- Comment on Shorebirbs 2 months ago:
based though
- Comment on Eat lead 3 months ago:
don’t eat lead it is bad for you
- Comment on Weevil time 4 months ago:
My first instinct was A, at the base of the neck. But now that I think about it I think I agree with this more. I think it could be argued that at the joint is where the neck really begins, and that the narrow part beneath that is still part of the body. And I think it would look better (and more professional!) if our weevil friend wore his tie there.
- Comment on Enemies of glory have no honor 5 months ago:
Imagine trying to explain this to an alien. Two people get into the dedicated punching people in the face arena, where they then go through the ritual by which they agree that they are prepared to punch each other in the face. One punches the other in the face, who then gets upset.
- Comment on Hermit Crab Housing Market 5 months ago:
You know I’ve never quite bought the hermit crab shells = houses analogy. They seem much more analogous to armor.
- Comment on Valve "White Sands" project spotted on Starfield voice actor portfolio, prompting Half-Life speculation 5 months ago:
Half Life 2 Episode 4
- Comment on W Earth 5 months ago:
give it a few hundred million years and ours won’t be able to do a total solar eclipse either :(
- Comment on Geography 101 5 months ago:
I was gonna complain about the same thing, whole image is ruined angery
- Comment on Ukrainian startups are creating a low-cost robot army to fight Russia 6 months ago:
Lmao anything to avoid admitting it’s a lost cause
They should’ve surrendered under whatever terms necessary 2 days into the conflict
- Comment on Modders uncover a last-minute Yennefer betrayal in The Witcher 3 cut content 6 months ago:
She lets Triss escape though, font of goodwill that she is.
better than Triss deserves to be fair
- Comment on Elsevier 7 months ago:
the artists still exist and would continue to make art even if we abolished the systems of exploitation we apply to that art.
frankly, art would instantly become far better without capitalism weighing it down
- Comment on himbos 8 months ago:
tbf it probably works on most humans, they’re probably pretty intimidated
- Comment on Romance author gets locked out of Google Docs for “inappropriate” content 8 months ago:
Guys, settle down. This is a clickbait title, google isn’t “censoring” anything and no part of the content of her silly hockey porn was deemed unacceptable by Google. What happened is that she had a ton of people accessing these documents and Google inaccurately flagged it as her spamming them at people unsolicited. That’s why she was locked from sharing them, because Google assumed it was a bot account doing spam.
- Comment on The Sims 4's kicks off the weirdly horny new roadmap with a refresh to base game swimwear 8 months ago:
what is that apostrophe + s doing in the title? Who wrote this? A malfunctioning AI?
Alice Bell
Alice what are you doing
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 8 months ago:
I think texas is working on it
- Comment on checkmate, big geology!! 8 months ago:
congratulations: you have made a new volcano in a location much more difficult to predict
- Comment on Razer to pay out over $1 million in refunds over its misleading (and hideous) Zephyr face mask 8 months ago:
Hmm, $1 million? That sounds like a lot of money. How much money do they make in a year, I wonder? Oh, $1.6 billion. Okay, so the people responsible for this deliberate scam they pulled probably didn’t even notice the fine. Sweet. Functioning system.
Remember friends, a million seconds is about 11 days and a billion seconds is about 32 years. They fined Razer 11 days of their 50 years of revenue. Wowee! That’ll show 'em.
- Comment on The horrors we've unleashed 8 months ago:
fuckin hell dude leave some quads for the rest of us
- Comment on Species dimorphism 8 months ago:
I mean I’m pretty sure part of the fun is staging pictures with the shortest guy in the room, I don’t think the 7 foot tall lady goes to a party in heels and then bends all the way down to talk to somebody like this by accident lol
- Comment on BOOTY 8 months ago:
You rang?
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
This isn’t a theory discussion, it’s a fucking linguistics discussion. You’re insisting that the word “abduction” refers only to a legal term, which it does not. Obviously it does not. Idk what more to say.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
It’s not hitting a stranger over the head and stuffing them in a van. It’s “an arrest.” You can’t call it hitting a stranger over the head and stuffing them in a van, because of who’s doing it.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
Consistency is when you can’t call an act of violence what it is if it’s cops committing the act of violence
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
Why are you bootlicking? The US government doesn’t define common English words and their usage, and it’s very weird that you seem to think that the fact that they have control over the land means that they are incapable of committing violence against people. What the government goons I am describing did to me were acts of state-sanctioned violence in which I was taken under threat of physical harm to a location I did not want to go to and held against my will despite having done absolutely nothing to deserve violence being inflicted upon me. People with fucking souls call that abduction/kidnapping, where is your soul?
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
There is no legal way to kidnap someone.
There are a wide variety of legal ways to kidnap someone. Such as the one I described which happened to me.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
Illegality is a crucial part of what those terms mean.
No dude, it isn’t. At all.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
I mean, that wasn’t an abuction or kidnapping.
It was exactly both of those things, and I don’t understand why you are the second person to reply to me under the mistaken impression that abduction and kidnapping are only possible when they are done illegally. Where are you getting this nonsense from?
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
The difference between imprisonment and abduction is not, in fact, legality. I have no idea how you could come to the conclusion that legality has anything to do with the definitions of those words. Average liberal word salad.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
Well, I don’t appreciate the implication that the time I was in the wrong place at the wrong time so I got forced into the back of a stranger’s car at gunpoint and driven 30 minutes to the stranger’s HQ where I was then locked in a room and interrogated doesn’t count as “abduction” or “kidnapping”
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 9 months ago:
I did not even click the link because it’s obvious on its face that it’s bullshit anti-china propaganda in like 7 different ways. My comment is essentially a steel-man argument: Even if I assume that the liberal bullshit propaganda is 100% true, the US is still far worse in every way.