- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Pretty sure Rockstar allows community servers to disable the anti-cheat as well, just like single player.
The GTA RP community at this point is a considerable part of why people are still playing GTA.
- Comment on So is the global IT crash fixed yet? 7 months ago:
This is actually the worst type of end-user.
Doesn’t make a ticket or notify anyone that there is a problem and then proceeds to try and fix it themselves incorrectly. When it does become a ticket, they won’t remember exactly what steps they took to troubleshoot and will waste 5x as much time from support staff trying to fix it than if they just didn’t touch it in the first place.
Guaranteed didn’t wipe the machine from the built in reset/recovery screen and instead used a windows installer that was created on a different computer and doesn’t have the correct network drivers in the image.
- Comment on Satellite images reveal China built a replica of Taipei’s presidential district in remote Inner Mongolia, fuelling speculation that Beijing uses the site as training ground for an invasion of Taiwan 11 months ago:
ChapoTH and Sino enjoyers likely have an alert bot for any post with China, Taiwan, CCP, etc. in the title/body.
Imagine caring so much about international news that you get pinged like it was a text message from a loved one.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
The directed scope of the bill is going to do the same thing to TikTok that legislation did to Juul.
If you target Juul with legal repercussions for all their flavored vapes, then only Juul stops selling flavored pods. Now a million other disposable vape companies fill the void with flavored vapes that are worse for the ecosystem.
Targeting TikTok will just lead to another foreign data-harvesting social media app popping up to fill its place.
- Comment on How Hackers Dox Doctors to Order Mountains of Oxy and Adderall 11 months ago:
I don’t think these two are related.
Change Healthcare (company who handles most electronic prescription platforms) had a ransomware attack a couple weeks ago that took down their entire infrastructure for multiple days.
Doctors and pharmacies were likely using paper scripts because the entire electronic prescription platform was shutdown.
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
State vehicle registration where I’m at is based on vehicle weight. Costs about $400 to renew the registration on my daily driver and $600 to renew for a larger truck. Motorcycles are only like $80 to renew.
Consumers are being taxed more for larger vehicles, it’s the manufacturers trying to avoid safety regulations that are seeing the cost benefits.
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
Could be a student or military or live in an apartment.
Not sure any of those establishments are going to be thrilled with you running an extension cable across the parking lot or sidewalk to charge your car.
- Comment on Discord is laying off 17 percent of employees 1 year ago:
Just checked and you’re right. Looks like it was always owned by Roblox.
I must be getting it mixed up with the Teams features they added to the Xbox game bar on windows.
- Comment on Discord is laying off 17 percent of employees 1 year ago:
Microsoft ripped off Discord and branded it as Guilded GG. Features-wise for audio and game streaming, they offer higher quality than Discord for free.
Is there any chance you’ll get your group of friends to move to “MS Teams for gamers”? No chance.
- Comment on How safe is self-hosting a public website behind Cloudflare? 1 year ago:
The Oracle Cloud VPS only has SSH key authentication enabled by default. You can also set it to only allow SSH from your home IP in the virtual firewall before the machine is ever spun up.
Their current free ARM offering is 1 machine with 4-cores and 24gb RAM for life. You can also add another 2 AMD machines with 1-core and 1gb RAM and still be in their free-tier.
If you’re going to set it up and take advantage of the ARM machine, make sure you pick a home location for your account that has multiple availability zones. San Fran right now only has 1 zone, so if the shared ARM instances are all used up, you’ll have to wait a few days and try again. Phoenix I think has 3, so you can try with another zone right away.
- Comment on There once was a programmer 1 year ago:
Somehow you hit an unpopular opinion landmine with the greybeard devs.
For the greybeard devs: Try asking ChatGPT to write you some Arduino code to do a specific task. Even if you don’t know how to write code for an Arduino, ChatGPT will get you 95% of the way there with the proper libraries and syntax.
No way in hell I’m digging through forums and code repos to blink an led and send out a notification through a web hook when a sensor gets triggered. AI obviously can’t do everything for you if you’ve never coded anything before, but it can do a damn good job of translating your knowledge of one programming language into every other programming language available.
- Comment on Do any of you use Raspberry Pi’s ? 1 year ago:
Using a Pi3b to run AdGuard Home and a TailScale subnet router.
I’ve got another Pi3b running Octoprint/Klipper for a 3d printer, but I’m currently migrating that to Mainsail running on an old SFF PC so I can run multiple printers with Klipper off the same PC.
The rest of my stack is on an actual server running UnRaid with like 50tb raw storage.
I will say that TailScale has been annoying asf with their subnet router setup not actually forcing the correct DNS for AdGuard Home so I can have ad-blocking while away from home. I had to move back to a pure Wireguard setup directly on my router for DNS to work properly.
- Comment on ATX case with room for 5 hard drives 1 year ago:
I use an Antec P101. It can fit 8 3.5" drives with a couple 2.5" drives on the back of the MOBO tray.
Fair warning, this thing is fucking huge. Didn’t realize how big it was when I bought it, but I needed the extra drive bays, so its kinda necessary.