- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
I’ll just leave this here.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
Rhubarb crumble is legitimately delicious though.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
Actually if you are on a raft with a limited amount of fresh water, you can mix in some sea water to stretch it out a bit. I think if you use a third seawater its ok, but don’t quote me on that.
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
People who have accidentally eaten death cap mushrooms (amanita phalloides for the autists out there) say that it’s fucking delicious (before their liver shuts down). Rabbits can eat them without problems. So if we use rabbit genes, we can crispr cas 9 our way to a good meal.
- Comment on Tool preventing AI mimicry cracked; artists wonder what’s next 8 months ago:
Your work should always include a qr code that leads to goatse.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
The heritage Foundation has been putting the right people in the right places for a long fucking time. Trump is only a foot in the door. The fundamentalists and far right will probably whack him themselves once he’s elected. They are using his stupidity and cult following to gain power. If you don’t resist, it’s going to be a handmade’s tale type dystopia for you and a return to pan continental war for us.
I don’t envy your position tbh.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 8 months ago:
As a non American, trump winning will destabilise things in Europe way more than it will in America. The cunt’s said Russia can do what they want with NATO member states. It means all aid to Ukraine stops and Ukraine will lose because Putin has an endless supply of meat to take it if Ukraine can’t find the artillery shells. Russia will turn Ukraine’s now highly trained, well equipped, and battle hardened army against Poland. Major bloodbath! After enough primary school children have died on the frontline the Baltic states will be next, followed by Scandinavia.
Sure Europe will eventually stop them but at a massive cost. And that’s only if China doesn’t openly arm Russia or send troops. The only way to avoid it is if the US and Europe remain tight.
- Comment on Props to my bro Luigi 8 months ago:
The trick is to keep removing the people in power until the people in power no longer want to turn your country into a theocratic ethnostate.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Mostly about deep-dicking elves. I think there’s some combat as well.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Gaza has a border with Egypt as well. If Egypt were so inclined, they could open it and allow all sorts of trade and humanitarian relief. They could even set up a refugee camp to protect civilians from harm. They would rather not open the border because they don’t want Hamas to get a toe hold in Egypt.
- Comment on So is Israel just going to finish Palestine off? 8 months ago:
Basically the situation in Israel/Palestine is that Hamas has pretty much total iron first control of Gaza, and Israel has a very right wing government. The Israelis have vowed to destroy Hamas entirely, but Hamas is deeply entrenched in every aspect of life in Gaza so what Israel is doing is actually pretty much the only way to rid the region of Hamas, but it comes at an extreme cost and involves a lot of war crimes.
It probably is the only way to get rid of Hamas, but its going to cause so much resentment that peace in Gaza will be completely unattainable within your j or mine. But in short yes, they’re going to kill anyone with even loose ties to Hamas and if you’re a civil standing too close, oh well.
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
It was always referred to as diesel by the hive. Couldn’t say no at £1 a pint. Heavy shit.
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
I’m a humble biologist by trade. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.
- Comment on Defund the War Machine 9 months ago:
Yeah because Putin absolutely didn’t invade Chechnya or Georgia and noone in Russia has ever spoken openly about invading Poland and the baltics.
Don’t be an idiot, just watch Russian telegram.
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
Diesel is equal parts cider and beer with a dash of blackcurrant. Turbo diesel also contains a shot of vodka.
- Comment on He does look like him 9 months ago:
I would do that.
- Comment on "No Atheists In Foxholes" Energy 9 months ago:
I’ll be doing my part to spread the flat foot genes ;)
- Comment on Defund the War Machine 9 months ago:
I live in a NATO country pretty close to the russian border. I’m very much of the opinion that Ukraine will become our war if we don’t arm them to the fucking molars. I don’t want to become what full scale war would make me. First thing you’re like “omg I have to flee” and before you know it your drenched in blood looking at a ritually mutilated corpse. I’ve played enough far cry to know what to expect.
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
Everyone knows girls jeans don’t have functional pockets.
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
Minge tastes vaguely of copper. Guinness also tastes quite metallic.
Gamers drink a lot of energy drinks
Diabetics secrete sugars in fluids that wouldn’t normally contain sugar.
Unwashed because beer is fermented, just like my true loves lady bits.
- Comment on who's tried it? what does it taste like? 9 months ago:
I mean it probably tastes like eating out an unwashed diabetic gamer girl, but I’ve probably also had worse. I’ll give it a shot and report back in a couple of days.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
Of course i have, and i would argue that bread and bunns are 2 seperate food categories.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
I do not have the patience for sourdough. My favourite bread is probably something along the lines of chleb lwowski or the Finnish hard bread Ruisreikäleipä which is rye bread with caraway seeds. It’ll fuck up your gums, but it’s really tasty.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
The recipes I’ve seen all use egg, milk and sugar, so I’d argue that they’re closer to cake than bread. But it looks fucking tasty and I will be making them soon.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
Oh I’m pitching a tent now!
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
Mate, it doesn’t matter what form the bread takes. It’s the concept of bread which is divine.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
I’m not saying other cultures don’t have bread, that’d be fucking r*****d. I’m saying that bread is not as integral a part of other cultures.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
Ok like Indians make a lot of bread, but it tends to be various types of flat bread. Don’t get me wrong I’ll demolish a peshwari naan in about 3.76 seconds but it’s not as versatile as a good crusty loaf.
- Comment on ohhh 9 months ago:
I have found that Bread is a distinctly European obsession. My American partner just doesn’t get it, nor do my Asian and African friends.
It’s so satisfying to have a giant sandwich with meat veg and cheese or indeed just bread fresh from the oven dripping with butter. It’s the most versatile thing imaginable and it’s made from fucking grass!
Jesus Christ I fucking love bread!
- Comment on This Hi-Tech Bird Feeder Lets Clever Magpies Exchange Bottle Caps for Food 10 months ago:
Planning for the future! Smart!