to eat a bite, but surreptitiously surround the bite with a force bubble so his body didn’t have to actually ingest it.
- Comment on Do you think that the PG aspects might be because of microsoft? 1 year ago:
Just like movie makers trying to hit the perfect pg-13 rating instead of R. Pg-13 has a much broader base of people to make money from.
- Comment on Do you think that the PG aspects might be because of microsoft? 1 year ago:
They might have thought that the naughtier content would just be added by modders, but then forgot they needed to make modding a priority in the alpha they released as a finished game.
- Comment on How many of you have beaten the main story now? 1 year ago:
I haven’t. I’m at 300 hours or so and actively avoiding completing the main story like I always do with Bethesda games. I’m aware of NG+, but don’t know exactly what it is. I’m content to base build and dick around for now. There are a couple quest lines that are bugged so I’m waiting on patches to continue them. I have a couple of outposts that have the game crashing bug when you try to open your scanner, so I’m waiting on a patch to continue those. I’m at a point where the QOL issues and the mounting number of bugs directly affecting my play are going to see me putting SF on the back burner for a few months until some real patches are released to address all this stuff. Still dig the game and look forward to completing it when its improved and they support the work of modders better. …in answer to what you were asking… Tldr: I haven’t completed the main quest. I personally don’t care about spoilers.
- Comment on I was yesterday years old when I learned how to use the ship thrusters 1 year ago:
TIL… You’re the best. Thank you
- Comment on I was yesterday years old when I learned how to use the ship thrusters 1 year ago:
- Comment on Microsoft seeks EU Digital Market Acts exemption for underdog apps like Edge | Vivaldi boss calls for browser choice and warns that Redmond might be deflating usage figures 1 year ago:
Just popped in her to rep Vivaldi. It’s my daily driver. (I also use Firefox, Opera, etc)