- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 3 months ago:
Sadly, Hank is exactly the type of person to do that. The details he shares about his lawn care show that he’s all about artificially tweaking variables and removing uncontrolled factors. This should be Bobby lecturing Hank about his industrialized and unsustainable landscaping practices.
- Comment on NATO official: Ukraine has legal right to strike deep into Russia 5 months ago:
nations supplying weapons to Kyiv have the right to limit their use
What a pathetic statement. “We’re going to encourage Ukraine to start WW3 and then hand the responsibility to the individual states.”
- Comment on Roku owners face the grimmest indignity yet: Stuck-on motion smoothing 8 months ago:
This is grounds for a class action suit
- Comment on Palworld CEO says “many” clones of Pokémon-with-guns game are coming, with “Genshin Impact-level” successors 10 months ago:
Good. No shade on Pocket Pair, they’ve obviously done something that resonates, but imo while Palworld suffers a bit from borrowing too heavily from Pokemon, the real issue is that it borrows too much from Ark. I’d like to see a similar concept executed with an updated interface, crafting system, and progression system. Ark is fine for what it is, but it’s ten years old and Palworld didn’t really make any improvements over the basic structure. It makes sense that they built it the way they did, given that their MO is taking existing component parts and putting them together, rather than designing from the ground up, but I’d like to see a dev team take the same concept and be more intentional about it. There’s a lot that could be done to improve quality of life and create an overall smoother experience, even just by implementing current best-in-class features.
- Comment on Caption this. 10 months ago:
Anthropologists discover evidence of ancient subspecies of humans with gigantic, goose-like penises.
- Comment on PROOF 10 months ago:
Are there any flat-moon conspiracy theorists? I feel like there’s way more evidence that the moon is flat. We see the same side all the time. If it were round, wouldn’t we see different parts of it? We’re supposed to believe that it’s a spheroid orbiting us at the exact rotational speed required so that the same side is facing us all the time? Be serious.
- Comment on You can swap Quark's head with Al from Quantum Leap and never notice 11 months ago:
Flawless. No notes.
- Comment on TSMC “still assessing” chipmaking facilities after 7.4-magnitude quake hits Taiwan 11 months ago:
Conspiracy nut jobs are eating today
- Comment on ‘Havana syndrome’ linked to Russian unit, media investigation suggests 11 months ago:
Looking forward to seeing this very real Russian sonic weapon. It’ll be interesting to see how it works, who designed it, how long it’s existed (which it definitely does). It’s a little worrisome that the Russians were able to keep it a secret so successfully. We don’t even have a theoretical basis for how it works, and yet they’ve managed to not only build it but also deploy it in multiple locations for literally years. Anyways, I hope they eventually find a way to combat this very serious and not at all made up threat.
- Comment on Is the actor of captain Jean-Luc Picard a smoker? 1 year ago:
The actor of captain Picard
Do you honestly not recognize Sir Patrick Stewart? No shade, it’s just wild to think there would be people who don’t recognize him at all, given the length and breadth of his career.
In answer to your question, I can’t speak for Patric Stewart, but my guess is that he chose to play the scene that way because it’s likely that very few people in the Federation smoke, and that’s probably doubly true for people who spend most of their time on a spaceship. My guess would be that Stewart was trying to indicate to the audience that smoking would be somewhat of an anachronism in the 23rd century.
- Comment on — Mrs. McMurray 1 year ago:
I’ve seen every episode of both shows and this didn’t occur to me once. She doesn’t even look different, she’s just a great actress.
- Comment on You Can’t Fact Check Propaganda: A common media practice misunderstands the nature of its quarry. 1 year ago:
Imagine writing all those words with all those fancy references and not mentioning once the glaringly obvious reality that fact-checking is also propaganda. Fact-checking isn’t broken or useless. It works just fine as a way to validate propaganda by pointing out that it’s not factually incorrect. You would have to be a comically credulous rube to not understand that, which means the author is either an idiot or a propagandist (or both).
Also, I think it’s worth pointing this out:
the Israel-Hamas war sparked the highest volume of global propaganda—emanating not just from Israel, Palestine and other Middle Eastern countries but also from Russia, China, and Iran
It is straight up journalistic malpractice to talk about propaganda about Israel-Palestine and not mention the US, the country with the largest media market in the world and the greatest motivation to sway public opinion about the issue. Literally a case-in-point of the article’s central thesis. The author could have displayed some actual integrity by pointing out that, yes, in fact, the western world also engages in propaganda, but no, let’s blame China for propaganda about Israel. Absolute baby-brain nonsense.
- Comment on Pick your champion 1 year ago:
This is terrific, but why isn’t panel 3 a picture of Thomas Riker? Literally the second Riker, who also has a fuller beard (Thomas doesn’t shape his beard the way Will does).
- Comment on Sadly, even after Picard season 3 this mystery is still unsolved. 1 year ago:
Didn’t he go back to Earth to live with his human relatives? My guess would be that Worf would be his eccentric uncle/cousin who came to town every now and again to take him hunting and tell him war stories. Plus the Rozhenkos are on Earth, so I’d imagine Worf would ask that they keep in touch with him, too. I bet that, aside from the trauma in this episode, he probably had a pleasant and uncomplicated life on Earth, but he could tell kids at school that he was also a member of a Klingon family and they’d have to believe him or else his Klingon crew would have to show up to defend his honor. That would be rad, imo.
- Comment on Rocket League removing player trading 1 year ago:
I appreciate the lack of spin on this. “We’re going to remove core functionality for business reasons.” Usually there’s some crocodile tears about how they need to make changes to provide the best possible experience for players or whatever. Almost refreshing to hear the unvarnished truth.
- Comment on They don't last long, so make sure to grab another one every chance you get. 1 year ago:
The backbone of the fleet, no question.
- Comment on Finally got an apartment in this game. Rate my bathroom. 1 year ago:
The screen sitting on top of a storage container next to the toilet, rotated ever so slightly for best viewing angle while pooping, is chefs-kiss
- Comment on Star Trek: Infinite Launches October 12, Game Trailer and Preorder Details Announced 1 year ago:
Oof, this might be the thing that gets me to lose myself in a Paradox game.
- Comment on Star Trek and The Orville, which is better/worse? 1 year ago:
The Orville is a deeply sincere homage made by someone who clearly both loves and understands Star Trek. It is, in many ways, more true to form than some of the recent Trek shows and movies, and it deserves to be considered an honorary part of the franchise. I hope we see more of it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Bahaha, in the mirror universe, Elon Musk died a pauper while trying to prevent the eugenics wars.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It rules that the Mirror Universe guy was a Musk fan. Possibly not an intentional dig, but it’s pitch-perfect in retrospect. I love Lorca. What a fun character.
- Comment on The Thing (1982), dir. John Carpenter 1 year ago:
lmao flawless
- Comment on What Upstate New York city is Jonathan Archer from? 1 year ago:
I like Bozeman as Zephram Chocoran’s home base because there’s a good chance that Montana might have been spared a direct nuclear strike. Same logic applies to why San Francisco looks so futuristic: it for sure got flattened entirely by a nuke, so they would have had to build it back up from nothing afterwards. I’m guessing the Golden Gate was still partly standing and they rebuilt it for the same reason we keep other historical buildings/monuments around.
No idea if any of that is canon, but if we aren’t overthinking Star Trek then why are we doing any of this?
- Comment on What Upstate New York city is Jonathan Archer from? 1 year ago:
Rick Berman was the executive producer on Enterprise. Given that he was born-and-raised in New York City, it’s possible that the answer is, like, Westchester.
- Comment on Let's be honest, does anyone actually like it? 1 year ago:
Have they really? That’s pretty great. TAS does have all the same actors from TOS doing the voices, it doesn’t get much more legit than that.
- Comment on Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves. 1 year ago:
I like this breakdown, particularly the contrast between Ortegas and Paris. I think Ortegas is a better overall character, and gets big points for having her skills and progress matter to her character development. Paris, though, was an elite pilot before he showed up on Voyager, and then he spent years doing the most insane piloting anyone in Starfleet has ever seen. Ortegas is sort of the ideal of a relatable, blue-collar pilot with a promising career ahead of her, whereas Paris was a savant when he left with Voyager and a legend when he got home. He’s a tier above everyone else on the list, you gotta hand it to him.
- Comment on Let's be honest, does anyone actually like it? 1 year ago:
I have a soft spot for it because they did an episode that added Larry Niven’s Kzinti to the Star Trek universe. I know TAS isn’t usually considered canon, but that was fun.
- Comment on Timothy Olyphant Reveals Why He Didn’t Get The Role Of James T. Kirk In ‘Star Trek’ Films 1 year ago:
My apologies, I assumed 1 and 4 were about treatment of other users, rather than more broadly.
- Comment on Timothy Olyphant Reveals Why He Didn’t Get The Role Of James T. Kirk In ‘Star Trek’ Films 1 year ago:
He would have been wasted on the NuTrek films. He’d have killed it, stolen every scene, spiked the ball in the end zone and done a little dance, but Abrams and Kurtzman and the rest of those hacks don’t deserve him.
- Comment on VolCel away team to transporter room 1. 1 year ago:
I’m certain there’s a pun to be made here involving “ass” and “galaxy class” but it would be vulgar and I’ll not be the one to make it.