- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Years ago I think I would have been in the same boat about not being a fan of something like this being paid, but I think the main reason why big tech platforms have become enshittified is because we haven’t demanded value and instead demanded free. And because we’ve demanded free we have two camps: big tech that can yank our chain, and free/libre solutions that may survive just barely on donations and the good will of people (and wanting it to be free as in $ IMO is devaluing the importance of the fediverse). I think a good solution to promote software freedom and the fediverse is for some paid instances to be part of it.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
True, and thanks.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Ah, I see. Yeah, I keep forgetting that a lot of people use LinkedIn for job-searching (I mean, I kinda do too, but been active on it like 7 years without a single follow-through). I see it as a networking tool. Job-searching may be part of it, but business leaders and ultra wealthy use it to make connections and support each other (theoretically). Businesses/creators would be the target market. Maybe some job-search aspect to it at some point.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Haha, this is true. Hence why I was looking for a way to serve people.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Yeah, that’s why I was kinda wondering.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Yeah, that’s what I was hoping for. I’m a believer that money = value. If something or someone is valuable, it should be paid for and there’s nothing wrong with that.
I’m also a believer that you can operate in FOSS/Fedi-mode and still make money.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Yup, an instance would be paid, but if someone wanted to launch a service of their own they totally could…they just won’t have the upstream features and the primary support from the paid instance.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Job-seeker/employer is only a drop in the ocean of what professional networking (and LinkedIn) is about. It’s a community of businesses that all help each other collaborate and build…a way to share ideas and make new connections…at least, I think that’s what everyone wants it to be.
- Comment on How would fedi fans feel about a paid LinkedIn alternative on the fediverse? 1 year ago:
Nope, no verification system…complete opposite…you’d just need to pay an I don’t care who you are (I’d even take crypto like Monero). I think being on week 4 of wrestling with LinkedIn’s verification system (being in LI jail for the 3rd time!) has made me sick of it.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 26 comments
- Comment on LinkedIn Isn't Just for Jobs Anymore. It's Now a Dating App Too. 1 year ago:
Was it ever for jobs?
Been an active user for well over 5 years and not one interaction has resulted in a job.
A bunch of people acting like they were hiring, sure.
- Comment on Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? 1 year ago:
Inspiring Philosophy lays out the whole issue here:
I know it’s age-blocked due to some of the content, so if anyone knows where to find the youtube-alternative link that would be awesome.
- Comment on What is an average person living in the US supposed to do about corporations raising prices? 1 year ago:
Earn more.
- Comment on Can I use my Nvidia card for cuda related ai stuff? 1 year ago:
Yup, start by running
to get the details on your Nvidia. Then install pytorch. The rest is up to you! - Comment on US Question. Will the people that have to wait until 70 to get Social Security ever get what they paid in to it back out before they die since men's life expectancy is only 77 now? 1 year ago:
Social security never made any sense to me anyway. Why not just make the economy healthy so that people can save into old age? Perhaps invest a little into financial literacy so someone doesn’t blow all their savings in Vegas when they’re 45. It’s frustrating the the government’s like, “You can’t spend that money. We don’t think you’re smart enough to plan for the future, but we’re ethical enough we’ll keep it for you and return it to you when you’re old and grouchy.”
- Comment on For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make? 1 year ago:
Hm…I’ll consider this. I 100% believe in self-hosting, but I’ve had to compromise lately. Thanks for the suggestion.
- Comment on For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make? 1 year ago:
Yup. Once you’re a $5/mo / $10/mo member, then you can profit share.
- Comment on For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make? 1 year ago:
I’ve seen that site occasionally. I’ll consider it. The only downside is that I already have a medium audience so I"d have to rebuild my audience. But I’ll consider it. Thanks.
- Comment on For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make? 1 year ago:
Oh, no, I don’t have to pay to submit articles. I’ve already published dozens of articles. It’s just that in order to participate in profit sharing, you need to become a member: $5/mo or $50/yr.
- Comment on For folks who write for, what's your engagement like, and how much do you make? 1 year ago:
Yeah. It’s been a struggle these past few years. I’ve been getting creative to find any source of income, but it seems like no matter what I try I always hit a wall. But I found out I have a new contract starting soon (🤞) that will definitely cover costs for a while. This season is critical for me, and I often check my priorities often. Thanks for the encouragement.
- Comment on Netflix to open branded retail stores for some reason 1 year ago:
They basically want more data points on people to sell to advertisers.
It’s big tech. That’s how big tech works.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 25 comments
- Comment on is there a useful way for tech workers to express interest in a union? 1 year ago:
Yup, try the #UnionizeTech tag on Twitter or Mastodon. I’m trying to raise interest.
So far there’s a call, but nobody’s taking action.
On my part, still trying to find work to afford groceries, so I don’t have much energy to spend on anything else.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
I feel it out. To some degree EVERY job has SOMETHING that opposes my ideology. So I play it by ear.
Like there was one company I worked for that used invasive telemetry on a product. But still I served as best I could.
Then a couple months ago I was approached by a couple that was dealing with a website issue. After an hour of talking about the issue the owner said, “oh, btw, this is a p*rn site site.”
My conscious bothered me. I had to walk away, despite the fact that I really needed the money.
- Comment on How did you get your job? Any advice? 1 year ago:
That’s a strategy I am employing. I’ve messages hundreds of business owners at least half a dozen times in the past year or 2. I’ll keep being annoying.
- Comment on How did you get your job? Any advice? 1 year ago:
I was wondering if that was possible. I get ignored by startups at the same rate as corporate. I’m always told you have to be dragged through the mud for months of interviews before a company hires you, but I take it you didn’t have to do that?
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 3 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 17 comments