- Comment on The Uruguayan company teaching people how to turn regular cars into EVs. 6 months ago:
Unfortunately open sourcing is not an option without certification, cause vehucles will not be allowed to go on roads.
At least here in europe
- Comment on The Uruguayan company teaching people how to turn regular cars into EVs. 6 months ago:
A company in my city created an EV conversion kit for any cars years ago. As they could not get certification for all models, they made a partnership with the constructor and managed to have certification for only 1 model (Renault Master, a utility truck) and now the company is controlled by Renault (the constructor).
They indeed killed the competition…
- Comment on Waymo issued a recall after two robotaxis crashed into the same pickup truck 1 year ago:
Waymo is going full kamikaze drone on Pick-up, next step will be SUV ?
Maybe this is a solution for oversized vehicules
- Comment on Fear Mongering About Range Anxiety Has To Stop — CT Governor Calls Out EV Opponents 1 year ago:
Maybe you are lucky with your car, and know how to maintain yourself. We spent already 3000$ on repairs on our 2010 car and we have it for only 5 years. And there is more to be done (dampers, belts, corrosion on exhaust…). Even with knowledge and equipment (which I do not have) engines are complicated to maintain, at least here in europe with our anti pollution regulations, older motors are more robust but are now banned from cities. EV is a good solution for city/suburbs people with small range needs as less maintainance is needed. Better solution is bike and trains…
- Comment on Study finds that Chat GPT will cheat when given the opportunity and lie to cover it up later. 1 year ago:
Ahah it is ready to take the job of pur politicians
- Comment on The reincarnation of totaled Teslas—in Ukraine | Ars Technica 1 year ago:
“There is a joke here that all poor people are driving electric cars, and all the rich people are driving petrol cars,” says Malakhovsky. “Tesla is a common-people, popular car because it’s very cheap in maintenance.”
yeah, only a joke unfortunately, later on the article they give the exemple of a guy who spent 24k$ for a totaled Y + 25k$ for repairs + 4k$ for batttery change… because the guy was tired of paying 400$/month for gaz, now he is paying 10-100$ for charging. This is even more expensive than a new one
- Comment on Cleaning salvaged bicycle parts non-destructively (for non-bike projects)… reusing enzymes 1 year ago:
I just bath parts on metal degreaser like essence F for the night and wipe it. You can re use after filtering, it is efficient enough
- Comment on ‘The early adopters have adopted’: US carmakers slow their EV growth plans 1 year ago:
Yeah it is still expensive “for a bike” but you save on gas, insurance, maintenance, and health!
- Comment on People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office 1 year ago:
Do you receive a compensation from your employer for electricity/internet/phone plan ? Then it is way cheaper !
- Comment on Man Used 80 Discarded Vape Batteries to Power an Electric Scooter Proving the Importance of E-Waste 1 year ago:
Most of disposable things are the worst, we should ban as much as we can. But for that, we need regulation, and some more efforts