- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
I mean, sure, you’re not wrong. It’s just that cyberpunk as a genre is pretty strongly linked to anti-capitalist and anti-corporate themes, and I think a triple-A game published by a big corporation is not very likely to adhere to the spirit of the genre.
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 3 months ago:
You know, I had heard a lot about how much Cyberpunk had improved since launch, but I still couldn’t really convince myself to try it. “Cyberpunk game made by big corporate studio” always just struck me as something of an oxymoron.
- Comment on Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress 6 months ago:
Not as familiar with WordPress, but if that’s the case, yeah, I don’t have high hopes for this going well…
- Comment on Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress 6 months ago:
Not as drastic as the headline makes it out to be, or at least so they claim.
“We acquired Tumblr to benefit from its differences and strengths, not to water it down. We love Tumblr’s streamlined posting experience and its current product direction,” the post explained. “We’re not changing that. We’re talking about running Tumblr’s backend on WordPress. You won’t even notice a difference from the outside,” it noted.
We’ll see how that actually works out. Tumblr’s backend has always seemed rather… makeshift, so I’m curious to see how they manage to do that. Given Tumblr’s technical eccentricities, a backend migration could probably do a lot of good for the functionality of the site, if done properly. I have my doubts that WordPress’ engineers will be given the time and resources to do a full overhaul/refactor though, so I’m fully expecting even more janky, barely functional code stapling the two systems together.
- Comment on A Prominent Accessibility Advocate Worked With Studios and Inspired Change. But She Never Actually Existed. 6 months ago:
I mean, Christianity kinda does, too, but gay Christians definitely exist. Islam and its interpretations/practices aren’t monolithic.
That’s not to say that I think she actually exists - all evidence seems to point to Coty Craven being a con artist - but “gay muslim” isn’t necessarily a red flag.
- Comment on Dutch toilets 7 months ago:
It sure does.
- Comment on The Humble Games Situation Gets Messier With Claims Of Lies And Damage Control 7 months ago:
Humble used to be an event that celebrated and showcased indie developers while at the same time raising many millions for charities. Then IGN bought it and rapidly enshittified it into a bog-standard, for-profit corporate enterprise like any other, and I’ll never forgive them for it.
Do they even give any of the profits to charity any more? If they do, I bet they only keep it around to take advantage of the tax writeoffs.
- Comment on Options for equalizing temperature between the basement and the rest of the house in summer? 8 months ago:
Good point, I’ll have to keep that in mind. I would think that after the initial temperature equalization, it shouldn’t be an issue as long as the temp remains relatively stable afterward, so in theory, if the rate of the initial equalization is gradual enough, I would think it wouldn’t cause any long-term issues.
Though that does depend on how exactly any possible solutions would work, and how controlled they could be. I might just re-evaluate after I get the insulation work done.
- Submitted 8 months ago to [deleted] | 10 comments
- Comment on Favourite developers 11 months ago:
Id, Bioware, and Bethesda have all been mentioned, and are strong contenders.
Ludeon Studios and Ghost Ship Games each only really have one game (RimWorld and Deep Rock Galactic, respectively), but they’re so damn good and they both have such a strong relationship with their communities that they’re definitely among my favorites at the moment.
I have a love/hate relationship with Paradox Interactive. Their DLC model… leaves a lot to be desired, but I have yet to find much else that scratches the grand strategy itch in the same way they do, and the level of mod support they provide is impressive. I don’t know if I can call them my favorite, but I’ve logged over 1000 hours into EU4 alone, so I have to at least mention it, I feel.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
- Comment on You Can Capture Humans In Palword 1 year ago:
As far as the ethics of it, whatever, there are games where you can do worse. I just think it’s annoying that the devs went this far out of their way to cynically controversy-bait up attention for themselves. There was no need for this - it adds nothing to the gameplay beyond shock value.
- Comment on Game genres where "It's just more X content" is more than enough 1 year ago:
Unless it’s Madden, in which case the exclusive license to use the NFL’s trademarks means that they can just release a $60 roster update every year and still make bank from the people with gambling addictions to Ultimate Team.
- Comment on NCSOFT has officially granted Homecoming a license to host City of Heroes 1 year ago:
Same here, I was a teenager when I originally played it and didn’t stick with it for too long, but I remember the character creation was really versatile and flavorful.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 has won Steam's 2023 GOTY Award 1 year ago:
The problem with the Steam Awards is that they try to get as many people to vote as possible, even if people haven’t actually played the games in question.
People will see a bunch of games they haven’t played, be like “oh hey I at least know the name of that one” and vote for it even though they have no idea if the others are more deserving or not.
- Comment on Saints Row – free to keep today on Epic Games Store 1 year ago:
SR4 is where the series jumped the shark for me. Turning up all the wacky random insanity worked great for SR3 and helped it find a niche to differentiate itself from other GTA-likes, but trying the exact same thing again made it go from parody to farce. It was very obviously trying so hard to top SR3’s absurdity, but it just went so insanely overboard with it that I got desensitized to it, and it all came across as just plain stupid.
And on top of that, they give you superhero powers that basically make using cars obsolete… in a GTA-like. The vehicle customization was one of the best systems of SR3, but they actively disincentivized using vehicles altogether in 4.
- Comment on Saints Row – free to keep today on Epic Games Store 1 year ago:
“People die when they are killed.”
- Comment on [Steam] Which lesser known games have you bought or are planning to buy in this sale? 1 year ago:
…Who said anything about roguelikes?
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress- Adventure Mode Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
I played CDDA for a while about 5 years ago. I really enjoyed it for a while, but after a certain point it seemed like the devs just got more interested in simulating fiddly minutiae to micromanage in excruciating detail over actually developing interesting new content or fixing existing broken systems.
NPCs were an absolute mess around that time, but the devs were messing around with implementing individual vitamin and mineral meters and making installing bionics more fiddly.
- Comment on The New Games Journalism, Same As The Old Games Journalism - Aftermath 1 year ago:
It’s funny that Aftermath is writing about bad game journalism practices when they themselves have an initial “you must register to read our articles,” but then after registration, hit you with an actual hard paywall after a couple of articles.
If they want to paywall their content, that is their prerogative, but they could at least be up-front about it, instead of only telling me about it after I went through the trouble of creating an account.
- Comment on Warframe Finally Getting Cross-Platform Save and Android Closed Beta Registration Available Now 1 year ago:
I thought it was like 60-80GB last I played, which was a couple of years ago.
- Comment on Warframe Finally Getting Cross-Platform Save and Android Closed Beta Registration Available Now 1 year ago:
Warframe on Android? That game already takes up a shitload of disk space on a PC, how is anyone going to fit it on their phone?
- Comment on On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them 1 year ago:
Yeah this about sums up my feelings on it. The main story seemed alright from what I experienced, and the characters seemed fairly interesting. Better-written than FO4, at least. I was particularly charmed by the PC’s parents that you get when you take that one perk at character creation.
But the exploration just feels… dull and empty. Surveying planets just felt like a chore, and any particular landing spot on a planet was just a few cookie cutter lairs scattered among a bunch of nothing. Didn’t feel like you were actually discovering anything interesting.
- Comment on On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them 1 year ago:
Maybe I just don’t look at the right parts of the internet to end up seeing it, but I haven’t even really seen anyone talking about hating it.
- Comment on On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them 1 year ago:
It’s kinda crazy how quickly people just… stopped talking about Starfield after release. Like, even if it ended up being bad or disappointing, people would’ve at least still been talking about it in that capacity.
Starfield was one of the most hyped releases in years, at least since Cyberpunk, yet when it finally released, it seems like the entire gaming world played it for a few days, collectively decided, “eh, this is alright I guess,” then moved on. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the mood towards a game shift so rapidly from massive hype to complete indifference…
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Been going through Gotham Knights on Gamepass, it’s solid. It doesn’t stand up to the best of the Arkham series, but it’s at least an interesting twist on the idea, and the Arkham formula still holds up.
Also been on a totally random RollerCoaster Tycoon kick. Haven’t played in years, but for some reason I felt like getting into it again.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, Deus Ex
- Comment on Cities: Skylines 2 devs warn players of performance problems: 'we have not achieved the benchmark we targeted' 1 year ago:
I mean, I think it just demonstrates that the problem is not on a development level, but rather on a project management and (particularly) an executive level.
Crunch and unreasonable deadlines in the gaming industry are the norm, and there’s too much pressure from higher up to deliver a product as soon as possible, even if it isn’t 100% ready.
Unfortunately, there’s no real good answer for this as a consumer… If the game does well, the execs who set the deadlines pocket the profits. If it does poorly, the developers who worked on it bear the brunt of it by either getting insufficient raises, an even higher level of pressure on the next game, or at worst, get laid off.
The real answer would be widespread industry unionization. Efforts to do this are ever-so-slowly being made, but it’s not even remotely close to being a reality. I’d say that if the game appeals to you and you don’t mind performance issues at launch, buy it, but if not, then don’t.
- Comment on Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core - Teaser Trailer 1 year ago:
The public lobbies have (usually) one of the least toxic player bases in online gaming.
- Comment on Dusk Developer David Szymanski: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly 1 year ago:
The reason that it’s so hard to compete with Steam is that Steam just does what it does so well.
I don’t have much desire to change my primary digital storefront because there isn’t really much of anything more I want from a digital storefront that Steam doesn’t already provide. If the quality of Steam’s experience declines at some point, I would welcome competition, but otherwise, why would I bother switching to another service when I don’t really have any complaints about Steam?
Besides, the TV/movie streaming service market has already demonstrated what happens when not enough competition suddenly turns into too much competition. If Epic were able to demonstrate that it was possible to overtake Steam, everyone would try to copycat their strategy, and then you likely end up with a balkanized market where no one has the market share or resources to provide the level of quality that Steam does.