- Comment on If God's in charge, He's in the process of shutting down the operation 3 weeks ago:
Okay, ill play along :) All of the new water would be fresh water, so that would make around the same ammount of fresh water and salt water. They still wouldnt mix because of a differences in density.
- Comment on If God's in charge, He's in the process of shutting down the operation 3 weeks ago:
Big regions of saltwater and freshwater could stay separate, ane on many places on earth they do. No need to go that far to debunk that fable.
- Comment on You know what, fuck you [un-Jags uar icon] 3 months ago:
You were supposed to remove the text…
- Comment on "What Is Your Dream for Mozilla" - Mozilla is doing a survey, questions include "What is most important to you right now about technology and the internet?" 3 months ago:
It’s because it is a positive thing. Just because awful businesses hijacked and abused it doesn’t mean it’s all bad. Mozilla is approaching it in a positive way imo.
- Comment on More trustworthy than what's currently on the road 5 months ago:
I thought it looks similar, but yeah, it’s not direct copy. Still, I really like the look of new beetle.
- Comment on More trustworthy than what's currently on the road 5 months ago:
There od a modern beetle.
- Comment on Windows 3.1 saves the day during CrowdStrike outage — Southwest Airlines scrapes by with archaic OS 7 months ago:
I thought everyone already switched to 3.11
- Comment on Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer 7 months ago:
Yeah, 4k phone and 4k plasma tv don’t consume same ammount of energy.
- Comment on Tea Time 8 months ago:
I boil my coffee, and a lot of people do. Espresso and derivatives are rather new way of making coffee, the old way is by boiling a coffee.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
You can interpret it that way now but that’s not the original meanig.
I understand and respect where you are coming from but i prefer not to rewrite history while arguing about ideas.
- Comment on Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight 1 year ago:
They accidentally make rules that work for little guys also.
- Comment on Dungeons & Dragons co-op multiplayer game on the way from Payday devs 1 year ago:
2 is still the best in franchise by far. 3 was clusterfuck.
- Comment on The word movie is probably only about 100 years old, yet incredibly ingrained into our culture. 1 year ago:
Or in alternate reallity: “You think that’s bad, Lumiere wanted to call the new invention “Cinema” before his father in law reasoned with him to call it “Domitor”.”
- Comment on Top Apple analyst says MacBook demand has fallen 'significantly' 1 year ago:
Because sometimes prople don’t want to play into biggest corp’s in the world marketing scheme. It is a personal computer.