- Comment on What is best Lemmy App to use on iPhone? 1 day ago:
- Comment on Sega Neptune Shell Rev4 4 months ago:
This is elite. Thanks for sharing.
- Comment on What are the differences between unsaturated, saturated, monosaturated, polysaturated, and transaturated fats? 6 months ago:
Top 10 lemmy comment IMO.
- Comment on Streamyfin, a simple and user-friendly Jellyfin client for iOS and Android 6 months ago:
Joined the TestFlight!
- Comment on Video Game Legend Julian "Jaz" Rignall Has Written A Book About His Life In Gaming | Time Extension 7 months ago:
Never heard of him and his Twitter bio doesn’t elaborate. What’s his CV?
- Comment on FOSS Alternative to Chromecast? 7 months ago:
Jellyfin and self host!
- Comment on Where to find classic Capcom fighters for Saturn and Dreamcast? 10 months ago:
- Comment on How much difference does a CDN make to a fediverse instance? - PieFed 1 year ago:
We need an encyclopedia of posts/content like this that is the masterbook of Fediverse ops and scaling “how-to.”
- Comment on Someone recreated the 1996 FMV game "Star Trek: Borg" that works in a browser and with upscaled visuals 1 year ago:
Wow, this is fire.
- Comment on Played and beat A Libk to the Past for the first time! 1 year ago:
Oracle combined is my favorite Zelda hands down. You have to try it.
- Comment on Star Trek on LaserDisc, if you've got the right equipment, it looks amazing! (samples in the description) 1 year ago:
Please do god’s work and get them on Usenet.
- Comment on Production Begins For ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Season 3, ‘Section 31’ Movie Starts In January 1 year ago:
I really could not get into SNW. The almost Marvel-satire-level of constant asides and quips takes me out of it. It wants to be a gorgeous, serious show, a wannabe campy homage, and a modern Marvel action-funny, and eat its cake, too.
Contrast to DS9/TNG, where the show is campy but not self-aware, SNW oscillates between winking at the audience and tearjerker storyline in too small of an interval, consistently.
- Comment on Ditching MyQ for OpenGarage - Open Source Garage Door Control 1 year ago:
This is elite self-hosting, lol. I want more of this content.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Speaking of OST, this is the best “remix” of Majora soundtrack. I listen to this all the time:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I was a Kickstarter person for this game!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
BOTW is incredible. Probably my favorite game in terms of design.
However, its dungeons aren’t just weak, they’re barely skirting the definition of dungeon. They’re by far the weakest part of the game. Its story is solid but I think the execution of the story and performances are also weak.
Majora has a gameplay loop that is completely one with its story. Very few games manage to have the core loop truly be informed by their story, which is sublime when it happens.
And it also hits traditional Zelda tropes, such has dungeons with legitimate puzzles that you have to think about.
BOTW would be THE GOAT game if its weak points weren’t so weak compared to the rest of the franchise. They were sacrifices to its new gameplay paradigm. But they really didn’t have to be sacrificed.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Majora’s Mask should be on way more top 10 of all time lists. It is by far the most emotional Zelda game.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Majora’s Mask
The Last of Us
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Really hard to leave BOTW out…
- Comment on What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about? 1 year ago:
Metal Gear Solid for GBC is never mentioned in all time lists for the series, but it’s my favorite, straight up.
I can’t believe they managed to cram a true MGS experience onto a GAMEBOY Color cartridge.
Pocket Bomberman is also legitimately great.
- Comment on What Game Boy game do you love that you never hear anyone talk about? 1 year ago:
This is the way.
- Comment on What do you think would be an actually good use of blockchain/smart contracts? What kind of problems (big or small) is it a good tool for? 1 year ago:
The paradox is that it must solve money first. The original intended usecase is not only the best, but it is a prerequisite to higher order use cases.
Think of the money supply layers, “M0, M1, M2” and so on, and what they mean.
Smart contracts are an “M1-M2+” problem solver. But M0 still isn’t solved.
In other words, having stock markets or NFT housing chain of title will always fail if the money usecase upon which it stands is still fallible. Ethereum put the cart before the horse. Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash, “dumb” M0 solutions, have to be widely useful for the rest to work.