- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 3 weeks ago:
You might not have heard of the formats but you’ve definitely listened to them. For example, Youtube has only served audio in aac and opus for years now. Most instant messaging apps also use opus during calls to reduce bandwidth usage. And those are just some big examples. Basically almost any online service has dumped mp3 in favor of aac and opus since they’re better in every way (in the sense that they have better quality at the same bitrate as mp3)
- Comment on X's controversial changes to blocking and AI training saw half a million users leave for rival Bluesky in just a single day 4 months ago:
Baraag is way more permissive than and it gained a pretty bad reputation in the past because of that, plus it essentially advertises itself as a safe haven for lolicon art, so that’s why it’s on many block lists. is just a generalist Japanese instance. It’s also the biggest misskey instance and is run my the main developer, so it’s usually not blocked by default because most people use it.
- Comment on X's controversial changes to blocking and AI training saw half a million users leave for rival Bluesky in just a single day 4 months ago:
Misskey is like mastodon so you can just go to another misskey instance.
But if you’re talking about the instance, it’s not that defederated from my experience (the 3 instances I’m on aren’t defederated from it).
The instance simply follows Japanese law so whatever Japan allows they allow and whatever Japan forbids they forbid (which is why censoring genitals is also mandatory in that instance lol). It’s not like it’s some nazi cesspool or anything like that.
- Comment on Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line 6 months ago:
If your TV doesn’t have Android it’s a super cheap way to get it.
I have an amazing 4k oled TV but it doesn’t have android so I still had to buy a Chromecast for it because otherwise I had no way to watch TV.
- Comment on Decentralised YouTube alternative Odysee no longer serving ads 6 months ago:
Why is it not okay to call it what it is? If you openly allow nazis into your site, you have a nazi site. I’m sorry but there’s just no way around it.
Either you nip that garbage in the bud or your site is overrun by far right nut jobs, which is what happened with odysee.
Of course nobody wants to use the site. Why would they?
It’s the nazi bar problem. You allow one nazi to enter your bar, then that nazi brings his nazi friends, and before you notice it you have a nazi bar and no one wants to visit.
Odysee doesn’t “appear” to have more right wing content, it objectively does. The majority of people who migrate to it are wackos who got banned in other places for their extremist views.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
Way to miss my entire point.
In this case, a law wouldn’t be created, youtube would just be integrated in already existing laws for public TV broadcasts, which is the wrong way to go about it because obviously youtube doesn’t work like TV.
- Comment on YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps 10 months ago:
It’s a shame that this law still doesn’t apply to YouTube
If Germany is anything like Canada and other countries, applying public broadcast laws to YouTube would be a monkey’s paw deal. Sure you might get tighter control over advertising, but youtube would also be forced to do things like show you x% of content made in your country/language, resulting in state mandated control of the content you see online and potentially limiting/warping international audiences for content creators.
Now if they made a law specifically for youtube and other online video platforms that dealt with advertising in that context, that would be a different story.
- Comment on Roku has patented a way to show ads over anything you plug into your TV 11 months ago:
Or just buy whatever TV you want, never connect it to the internet, and then plug in a separate box where you’ll actually get the content from.
Smart TVs aren’t actually that smart if they have no internet and you entirely bypass their home screen to go straight to whatever box you have.
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 11 months ago:
Even on sites like that you can’t get everything, since it depends on subscribers actually sharing accounts and not all creators will have those. Trust me, I’ve really scoured the internet for certain creators’ content and it’s just not out there.
Also there are sites beyond OF, a lot actually. There’s just no way to get everything you want easily if you’re into certain stuff/creators.
I get that you find no value in porn regardless of type so you wouldn’t pay for it, which is fine, the majority of people don’t see the need to pay for porn either, but at least understand some people do find value in the content they like, enough to support it. It’s like subscribing to a youtuber’s patreon, their content is still free for everyone but some still want to financially help them.
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 11 months ago:
You really can’t get all paid content for free. Actually most paid content you won’t find for free. It’s not that easy.
Sure if they’re a popular OF creator someone will likely be ripping their stuff but that dries up really quickly when you get to creators with like only a hundred patrons.
The more niche you get the harder it is to find new content for free (pirated or not). That’s why people pay for it, they like the content and there’s no other way to obtain it (and they want to support the creation of it obviously).
- Comment on I still don't get why people spend money... there's tons of it for free 11 months ago:
You literally get nothing special from paying for porn.
You literally get the most special content by paying for porn, personalized content that’s catered to your needs. That’s literally why you pay for it.
Yes, if I just want to see regular old sex K can just go to one of the bazillion free sites out there. But if I have a specific fetish that only a few creators are doing, of course it’s worth paying for it to support the production of said content, especially if their onlyfans allows requests.
I totally understand that the vast majority of people are more than satisfied with typical porn and won’t ever feel the need to pay for it, but there’s so much diversity out there that the regular porn sites can’t get to it all, and that’s why some people pay for it, because they really want to scratch a specific itch.
- Comment on Top 50 defederated instances 1 year ago:
Yes, I’m sure the reason we don’t grow is because we refuse to federate with nazi and pedo content. Oh what will the fediverse do without these folks.
- Comment on BVG out here recommending the best 2FA Apps! 1 year ago:
The alternative is on desktop always get your smartphone, open some app type a token or on the phone to switch to multiple apps to get your credentials. Not fun imho.
There are desktop apps for OTP, you don’t need a phone. And since you only need to setup an OTP secret once, doing it for your phone and pc isn’t that big of a deal.
I have my OTP secrets in 3 places, 2 yubikeys and my phone’s authenticator app, with the former meant for my PC.
For me, the key benefit of 2Fa is getting more security against leaked, stolen, phished passwords, and that still holds up.
If your vault doesn’t have 2FA too this doesn’t hold up though. Means you’re trusting a single service that can get hacked with all your secrets. Sure, your other accounts are more protected against leaks and stuff, but if your password vault isn’t, you didn’t really change much, just pointed the hackers to one single place.
Yes I know hacking a password vault isn’t some walk in the park and rarely happens, but the point is any leaks from it would be 10 times more catastrophic for you if all your OTP secrets are also stored in it. I’ll spare myself from that nightmare with the small inconvenience that is a separate OTP app.
- Comment on BVG out here recommending the best 2FA Apps! 1 year ago:
This isn’t always a good idea because then you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. The whole point of 2FA is that the second factor is in a separate location so if your first factor (password) gets compromised the second one (OTP code) still protects your account. If both factors are in one place you’re back to a single point of failure instead of 2, losing a key benefit of 2FA.
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
You can but some instances (like yours) don’t allow it.
- Comment on Mozilla tells extension developers to get ready to go mobile • The Register 1 year ago:
You have to create an add-on collection first and then it’ll be available. (tutorial here)
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
Digimon cyber sleuth. I guess it really depends in what position I would be in in the world but overall it seems like a jackpot. I get to capture and battle with digimons and there’s an actual virtual reality world to travel to. Sweet.
- Comment on Disney’s password-sharing crackdown has begun 1 year ago:
I hate Netflix as much as the next guy but their move was actually very successful. A small percentage of people unsubscribed, but that number was dwindled by the number of new subscribers. Netflix basically proved that people for the most part don’t care and will subscribe just to keep watching.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
Why don’t the banks do this?
Both of my banks allow unlimited virtual card creation. I think it just depends on where you live.
- Comment on Pornhub Sues Texas Over Age Verification Law 1 year ago:
Regulations that require you to expose your personal data for no benefit are all those things and more.
Educating children about sex so they can consume porn in a healthy manner (because spoiler alert: these laws do nothing to stop them watching it) is 100 times more productive and positive than invading the privacy of law abiding adults. But that would actually require time and money which none of these law makers want.