- Comment on Apple has 90 days to allow app sideloading in Brazil 2 days ago:
Because the media uncritically parrots the companies PR talking points and then it’s suddenly the accepted terminology.
- Comment on Everyone makes incest jokes about Adam and Eve and their children but they never mention that there was another woman named Lilith (Adam's first wife) who would have added variance to the gene pool. 1 year ago:
Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden
All Hail Lilith, The sacred mother of Feminism
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
Crimes of opportunity are not need based, they are want based. People take something because they want it and are unconcerned with the potential consequences of taking it. Even the cop quoted in your linked article admitted that 'Cars stolen for the purpose of committing another crime are not what’s behind the majority of thefts. ’
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
I would say my OC at least applies to the people who get caught. Maybe not always to those who actually do the crime.
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
I call it virtue signaling. It’s the same idea, just a clearer term for it.
Do those mythical organized thieves really exist? I think 80+% of crimes are crimes of opportunity done by vulnerable people like crackheads, mentally ill, or other low income people.
- Comment on Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1 in car-theft crackdown 1 year ago:
Politicians passing laws based on things they don’t understand?
aka virtue signaling
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Yeah, I was referring to official forums for technical support or feature requests and the like. I don’t really think that everyday people were usually the ones who setup forums, it is website operators and other techies who set those up. The people who setup an independent forum are not the same people who setup a discord community. Discord has a much lower barrier to entry that usually results in a lower quality information and moderation as than a forum would.
I mean, yeah, forums are harder, for sure. $20-35 monthly for a mail provider seems to high to me; I would expect that to be about the yearly cost. But, I don’t really have much experience with an email provider for that use case. Really the problem lies in that a website operator and a community maintainer are 2 very different types of people that rarely intersect.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
Discourse is a forum software. Maybe you are mixing it up with something else like disqus?
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
what might everyday people use to set up forums as relatively easily and cheaply as their Discord servers, and not have them riddled with ads or other clunky elements?
Discourse is a clean open source forum software that is commonly used for application support and well suited for it.
Or if your a real die hard for the fediverse, you could set up a lemmy instance for application support. There’s even a phpBB frontend for an oldschool forum look and feel for it.
Usually everyday people don’t setup forums, that’s the responsibility of the application owner(s) or provider. In this case, the easy option is also the shitty option if measured by discoverability of the content.
- Comment on Researchers confirm what we already knew: Google results really are getting worse 1 year ago:
Perplexity is great for this. It gives like 5 links in addition to the text answer so it is imo the best of both worlds.
- Comment on Linkwarden - An open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and preserve webpages 1 year ago:
If you logged and saved all the files the first one requested you could potentially make it work. You could manually change of the file paths in the html if you only doing a few of them. There’s only like 10 or so paths that would need to be modified. The PHP ones are likely harder to make work as php is a server side language and you don’t likely have easy access to PHP server and everything that goes with it.
Anyway thanks for the link to to mynoise.net. It looks like a well designed, carefully crafted website.
- Comment on Linode Alternative Suggestions for Small Projects 1 year ago:
It’s pretty hard to beat Oracle Cloud’s free tier Hosting.
- Comment on Why do new sites embed tweets? 1 year ago:
Fair use is a defense you have to make in court. And court is expensive.
- Comment on Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections. 1 year ago:
Hmm, It’s worked for me recently. I guess ymmv depending on your IP.
- Comment on Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections. 1 year ago:
It also works with nsfw content they put behind an appwall. YoU HaVe tO UsE tHe ApP To ViEw ThIs CoNteNt. STFU with that BS.
- Comment on Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections. 1 year ago:
Change the url to old. instead of www. and you can bypass it.
- Comment on Is there a way to see user likes and dislikes on lemmy? 1 year ago:
Sir, this is a Lemmy.
- Comment on on youtube how do I downvote an ad? or how do i tell youtube that "hey this ad is not something I want to see?" I know ad blockers don't work on youtube anymore but how do I tweek what ads i do see? 1 year ago:
Here’s a creative way to do it.
- Print out the downvote symbol and a screenshot of the ad.
- Dip the paper in dog shit to emphasize that the ad is a shitpost.
- Send it to 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043.
- ???
- Profit.
- Comment on Duality of Japan 1 year ago:
Think about how digital movies and games are routinely locked and blocked. Do you want the government to be able to do that to all of your liquid cash?
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Was that a private or public school? As far as I know Montessori schools are largely private.
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Socializing in school is only really allowed in the ~20% of time not made up of lectures / homework. E.g. Recess/Lunch/In-between classes. The other 80% is largely made up of lectures and homework. Ideally those percentages should be flipped. 80% learning via social learning(socialization) / 20% lecture.
Call me crazy, but I think humans learn best socially(conversationally) not by lecture via teacher. Talking and socializing should be integrated in how we learn and teach. The learning should largely be social between the students so that they actually learn material instead of just learning to temporarily remember the information for the next test.
The teacher should drift between the groups of students and clear up any misconceptions or disagreements that occur.
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Yeah, you’re probably right to some degree. It may not have been fully intentional on the part of the designer.
However, since the elites of the time controlled the government, the government would tend to favor institutions that elites think will benefit from.
- Comment on A lot of societies problems would be solved if they taught about forming healthy relationships in school. 1 year ago:
Relationships are discouraged through school, in favor of competition, so we can be more effectively exploited by the elites (and all hierarchical societies). That is by design. Healthy individuals with good relationships are harder to sell to and to exploit. It’s relatively hard to convince someone who is satisfied with their life and image to buy something. It’s a lot easier to convince them to instead seek emotional satisfaction through excessive buying (escapism). Each new item (or service) you get can temporarily fill the emotional void and provide a fleeting sense of excitement or comfort.
- Comment on Does anyone know where I could get a phone inserted into my body? (Example below) 1 year ago:
Gulp. … Can yu ear nw?
- Comment on The true generational thread 1 year ago:
I struggle to see how spock is the source of catboys. Anyone care to explain?
- Comment on Why do many folks play follow the leader even into adulthood? 1 year ago:
Yeah, I usually try to avoid correcting people, but I didn’t want any misspellings giving any future viewers a bad first impression of the linked educational resource.
Mine too. As far as spellchecking, I use a front-end(Alexandrite) for Lemmy that spellchecks.However, I get that a lot of people use a mobile interface that makes it easier to miss such things.
I have found myself, recently, rediscovering how to make goals and plans after having them suppressed by the conventional school system for most of my life. That fits with the deschooling term that is used on the linked resource. According to [self-directed.org] (www.self-directed.org/sde/conditions/) “In Self-Directed Education communities, young people are sharing an environment with adults who are deschooling alongside them”
- Comment on Microsoft develops ultra durable glass plates that can store several TBs of data for 10000 years 1 year ago:
There is certainly an element of this being PR for Microsoft. But it is worth considering that a huge amount of computing is done in large data centers.
I think this fact could easily jump-start the use of a technology such as this. If it starts out where every large to mid-sized data center has a reader and writer shared among their thousands of customers it certainly would make it more viable.
I would guess the AI service is MS’s way of trying to make sure they control the technology. Hopefully, it eventually can get replaced by a local AI model rather than MS’s proprietary AI.
- Comment on Why do many folks play follow the leader even into adulthood? 1 year ago:
Just wanted to add, that the phenomenon described with in the comment replied to, although all too common, are not universal., nor always are they the only option.
Great point. The link provided looks interesting, I’ll take a look at it.
Side Note: The spelling mistakes in the first and second paragraph kinda detract from your message about different ways of organizing education. It is pretty ironic to have a post with multiple misspellings recommend a different way of education.
- Comment on Microsoft develops ultra durable glass plates that can store several TBs of data for 10000 years 1 year ago:
It seems like it would make for a great replacement for Tape Backups that are currently used for long term storage. They are easy to write to but hard to read from and restore. It’ll probably be a great technology to put backups on especially if it lasts as long as they say. The challenge will probably come in with the specialized reading and writing laser / microscopes being expensive.
- Comment on I feel stupid asking this 1 year ago:
If anyone, I guess we have Torvalds or Stallman. But if they were here, I doubt they be stupid enough to admit it.