- Comment on Can I lose a beer belly working out one day a week? 4 weeks ago:
You should also use a calorie calculator to see what your maintenance caloric intake is. I.e. how many calories your body burns a day with your average routine. Then it’s just a matter of eating less than that to lose weight or more than that to gain weight.
- Comment on ugh i wish 3 months ago:
THe PaThOGeNs aRe gOoD fOr yOU!!!
- Comment on Skyrocketing bluesky engagement since opening to the public 1 year ago:
What is it?
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
Can I get that in English?
- Comment on Single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries that last hundreds of cycles despite being discarded 1 year ago:
Nicotine alone is carcinogenic, despite what people like to believe.
- Comment on The Cybertruck Is a Disappointment Even to Cybertruck Superfans / Looking at the specs alone, the car is delivering 30 percent less range than expected for 30 percent more money 1 year ago:
Call the movie “Back to the Stoneage”. Then send a tech billionaire to the past where nobody gives a fuck about them and they have to work to survive for the first time in their pathetic lives.
- Comment on Toyota nears mass production of solid-state batteries 1 year ago:
If you can look past the fire and toxic fumes
- Comment on Ford lays off 700 who were building electric version of F-150 | CNN Business 1 year ago:
It’s probably not what they were thinking but a Van can do most anything a truck can do except when it comes to off-road capabilities. For hauling and towing, a Van can usually do the same job without being a machine designed to kill pedestrians.
- Comment on 98 years worth of progress. 1 year ago:
But but the litter boxes in schools all across the country?! We have to be furious! Right guys? These things are real and not just a complete fabrication, right?! Oh…
- Comment on GM confirms $130,000 Cadillac Escalade IQ won’t have Apple CarPlay or Android Auto | GM said it was going to drop Apple CarPlay and Android Auto in all vehicles, and now, that includes Cadillac’s l... 1 year ago:
GM is also competing for a piece of the $5.5 billion connected commercial vehicle market, as PYMNTS reported recently.
The company offers a fleet telematics solution called OnStar Vehicle Insights that features a vehicle locator, vehicle health, driver behavior, performance insights, daily trip summaries and remote commands. This last tool lets drivers lock, unlock and remote start the vehicle from a website or app.
I would rather have none of that in my vehicle, thanks.