- Comment on Petrichor 3 months ago:
Also welding. Also lasgun shots
- Comment on Why? 3 months ago:
Honestly, I’d probably think I was dissociating first
- Comment on Fifty-year extension for one of Australia’s biggest CO2 emitters likely after WA ditches emissions-reduction rules 3 months ago:
I went to some of the actions against this, though they were pretty low key, lib, or naive. I did run some back of the envelope numbers and the gas emitted is more than if every Australian bought two cars and drove them until they weren’t worth repairing. Idk if that figure got used, eviction kinda drop kicked me into not having the time to participate in much
- Comment on Pants 3 months ago:
Haha I thought this.
I think it would wear one wide i item wide set of pants, and each leg would have one column
- Comment on Mushrooms 3 months ago:
There is mushroom for research
- Comment on Half as Hot 4 months ago:
Probably want it between the winter temperature and the current summer temperature, but genies are traditionally fickle and pounce on any ambiguity
- Comment on Proud globohomo 4 months ago:
I wish I could be this confident about anything
- Comment on Ubisoft investors push for company sale as shares hit decade-low 4 months ago:
Investors do not play video games, which… What else are they doing with their time?
- Comment on Prisencolinensinainciusol 5 months ago:
“Makes ok symbol”
- Comment on Why Vacuum Cleaners Are So Loud 5 months ago:
I’ve started using a broom for most things, only using the vacuum for corners and carpets. I realised I was cleaning less because the noise stressed me out
- Comment on Slapping Chicken 5 months ago:
My hand is a lot smaller than a chicken, so I hope everyone is prepared to have roast my hand as well
- Comment on PhD Funding 5 months ago:
These are the well paid conspiracists making up climate change nods
(My memory of phds on campus was they were very overworked and desperate for cash, I assume conspiracy theorists whose conspiracy relies on the silence of many grads do not know many phds)
- Comment on Curse of Knowledge 5 months ago:
Ok, but like… Everyone down the chain gets the joke, I don’t know what the problem is. Open your wine with the penis thing
- Comment on 😳😳😳 5 months ago:
My first thought was the They Live aliens
- Comment on Do you skip Star Trek intros when streaming? 6 months ago:
Oh, where’s that option in VLC? (I’d probably skip if given the choice, I remember wanting to constantly with game of thrones but whoever I was with insisted on watching the entire 5 hours every time)
- Comment on The age of wood 6 months ago:
The text at the bottom suggests that you can also use the trees planting year to determine its age. Which is also true
- Comment on American Sex Education 6 months ago:
I assumed it was Albania or something
- Comment on Corn 🌽 6 months ago:
- Comment on pringles 6 months ago:
I believe shrinkflation has in fact made them smaller
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
Is this a critique? That’s pretty dope
- Comment on Aluminum 6 months ago:
I just spent 4 hours renaming every instance of “aluminum” into “aluminium” in a bunch of inventor projects. >.>
- Comment on Elon Musk shares fake news about England rioters being sent to Falklands 6 months ago:
Thought this was the renewable energy tech
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
To me, addicting feels like it should be a verb, like cigarette advertising is addicting youth, whereas addictive is an adjective
- Comment on Statistics 6 months ago:
We should take hundreds of vending machines into a field and corral them
- Comment on Manor Lords next update will switch over to Unreal Engine 5 and, more importantly, add fishing ponds 7 months ago:
Can games just, like, switch over to new engines?
- Comment on ‘Duty to report’ child abuse laws will not apply to doctors, teachers or nurses 9 months ago:
That is a bonkers stipulation put in a law
- Comment on ‘Huge’ proportion of mental health conditions in Australia found to be caused by childhood maltreatment 9 months ago:
Only a quarter? O_o also not sure why anyone would be expecting it to be lower
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
All residential bathrooms are woke
- Comment on palaeoartists are dreamers 9 months ago:
He looks grumpy :( possibly from the implied cold
- Comment on Sad 9 months ago:
My knife only has room for 3 cuts, after that it’s just flat bar. How do I cut these pineapples?