- Comment on space 10 months ago:
It’s a shame we never invented a Space-Time machine
- Comment on What are you playing this week? April 01 2024 Edition 11 months ago:
Had the opportunity to throw some time at the FF7 Rebirth on my friend’s PS5. I’ll have to wait until June before I can expect to see it on PC, but its been a lot of fun to date. Eager to see more of it.
- Comment on Poland activates air force as western Ukraine and Kyiv come under ‘massive’ Russian attack 11 months ago:
War is always just the prelude to diplomacy. Gotta wonder how many more people will die before talking starts.
- Comment on Anatomy 1 year ago:
Its called a bumblebee because its got three left feet.
- Comment on TrekMovie.com: Patrick Stewart Reveals New Star Trek Movie Script Featuring Jean-Luc Picard Is In The Works 1 year ago:
Picard was already bordering on elder abuse.
- Comment on high rise 1 year ago:
This Kind Of Smart, Walkable, Mixed-use Urbanism Is Illegal To Build In Most American Cities
- Comment on Ragrets 1 year ago:
It is always worth remembering that the difference between a guy making $60k and a guy making $600k is about $540k.
- Comment on Stanley Kubrick is a magician 1 year ago:
Going to the B-roll footage of Apocalypse Now to deny the existence of Vietnam
- Comment on This would have been a better WoT meme. 1 year ago:
Me, trying to understand this meme.
- Comment on PlayStation Ending Twitter/X Integration Next Week 1 year ago:
The feature nobody asked for is finally going away, now that America’s dumbest billionaire has made it too much of a fucking hassle to maintain.
- Comment on In a different timeline 1 year ago:
Nice try, but everyone knows timelines only impact hair below the earline.
- Comment on For anyone who wasn't aware, the 1990s show Gargoyles is basically a TNG reunion. 1 year ago:
Adding 30 years to a cast that was already in their 30s/40s when the original aired was hard enough with Picard, when the people were supposed to look like people. And that series wrapped last year.
Curious to see what they do with the remake, but folks aren’t getting any younger.
- Comment on This comic was published less than ten years ago, and it's wild how obsolete it is 1 year ago:
yeah, the comic describes it as “the virtually impossible”
We are a lot better at it now than we were, say, ten years ago. But it is nearly trivial to outwit a “bird detecting algorithm” by holding up a vague facsimile of a bird. That gets us back to the old TrashFuture line about AI just being “some dude at a computer filling out captchas”.
I’m not saying we aren’t building on centuries of work, i’m saying the rate of recent progress is remarkable.
The recent progress is heavily overstated. More often than not, what a computer does today to recognize a bird is to pull on a large library of data labeled “birds” and ask if there’s a close-enough match. But that large library is not AI driven. Its the consequence of a bunch of manual labeling done by humans with eyes and brains. A novel or rare species of bird, or a bird that’s camouflaged, or even just a bird that’s out-of-focus or badly rendered, will still consistently fail the “Is this a bird?” test.
- Comment on This comic was published less than ten years ago, and it's wild how obsolete it is 1 year ago:
The original problem was posited… 60 years ago?
It’s a bit like saying “I wonder how the dinosaurs died?” in the early '00s, a few years before meteor theory really got nailed down. Like, ignore the last century of postulation. We just knocked this out real quick.
- Comment on Riker has no complaints 1 year ago:
Trans Warp Drive
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
“Getting a little handsy” in the Vulcan vernacular has a whole new spin.
- Comment on Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves. 1 year ago:
If she wasn’t on Discovery, she might have scored more points.
- Comment on Battle of the Helmsmen will now commence. 8 pilots enter. 1 pilot leaves. 1 year ago:
Based and hair piled. Nobody else has that cut.