- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 3 weeks ago:
i really miss pop-up cameras on phones.
good peace of mind knowing the fucker is tucked away inside.
- Comment on Doom on a CAPTCHA is the most frustrating though admittedly raddest way to prove your humanity to an algorithm 2 months ago:
yeah, it was Alt. i don’t know what’s wrong with these other people.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 3 months ago:
- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
unfortunately, opening the door changes the temperature, so in practice instruments are calibrated from copies of the room built at other metrology institutions around the world.
- Comment on Rap Video rule 4 months ago:
the twat in the hat.
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 5 months ago:
you mean a computing pool, like SETI@home since the late 90s?
absolutely no need to make this idea stink of a crypto scam.
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
is that to avoid using liquid vinegar?
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
to be fair, the Raspberry Pi has never been pitched as an idiot-proof consumer appliance.
it is supposed to be a cheap way for people to get into studying programming /computing / electronics.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
the benefits of Bazzite are centred around it having good performance with nVidia / AMD / Intel GPUs.
RasPi doesnt work with those GPUs, so it makes sense Bazzite wouldn’t support it.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
adding to abnorc’s excellent answer - circuit diagrams are all drawn as if charge carriers are positive (this is called “conventional current”), but because electrons are negative, this can get very confusing when you’re dealing with components where the flow of charge is one-way only (diodes, transistors, batteries, photometers…)
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
that’s not arbitrary - the hour hand of a clock mimics the shadow of a sundial.
it makes sense, in the northern hemisphere, where 90% of people live.
- Comment on There exists a position inside the earth where it is possible to cook a perfect pizza just by leaving it there 5 months ago:
been there once - saw a delivery of some big canisters of gas 🤔
- Comment on Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers 5 months ago:
does it still stand? are Hamas using the same supply chain of altered pagers?
signs point to no.
- Comment on This is a painting of Commander Riker fighting Godzilla. 6 months ago:
there is a beard, Godzilla is doomed.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
do you mean Satellite Reign? is it “recent”?
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
there are several orders of magnitude difference between text-forums with almost all multimedia content hosted externally, and hosting/streaming video.
a big Lemmy instance is a manageable cost for a few well-paid people to run out of their own disposable income.
anything even vaguely approaching YouTube is not.
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
by analogy with goose,
- Comment on YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers 6 months ago:
i read it as - the Premium money is mostly going to YouTube HQ, instead of to video makers.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
Security cameras feed goes through an AI model to classify customers into wealth bands based on appearance, and continually updates the e-ink price labels nearest each customer accordingly.
- Comment on To distinguish between the word woman and women, we change the A to an E, but only change the pronunciation on the O. 6 months ago:
it’s normal for unstressed short vowels in English to all come out as a “schwa”, which the most common phoneme of the language.
- Comment on Inconceivable Horror 6 months ago:
Coach Z voice
that happened to me once!
- Comment on Why do I get the feeling Tom Paris' unspecified crime might have been storming the Federation capital? 1 year ago:
Ask the writers. (I guess they didn’t want actual blood on Paris’ hands, or decided it didn’t make sense for him to be back in the fleet, which is what Lower Decks have done with Locarno)
- Comment on Why do I get the feeling Tom Paris' unspecified crime might have been storming the Federation capital? 1 year ago:
A myth. The episode with Locarno was by staff writers, wouldn’t have needed any extra fee to re-use the same character.
I think Ron Moore, one of the staff writer’s for that season of TNG, mentioned this in a recent interview.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
A lot of words to to express “I’m an American who doesn’t even have a passport.”
Can’t even imagine a walkable city, and talking about it like it’s a far-off sci-fi concept, rather than a lot of peoples’ actual everyday life. Yikes.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago:
(am the same person you replied to)
i actually don’t disagree much with your points. i still watch most of the videos posted on both platforms on youtube, not Nebula, tbh.
for me it’s mostly because Nebula haven’t made an official Kodi addon yet, and the unofficial one (by slyguy) often has buffering issues (which i don’t blame on slyguy).
i sometimes “fake watch” good videos again on the nebula website to help that creator boost their revenue share of my subscription. a very clumsy hack.
all that said - i am very glad that the videomakers i follow seem happy with Nebula, and since they say it’s helping them make better videos, i will continue to subscribe.
i don’t know about the ‘invite only’ thing. i have recommended in yt comments to a couple of people i often watch (Joe Blogs is one, i think also Our Own Devices, DiodeGoneWild, perhaps also Denys Davydof and/or Jake Broe) that they should ask about joining, but i assume my messages weren’t seen, in the depths of yt comments. as for if it’s easy for new creators to join, again don’t know for sure but there seem to be some regular Neb uploaders without much/any yt presence.
- Comment on Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish 1 year ago: has lots of excellent videos, a healthy community of creators, a sustainable business model, a lot of good communication between subscribers and management, and I believe is not in financial trouble so far. It’s not free, but it’s affordable.
- Comment on Oberth Slander #2 1 year ago:
It could make sense if… the engineering deck is in the upper hull, and the lower hull is actually just a cargo hold with the life support usually left off? Maybe in order have no other active power systems nearby which could interfere with that sensor array?
- Comment on The lengths we have to go to 1 year ago:
“indentation is indentation!” (mr_incredible_cereal.jpg)
it may look messy, but would you actually rather Python didn’t support some inconsistency when the intent is clear?
being exact just for the sake of being pedantic isn’t useful.
- Comment on The lengths we have to go to 1 year ago:
“the punchline is clearly trivial, the set-up is left as an exercise for the reader”