- Comment on OrcaSlicer V2.2.0 Official Release 4 months ago:
Seems pretty nice. I’ll have to check it out.
- Comment on OrcaSlicer V2.2.0 Official Release 4 months ago:
Ah ok. Is it better in any ways?
- Comment on OrcaSlicer V2.2.0 Official Release 4 months ago:
How different is orca from prusaslicer? Orca was built from prusaslicer right?
- Comment on Should I or should I not use/bother with using Linux? (READ THE WHOLE POST) 4 months ago:
I mean the only reason I’ve ever used cmd prompt is to get rid of the windows registration watermark. I feel like 90% of people will never touch those tools.
- Comment on turning disposable vape batteries into a power bank (printed case) 5 months ago:
It’s crazy that it’s legal. And they are getting Eben cheaper! Around 2020 there were these tiny stick disposables that were about $12-14 but now you can buy massive 5000 ‘puff’ dispos for $10! No wonder all the kids are addicted.
- Comment on Do you agree with my unpopular opinion about height in fencing? 6 months ago:
Omg I remember this guy. Whats his deal
- Comment on What makes fishing as a hobby so appealing that people will fish all hours of the day and in nasty weather? 1 year ago:
This varies wildly depending on what species and how it was caught. Fish with really thin lips like largemouth are generally perfectly fine after being released.
- Comment on While We're Repairing Things: Replacement Pilot Down Force Clip 1 year ago:
Thats actually pretty cool
- Comment on Rant: Cura did the one thing a slicer shouldn't do 1 year ago:
Yea I remember switching to prusa slicer because of this and I also seem to get nicer prints aside from seams not being great but I alsp haven’t put much effort into trying to fix that. Never lost my settings on prusa.
- Comment on ELI5 How does chatgpt do its shit? 1 year ago:
Because when you ask it to solve a math problem it isn’t actually solving the problem like you and I would. It’s taking your input and comparing it to the data that it has previously been trained on to give the most likely response. If it was actually properly solving the problem, then it wouldn’t mess up on simple stuff. You can see this if you just give it a math problem that isn’t commonly completed, like a few multiplications of large numbers in a row. It will just spit out some random large number that isn’t even close.
- Comment on Why using the search bar to find emojis, does it display the male and female forms, but never show the gender neutral version even though such an emoji does exist? 1 year ago:
All of their planned obsolescence and anti right to repair practices far outweigh any other sustainability changes they’ve made.
- Comment on What can i do with 3d models as an everyday joe? 1 year ago:
I dont have any suggestions but I would like to add that 3d printers are cheaper than ever and can be easily found for under $200
- Comment on Why don't we pump seawater into deserts to revive them? 1 year ago:
Deserts are actually very important to the worlds ecosystem. The Amazon rainforest probably wouldnt exist without the Sahara. A lot of the Sahara’s sand is made up of dead plankton and these dead plankton are blown across the seas by strong winds and eventually land in the amazon. These plankton give the soil extra nutrients and are one of the main reasons why the south Americans are so lush with life.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Never played the original but absolutely loved tribes ascend. Such a unique and satisfying game. To bad hirez abandoned it.