- Comment on A new generation of cheaper batteries is sweeping the EV industry 2 months ago:
No the customers(ie the manufacturers) will get the savings. Consumers get to pay the same amount while being harvested as much data as possible
- Comment on A new generation of cheaper batteries is sweeping the EV industry 2 months ago:
You do realize a decade is a very short time for something at a scale this large with complex interactions that needs to be reliable, efficient and reproducible at scale.
- Comment on Microsoft Teams is dog shit 2 months ago:
Windows 11 “out of box experience” has been made specifically to further control and limit options in favor of value added options. Such as making online services more integrated into an ever bloated OS. The only option I know about setting up the first account as local was to disable the internet connectivity check they are enforcing now using a command prompt that required going well out of my way to get and even I saw how much they pressure you into going along with their demands/instructions instead of allowing freedom/open use of anything you wish to use.
- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 2 months ago:
For durability and smallest features, a metal unibody types that don’t have seams are great.
For performance, I opt to have an nvme SATA enclosure that is USB 3.1 capable. Copying 15 GB in a minute is so satisfying.
For price, nothing beats free. Just don’t expect much more than what you get.
- Comment on My little buddy (pack of 12) 2 months ago:
Buy more than you need and redistribute them to those in need of non dozen-ist values, be the change the world needs
- Comment on Screenshots of what I'm playing, day 1: progressing through Sonic 2 2 months ago:
I can still hear this level in my head
- Comment on smart engineering 3 months ago:
Unfortunately, that would not match up with the other three panels. The smart engineer should be able to figure out how to satisfy the customer. It is up mostly to public interpretation, as most art is. That is how I see it but I won’t deny someone who labels themselves as an engineer could be a con artist in disguise.
One way I see this is how we interpret the glass half full or glass half empty. There are some ways to see it and modify it a little and meaning can take a different more pronounced form. So yeah both can be valid but then we are considering if the label engineer is truth or a lie.
- Comment on smart engineering 3 months ago:
You’re a moron to think this is about scamming someone. The smart engineer realized he can offer a louder option but didn’t want to disturb the preset settings the customer is used to. If anything, not only is the engineer smart but empathetic towards how troublesome learning a new tool is like. Let me tell you it is not a problem that the volume is not standardized. Instead, it is nice to know that the customer can choose options he is familiar with AND now has a setting to go louder. Of course the much smarter way is to make the dial more analog input than a digital input. However, the digital dial will not move as easily when bumped. Trade-offs were made. For aesthetics and function. Yes I know some music nerds who like the dial more than a touch button.
Now don’t get me started with how they can sell it however they want. If it is louder than the product it is comparing against and the buyer likes it then it is not a scam, it was a fair trade.
- Comment on Proton mail launches LLM and crypto wallet 6 months ago:
Linux needs linux developers
- Comment on evangelism 8 months ago:
Fuck yea, buzzwords were the original free money glitch and it still works wonders lmao
- Comment on So today I finally deleted the bird app 9 months ago:
Me too, but discord also
- Comment on Figure 01, the robot closest to the humanoid machines of science fiction 9 months ago:
Mine does not say that? It says “Disagree and close”
- Comment on Even this post is propaganda. 9 months ago:
Hey, I’m autistic! I notice that if I don’t follow the group’s current propaganda fueled nonsense, I am seen as an outsider and hated for asking those hard-hitting questions. Eventually, they think I’m “inflexible” or “will not change my mind” and then say i am “supporting the other guy” or whatever. Like what is wrong with playing with a little of devils advocate to get the full picture. Sheesh
- Comment on Do I Need to Harden SSH over Tor? 9 months ago:
Yes, but I usually add my public key to the authorized_keys file and turn off password authentication once i do login with a password. On top of that, I have a sshpass one line command that takes care of this for me. It’s much easier than trying to manually type a password for the next time. I save it and just run it every time I think about using password login. Next time I need to ssh, I know the password login is not necessary.
sshpass -p ‘PASSWORD’ ssh USER@IP.ADDRESS “echo ‘
cat ~/.ssh/
’ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && echo ‘Match User !root PasswordAuthentication no Match all’ > /etc/ssh/sshd_config’ && exit” && ssh USER@IP.ADDRESSAt the next reboot, your system will now only accept key logins, except for root. I hope the root user password is secure. I don’t require it for root because if a hacker does gain shell access, a password(or priv esc exploit) is all they need to gain root shell. It is also a safety net in case you need to login and lost your private key.
- Comment on penguins 9 months ago:
It’s an edited picture. The coat in the original goes down to her thighs.
- Comment on penguins 9 months ago:
It’s an edited picture. Not sure what you are looking to make sense with a fake picture of a fake coat
- Comment on acceptable screws 9 months ago:
Some claim to have stripped Robertson screws but to be fair, the metal used and amount of torque the peson applies is the biggest reason for problems.
Phillips heads were supposed to solve the over torquing problem, but everyone didn’t listen to standard specifications and didn’t bother using them as they were meant to be made and used. The Philips head was supposed to slip once the correct torque was applied. Unfortunately, this positive benefit became a negative. With poor metals and a mismatched driver bit to screw head along with not using the screw head that was meant for the specified torque demands, the Phillips screw became known for stripping.
Trying to implement non overtorquing feature to the square bit and you will find how similar it will look to the Phillips head.
Right now, Torx is the best at not stripping, but good luck if the screw is overtorqued. Eventually, the cheap metal gives out with the screw head, or bit, snapping off.
- Comment on Round 2 🚢 10 months ago:
It may be closer to “hope someone is willing to waste $20 billion on one” and then nobody does so it doesn’t get built.
But if you look at all the crap saudi arabia is doing, the chance that they succeed in selling it may not be zero
Your right, there are plenty of insecure people from all levels of wealth.
- Comment on What game fits this? 11 months ago:
You play ddlc for more than 3k hours and need help
- Comment on life hacks 1 year ago:
I’m surprised they didn’t add them to the toilet stalls either
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
At some point, i did what you said and stopped judging the kid for how they are. It was mostly from the sadness of knowing the world they will have to explore, as adults, a world that will be extremely competitive and aggressive. I wanted to shield them from it all and make them live a stable, happy life. At least until they start becoming more independent. Eventually, we all have to let them live their own life.
- Comment on SpaceX blasts FCC as it refuses to reinstate Starlink’s $886 million grant 1 year ago:
cable companies literally took a billion dollar grant to expand infrastructure and didnt do much of anything. This is literally doing something. F elon but the engineers who worked hard to make this a reality deserve better
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
which one would you recommend? some kind of “culling games” or castration? Would you like to go first?
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
Bed stores are a problem. They sit there taking up space for what? To look pretty for people to try out different brands of bed because we like to not figure out a universal solution to the problem of making a comfortable healthy platform of material that we can lay upon for long term rest. On top of that, instead of supplying our nation with affordable housing and furniture, it is laughably ignored.
All these empty locations for these corporations to advertise products and “experiences”
- Comment on AI won't take your job, might shrink your wages, European Central Bank reckons 1 year ago:
Yes, they are being paid less. Technology is supposed to free us from mundane tasks and make things cheaper. However, neither one of these occurs because of greed and poor management. So in reality if technology is paying us less, it should also be making things cheaper for us. There is clearly a discrepancy and we should demand for lower prices or higher wages, or both as a compromise. The compromise cannot be lower wages and higher prices, that is economically destructive and fuels greed and class wars.
- Comment on Automakers must build cheaper, smaller EVs to spur adoption, report says 1 year ago:
Chevy bolt at least has half of the features but still quite a few, I would say a very set of features to include, but I do imagine it would only shave less than 5k if the bolt had the most basic of features. That means it would be 1-2k cheaper as a used vehicle. I do think it’s the more reasonable priced vehicle, and we need more competitors to this vehicle. On the other hand, most of the cost is the battery and it just something researchers must be paid to bring innovations for and its just not reasonable to pay them cheap as they are doing a great thing for humanity. However, this forces companies to charge higher prices and should instead be subsidized without trademark/IP protections restricting its adoption.
- Comment on Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout 1 year ago:
Same situation, I have the bolt and volt cars and I drive about the same with the caveat that I coast more often to a stop and make full use of being plugged in at home for warming up or cooling down the car. Really, all you need to know about driving an ev or a hybrid. Everything else is just extra stuff to take care of and make better use of the dollar savings you get with an EV.
On the flipside, I know too many people who don’t care how hard they drive the accelerator and brakes that they would rather get a gas car because of how fast they consume and prioritize time spent fueling vs charging. Really, I save close to 2k/year more than those who drive semi efficiently, and about double that amount vs. the people who are economically irresponsible. Also, I meet a lot of tesla owners who do users using the tesla superchargers who are complaining about how garbage their battery life after 3 years of driving for Uber(20% of degradation). It makes sense why people don’t want to drive an EV. They just don’t want to slow their lives down. They want to constantly keep doing stuff and do it fast. It’s amazing how much instant gratification has made everyone’s lives worse. Even people like me who go slow have to deal with their BS.
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
We should stop measuring our productivity in hourly and need to go back to salary well paying positions, or everyone needs to share the costs with UBI instead.
- Comment on Should I quit my monthly expenses for alcohol? 1 year ago:
Somehow, spending 12k/m on Uber rides and the gym costing 7k/m too
- Comment on Become a Better Programmer by Taking a Shower 1 year ago:
Who knew resting and taking care of your basic needs can be beneficially productive.