- Comment on Trick OR Treat 4 months ago:
If A is false, A -> B is true regardless of what B is, so the two undefined terms in your truth table should be true.
So it is fairly easily translated into a shaded Venn Diagram. It’s simply everything shaded aside from Trick only.
- Comment on I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying. 5 months ago:
That’s the big reason why I loved Diablo II, but was lukewarm on the following two. The skill tree was fixed and a had nice synergies between the skills. I used to keep a notebook with plans for different builds that seemed fun and was primarily interested in the skills rather than items.
In Diablo III, the skill tree was much more limited, and you could swap things out at any time. So planning out a build and starting a new character was pointless. You could just swap the active skills.
It also didn’t seem to have any hard spots. If you followed the main quests, your character improved just fast enough to keep the challenge throughout consistent. So I never really felt a need to grind. I mean, I hate games that are all grinding, but I also like it when there are walls that you have to spend some time and effort to move past.
Diablo IV was even worse for this as the areas adapt to your level. So no matter where you were, the challenge was the same.
Neither of the two were awful, in my opinion, but they dropped the parts that made Diablo so exceptional to me. So I really didn’t spend too much time with either of them whereas I played Diablo II for about 10 years.
- Comment on Hey guys I love Jodie Foster so much any tips on how someone like me can impress her? 7 months ago:
In case you missed the joke, this is a reference to how John Hinckley Jr shot Reagan because he thought it would impress Jodie Foster. It’s posted today because of the assassination attempt on Trump yesterday.
- Comment on dotnet developer 1 year ago:
Yeah, I found it on my laptop and was too lazy to send it over to my phone where I was on lemmy. So I typed it up, and then I actually sent the link to my phone when it was pointed out that it was broken.
Well, maybe lazy isn’t the right word. But I was too something.
- Comment on dotnet developer 1 year ago:
It was an interview with Jonathan Swan about COVID-19 where Trump had a bunch of papers with graphs trying to show that the US was doing well with cases. The paper he handed over showed the rates of deaths per case, and Swan was asking him about the high rate of deaths in the US when looking at the total population of the country.
- Comment on Disney backs down from 'Steamboat Willie' YouTube copyright claim 1 year ago:
For digital copies of written works in the public domain, is a good source.
- Comment on Hyperloop One to Shut Down After Failing to Reinvent Transit 1 year ago:
The vacuum is the hard part, not the maglev. You would need to enclose the entire track inside if a vacuum, and that world be ridiculously expensive and practically impossible with current technology. It’s already very expensive to build a tunnel for a train, which is why they are avoided if possible. But this would need to be all tunnel that is air tight, so even more expensive than regular train tunnels.
To put it into perspective, the current largest manmade vacuum chamber is at a NASA research facility in Ohio. It’s a cylinder with a diameter of 100 feet and a height of 122 feet. If this were laid on its side, about 1.5 New York subway cars could fit inside. The largest vacuum ever made can barely fit the vehicle inside, let alone allow it to travel between two different places where the extra speeds would be warranted.
- Comment on AAAAtoms 1 year ago:
Maybe I’m biased because of where I live (the United States in the upper Midwest). The coldest winter night will usually be around -30 to -20°F, and the hottest summer day will usually be just over 100°F. But most days of the year fall between 0°F and 100°F, so Fahrenheit just seems to work well. 0 is a cold winter day, and 100 is a hot summer day.