- Comment on Vance warns against 'tightening the screws' on AI in rebuff of Europe 3 weeks ago:
Lol yeah I agree. It felt like just a literal read of the translation. Fun to poke at, but subtext is not its forte… So definitely more along the lines of “every accusation is a confession.”
- Comment on Vance warns against 'tightening the screws' on AI in rebuff of Europe 3 weeks ago:
I was interested in the German phrase, so I used an LLM to translate the meaning and see what we get. I landed on the following example scenario to convey what I think you mean when you use it in response to the article.
“”" German citizen: “I always vote for the party that promises to reduce taxes and increase funding for infrastructure. Was ich denk und tu, trau ich andern zu - I assume most people share my political views and priorities.” This reflects an assumption that their personal political leanings are widely held, without acknowledging diverse ideological perspectives. “”"
Is this on base with what you meant? Or is it more like the Every Accusation/Confession thing?
- Comment on idijt 4 weeks ago:
Rhianna and Einstein both know something about black bodies.
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
Actually, adenosine is adenine with a ribose attached by a glycosidic bond, which is the D/R in DNA/RNA.
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
You’ve got it! It’s adding a third phosphate group to adenosine to store energy. Interestingly, it’s the same adenosine as the ‘A’ base in DNA & RNA.
- Comment on Vital Statistics 4 months ago:
2m =/= 6’8"
- Comment on Where's the essay??? 6 months ago:
Infiltration. Not sure which direction though. 🤨
- Comment on US medics who volunteered in Gaza demand arms embargo over ‘unbearable cruelty’ inflicted by Israel 7 months ago:
I’m at a loss for words how this ruthless, mass killing of civilians can keep happening, despite the mountains of evidence that it is. This genocide Israel is perpetrating with western weapons is truely sickening. And normal people are cheering this on…
- Comment on Voyager 1 contact restored 10 months ago:
Great news, terrible article!
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
You must be this tall to ride.
- Comment on haha *internal screaming* 10 months ago:
Making a deal with the devil to rule a world, or just to get a tenure track position.
- Comment on ach, aye 10 months ago:
There really is No True Scotsman. Well done.
- Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 is out now - player count on Steam explodes 11 months ago:
Procrastination-productivity is a beast.
- Comment on Vegan products not always safe for people with dairy allergy, watchdog says 11 months ago:
As someone who prays to see a ‘may contain’ statement alongside a ‘contains’ statement on the potentially risky food I’d like to eat: I vehemently disagree. “May contain” seems to always mean “contains some”. Without it, I’d have no way to know if there’s a real risk of cross contamination.
- Comment on Belgium has suspended two export licences for the export of gunpowder to Israel over rulings of the International Court of Justice 1 year ago:
Belgium learning from is historical mistakes. Good on 'em.
- Comment on U.S., Missouri Republican senators vote against allowing abortions in rape, incest cases, arguing that "giving birth in the cases of rape and incest could help the mother recover" 1 year ago:
“Small Government” Republicans
- Comment on Adobe Photoshop's AI tools put women politicians in bikini bottoms and their male colleagues in suits 1 year ago:
This actually doesn’t work to improve the model, generally. It’s not new information for it.
- Comment on Password security is important 1 year ago:
What do you call a masturbating cow?
- Comment on ‘Nudify’ Apps That Use AI to ‘Undress’ Women in Photos Are Soaring in Popularity 1 year ago:
Missing a ‘w’ or a comma.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
I mean, the graph doesn’t fo a good job of showing it, but it looks like there are around 50% more users now compared to June.
- Comment on What did you have for breakfast this morning? 1 year ago:
Why do the Picardos have the EMH as a mascot? They’re not even in the same quadrant!