- Comment on Leeches! 3 months ago:
When I found out that leech saliva was antimicrobial I decided leeches are good and that disliking them is lookism
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 months ago:
Even without a centralized brain, jellyfish can both learn from past events and change their behavior to preempt expected events.
No need to look for aliens in space when we’ve got plenty of them to make contact with underwater
- Comment on She-Ra Lives! 4 months ago:
anyone who tries to claim there was any absolute standard of behavior for pre-industrial tribes like that is just doing fantasy worldbuilding
Every social organization you can think of was probably the way of life for someone out there, from patriarchy to matriarchy, communal to hierarchical
- Comment on I don't trust like that. 4 months ago:
I get apprehensive around wasps too but it’s very funny to me how much hatred and distrust these animals are met with because they are able to force you to treat them with a little respect
- Comment on For the Lizadies out there! 5 months ago:
I talked with a resaearcher who bluntly called whiptails “a bunch of lesbos” and he wasn’t even being funny, they still sorta kinda have sex to stimulate egg production.
That study has a great diagram: Image
Observe the science man presiding over the lizards and their inscrutable hormones
- Comment on Star Wars Outlaws Is A Crappy Masterpiece 5 months ago:
It’s a good article that showcases the way AAA games are basically hollow. They wear a lot of art, incredibly elaborate, expensive, art, but none of it comes together to make the experience it promises. Everything is built in separate pieces and stuck together later, and its boring gameplay that shows no interest in being art of its own is the glue. I remember Yahtzee did a video about the first Destiny that made this same point, about how the environmental art in a few areas was fascinating and clearly full of effort, but the gameplay was a slog that lacked the same ambition.
- Comment on try fingers but hole 8 months ago:
- Comment on "Theory" of Evolution (SMBC) 8 months ago:
Yeah the real issue in a way is that there’s just so much evidence of evolution happening that it’s hard to find a single shared pattern to study
- Comment on fight the power 10 months ago:
Aussie magpies are ridiculously smart, love them as an example of convergent evolution since they are not corvids but rather songbirds that have evolved to be more crow-like to fill a similar niche as corvids
- Comment on trains 10 months ago:
Studio Ghibli vibes
- Comment on isopods are friends 10 months ago:
love me some land crustaceans
- Comment on challenged :( 11 months ago:
Thankfully I crawled through with a passing grade, it’s all behind me
But the benzene rings, they still haunt my nightmares
- Comment on challenged :( 11 months ago:
So ashamed of how shit I was at organic chemistry
My brain just could not complete those fucking benzene rings why am I so INCOMPETENT WHY
- Comment on David Attenborough to present third and final series of Planet Earth 1 year ago:
Okay people of this thread you gotta just accept the fact that activism is always gonna be at the end. Like I don’t intend for this to insult anyone’s intelligence, I promise, but you gotta understand that it’s matter of love. Spend enough time in a headspace in which funky lizards and ugly insects and smelly lil rats are your companions both physically and mentally and these things matter to you in ways that approach your love for people, it’s just the truth of it. I’m surprised Attenborough docs aren’t all activism and calls to action at this point, it’s so frightening and overwhelming that I myself have drifted away from field research because in my cowardice I just couldn’t bear to get more attached.
But yeah sadly he’s too old (British) to be able to summon anything like a cohesive call to action, which sucks ass