- Comment on Day -1 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
Ys 5? No such thing! Hoax!
- Comment on Day -1 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
Hmmm. Maybe I’ll give it another go. I only got about two or three hours in before I moved onto other items in the backlog.
- Comment on What is your favorite Assassin's Creed game? 5 months ago:
Origins. Bayek is easily the most relatable and grounded character, and the story does a great job of setting up the origins of the Assassins. My only gripe is that Aya really needed more development and a game of her own.
- Comment on Day -1 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
Its odd, because I played the crap out of VIII, but hardly got into Monstrum Nox and am not even sure if I’m getting Nordics when it comes out on Switch. I probably will, but I feel like the series peaked with Dana.
- Comment on Day -1 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots 5 months ago:
I really like the Switch version, but I really got into the series playing this and Memories of Celceta. I kinda wish I still had the Vita, as I’m pretty sure it’s the only system with every game from 1-8 on it.
- Comment on I LOVE BIRD NAMES 5 months ago:
Heard that in Buzzcut’s voice. Peak memory!
- Comment on Castlevania Dominus Collection – Launch Trailer 5 months ago:
Mostly for the convenience of having all of the games on one platform?
- Comment on Why won't companies release old games or at least make very old ones free? 6 months ago:
Sometimes, it’s because they’ve lost the source code. Perfect example is Panzer Dragoon Saga. SEGA would love to remaster it, but the original source is gone, and it’s apparently too financially risky to invest in rewriting from scratch.
- Comment on The stats don't lie 8 months ago:
Think you better quit letting shit slip…
- Comment on The stats don't lie 8 months ago:
The solution: no human contact.
- Comment on Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge 8 months ago:
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 9 months ago:
Sorry about that transporter malfunction.
- Comment on Mandelbrot 10 months ago:
Pathological monsters!
- Comment on ⭐ rockstar developers ⭐ 10 months ago:
You’ve clearly never had the transcendent experience of shitting in the woods. Or behind a dumpster at the Circle K.
- Comment on The Story of The Oregon Trail - Learn the story behind one of the most successful edutainment games of all time, and why the original creators never made a penny. 10 months ago:
I feel like that’s the exact vibe they go for with these. It feels so authentic, too. VGH clearly has a love of both video game history, and that particular era of documentary programming.
- Comment on The Story of The Oregon Trail - Learn the story behind one of the most successful edutainment games of all time, and why the original creators never made a penny. 10 months ago:
Excellent video! If you have the time to watch all of it, do so. The early days of computing were wild!
- Comment on Feels like Apple is more about fashion then tech IMO 10 months ago:
Ooooooh yeeeeeah, brother! Can yooooou dig it?
- Comment on Disney+ has started cracking down on password sharing in the US 1 year ago:
So my child, who is not old enough for their own account, will now no longer be able to watch Disney+ while attending school at their residential academy 400 miles away. Just like Netflix. And just like Netflix, my subscription will be canceled the moment they try to block them from logging in.
- Comment on Disney+ has started cracking down on password sharing in the US 1 year ago:
So my child, who is not old enough for their own account, will now no longer be able to watch Disney+ while attending school at their residential academy 400 miles away. Just like Netflix. And just like Netflix, my subscription will be canceled the moment they try to block them from logging in.
- Comment on Why does it seem that people dislike recordings of their voice more than photos of themselves? 1 year ago:
We hear ourselves all the time, but we don’t sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don’t have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It’s that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn’t the voice we identify with internally.
- Comment on Why does it seem that people dislike recordings of their voice more than photos of themselves? 1 year ago:
I think you have this flipped, though. It’s more like we hear ourselves all the time, but we don’t sound at all to ourselves the way we actually sound. We don’t have a sort of internal picture of ourselves to create dissonance with our reflection or photographs in the same way we do with our voices. It’s that dissonance that makes us distrust or dislike hearing ourselves as we actually sound because that isn’t the voice we identify with internally.
- Comment on Duderon 1 year ago:
Nods approvingly
- Comment on How to make two groups of fanboys twitch simultaneously. 1 year ago:
That’s not the sick burn it once was, now that Hasbro owns them both.
- Comment on They say in an infinite multiverse versions of you exist. Yet there's an infinity of fractional numbers between 1 and 2 with no whole number 3 between, so infinity can exist without every possibility. 1 year ago:
The ultimate conceit is that infinities are a wonderfully engaging concept, but truly comprehending them as a tangible thing is inherently futile. We want to make these comparisons. They do, in some ways, hold some kind of meaningful as a concept, because we like one thing to be bigger or better than the other. But, at the scale of infinity, these comparisons are arbitrary and largely meaningless in any practical way.
- Comment on They say in an infinite multiverse versions of you exist. Yet there's an infinity of fractional numbers between 1 and 2 with no whole number 3 between, so infinity can exist without every possibility. 1 year ago:
The mind-bending thing about it is thus: there are an infinite multitude of “you” throughout the multiverse expressing every “you” that could, or even could not, be. However, there are infinitely more realities with no “you” at all. The set of infinities containing an expression of “you” is necessarily smaller than the set of infinities that do not contain an expression of “you” simply owing to the very narrow nature of eventualities required to express “you” into existence. In point of fact, that set if infinitesimal labeled “you” is infinitesimal in comparison to the set labeled “not you”, and yet still uncountable in its infinity.
- Comment on Dave The Diver Surpasses 3 Million Sales 1 year ago:
I’m thoroughly enjoying it.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
I’m aware. I’ve been through half a dozen of them and don’t want to buy another. An aux cord costs $5 and last practically forever unless you abuse them. My car has built-in Bluetooth, but it has a weird delay and randomly disconnects, mutes, or starts changing what I’m playing on my phone like a remote is pressing buttons.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
I bought a USB-to-aux adapter because my current phone does not have a headphone jack and my vehicle doesn’t have Bluetooth. I use it literally every day, sometimes for hours. It’s utter nonsense that they are getting rid of them.
- Comment on how is pragent formed? 1 year ago:
Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?
- Comment on how is pragent formed? 1 year ago: