- Comment on That damnable radical left! 1 day ago:
Nope, I support capital punishment specifically for politicians. If you don’t want to have the potential of being sentenced to death don’t become a politician and do corrupt shit
Crimes against humanity is a once off global trial, and economic restructuring would hopefully prevent this from happening again.
The state should be in charge of infrastructure (phone, electricity, roads, water etc) but not personal business, it should however have the power to intervene and break up monopolies (See RCA in America) these services should be free for all by using the public fund taken from the ultrarich
Economic restructuring would have to make people redundant since by default a lot of jobs are actually pointless, so a service that acts in the interest of everyone is a good foundation to make sure these people are cared for.
And not a problem, it’s all good for us to disagree but you’ve missed the forest for the trees here my friend.
- Comment on That damnable radical left! 1 day ago:
The people who conspired to suppress the known damages of fossil fuels and actively suppressed any forms of new material/energy development so that they could line their pockets should be tried for crimes against humanity and possibly executed
Nearly all governmental types (westminister system for example) are from a bygone era and antiquated, massive reforms need to happen to bring these systems in line with todays increase in population and technology advancement
Civil asset forfeiture should be applied to all those who have wealth well beyond the common person, this money should be put into a national trust and used for socialist improvements for the general populace
Publicly listed companies/shareholder systems need to be discarded entirely as they prioritise wealth generation over everything else
Infrastructure needs be nationalised in a transparent for the people way
Corruption on the political level should be penalized with execution
Land shouldn’t be commodified to prevent our current day neofeudalism
A conscription like service for battling climate change should be enacted, nearly all “bullshit jobs” should effectively be made redundant by economic restructuring and these people are recruited to work on the problem that affects literally all of us
We should have post-scarcity/UBI as a goal to work towards
Aand that’s why I’m just some guy not a politician :)
- Comment on That damnable radical left! 1 day ago:
Yeah I’m radicalized and I don’t follow this.
I treat people how they like to be treated.
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 3 days ago:
Do you mean woo-woo shit or conspiracy shit? Or both?
- Comment on Can't have those children we force you to have be able to eat now can we? 5 days ago:
Over approximately 15 million people die every year from preventable causes (famine, resource restrictions etc) even though we produce enough resources to cover all these people several times over.
If we take the grand total of deaths from communist societies/involvement since WW1 we reach a figure of 100 million (pretty fucked up I’m not supporting communist regimes here)
That means our capitalist society reaches this 100 million death figure approximately every 6 years. It’s probably the most effective killing machine on the planet, and it only cost us putting the entire planet in a mass extinction event.
It frustrates me that possibly one of the best paths forward for humanity is to dismantle our current power/class systems and move our society to a post-scarcity system (not capitalism or communism whose foundations are based on distributing limited resources)
- Comment on Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says | Reddit executives also discussed how they might introduce more ads into the social media platform 2 weeks ago:
Welcome, I joined here after the API protests. It’s a smaller community so content is slow to move but it’s nice to have forums where you’re having constructive conversations with people, not a huge amount of bots or repeated to death catch phrases
Enjoy this little bastion before it attracts mainstream attention. :)
- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 1 month ago:
We’re already in a prison
- Comment on Google looks to be fully shutting down unsupported extensions and ad blockers in Chrome, such as uBlock Origin – which might push some folks to switch to Firefox 4 months ago:
I use firefox but I have to change my useragent string to chrome with an extension to get YouTube working.
Might be worth having a look to see if it fixes your issues
- Comment on Old School Runescape is raising membership prices 5 months ago:
- Comment on Yes 1 year ago:
I pity the hacker who ends up in your system