- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
That analogy would make sense…
If the paintbrush moved on its own.
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
For the sake of simplicity, let’s say you have negligible mass, while the two masses, m1 and m2, have equal masses and sizes. Everything is moving at some velocity in a vacuum. When the two masses are touching, the Centre of Gravity is midway between their Centres of Mass, which in this scenario would mean it is where they touch. When you pick up m2, an equal and opposite force would push m1 away. Because they both have equal mass, both would end up the same distance away from the CoG. If you lifted m2 on your head, the CoG would be right at the middle of your height. For as long as you’re holding m2, your body is resisting the force of attraction due to gravity between m1 and m2. When you drop m2, both it and m1 accelerate towards the CoG. When they meet, the energy you put into lifting m2 would be converted into heat in the collision. From an outside observer, while you were doing all that, the CoG was moving in a perfectly straight line with no change in velocity. Now, if you instead threw m2 away from m1 faster than its escape velocity, then that would change the velocity. If m1 and m2 weren’t equal in mass and size, the CoG would still be moving in a straight line, but the distance m1 and m2 moves away from the CoG would be proportional to their masses.
- Comment on How you dune? 4 months ago:
Toxic masculinity makes men go blind and die rather than follow the Golden Path.
- Comment on Says a lot about society 9 months ago:
Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.
- Comment on ‘There wasn’t enough about the horror’: Hiroshima survivors react to Oppenheimer 11 months ago:
While I’m not defending the use of the bombs as bargaining chips, Japan would have suffered the same fate as Germany under Soviet rule. North Japan and South Japan, alongside a Tokyo Wall, would have not been just a “threat to capitalism”.
- Comment on Mass Effect 5's top development brass includes a few original Mass Effect trilogy veterans 11 months ago:
Mass Effect 3 was already heading in that direction, so the headline really doesn’t inspire much confidence
- Comment on Awwwww 1 year ago:
Someone didn’t watch the video until the end