- Comment on What would it take for you to move away from Github? 1 year ago:
The only reason I would switch is if the projects I contribute too would switch. I personally don’t care.
- Comment on Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023? 1 year ago:
I mean, I get what you’re saying but with rust all that js code is auto generated and you can make a full app without writing a single line of js yourself.
- Comment on Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023? 1 year ago:
How is it extra effort? It’s just a comment instead of inline types. It’s not like going from no types to types everywhere.
- Comment on Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023? 1 year ago:
That’s litterally less step. It’s just a comment above a function. How is that more steps?
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind build step but this is objectively less steps.
- Comment on Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023? 1 year ago:
If you want type safety and no build step you do like svelte did and use jsdoc instead. You can run the typescript type checker on those annotations so if you care about not having a build step you can still have type safety.
- Comment on Are we ready for javascript without a build step on the front end in 2023? 1 year ago:
That’s actually a myth and real world performance isn’t affected by this. See this video from leptos creator which is one of the more popular wasm ui framework
The biggest issue is actually the size of the payload since you need to ship the entire app and language runtime.
- Comment on Which side are you? Javascript or Typescript 1 year ago:
The main issue is that frontend is complicated and it can do a lot of very different things. Frameworks exist to solve some issues that may or may not exist in your project.
- Comment on The birth of JS 1 year ago:
Also, a huge proportion of the list is just not understanding IEEE floats behaviour and blaming the language for it. Exactly like this post is doing. All those weird number things js does is because it only uses floats for everything and every language that uses floats will behave the exact same way.
- Comment on Starfield players pirate the DLSS mod after the developer locks it behind paywall 1 year ago:
Why would reshade be relevant? I don’t get why without reshade is even worth mentioning?
- Comment on Tabs are objectively better than spaces - 1 year ago:
Why would you ever need 9 other than trolling people on the internet?