- Comment on Do people still call each other at midnight on NYE? 2 months ago:
Not call but we are in discord calls.
- Comment on What do you create? 3 months ago:
- Comment on Samsung: Exynos problems are due to "too short" 52-hour working week in Korea - NotebookCheck.net News 3 months ago:
Hire more people? Increase pay and vacation incentives? Provide employee protection?
Nah. Just make them work more unpaid overtime ans blame them for being unproductive.
- Comment on Bungie CEO faces backlash after announcing 220 employees, or 17% of its workforce, will be laid off | Pete Parsons has spent $2.4 million on classic cars since Sony acquired Destiny developer Bungie 7 months ago:
Wanna know what’s even more sad? That 2.4m is only enough to pay for salary of 10 employees. This is salary, benefits, and additional respurce costs and personel usage. Basing this based on my friends who work for bungie and their salary is nothing enough for this areas cost of living.
- Comment on why is lemmy.world such a toxic queerphobic shithole? 7 months ago:
Because you’re there. Once you leave, it will be a much better place, I promise.
- Comment on The “Netflix of anime” piracy site abruptly shuts down, shocking users 7 months ago:
I like aniwave and hasn’t let me down.
- Comment on Glorious Victory 9 months ago:
Revert your negative reviews guys
- Comment on X’s Premium users can no longer hide their blue checks 10 months ago:
Some beans were hiding it to avoid being scrutinized for paying into Elons platform.but still wanted to have their name, pretty much marketing and loosing money.
- Comment on [Gamers Nexus] Fixing Intel's Arc Drivers: "Optimization" & How GPU Drivers Actually Work | Engineering Discussion 11 months ago:
I love this new in depth series
- Comment on McDonald’s stores hit by global IT failure 11 months ago:
RIight after there was claims of starting a open-source official fix for the machines.
- Comment on The FTC is probing Reddit’s AI licensing deals 11 months ago:
I stillndont know how could someone look sonclose to lizard people with those eyes ans face with out actually being lizard people… that we know of.
- Comment on The Steam Spring Sale is now in full swing 11 months ago:
Dadlyni feel like I own everything I want. And will never play, ans bew games discounts aren’t worth it.
- Comment on Akira Toriyama has passed away at the age of 68 11 months ago:
Dang rip buddy. Time to start liking for those dragon bands again.
- Comment on Want to watch porn in Britain? Get your passport ready 1 year ago:
Or you know, VPN.
- Comment on DEATH STRANDING 2: ON THE BEACH – State of Play Announce Trailer 1 year ago:
Honestly I never finished the first game due to life and busyness but loved the 50 hrs in it. So excited to see this one.
- Comment on Chinese malware removed from SOHO routers after FBI issues covert commands 1 year ago:
In other news, “fbi installed mallard on your router”
- Comment on Palworld - 2024/02/01 Update Patch v0.1.4.0 1 year ago:
Is this also the patch on Gamepass?
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
Why I’m surprised there is still a use for it. But also not really since older hardware doesn’t mean bad hardware, just uncommon.
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
I used mine same way but I been spoiled by high res from just long hdmj cable.
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
I’m surprised it still gets support ans I guess treaning games from pc rather than plugging pc in just isnt as common in general.
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
What do you use it for?
- Comment on Microsoft is adding a new key to PC keyboards for the first time since 1994 1 year ago:
You thought Clippy was dead? Think again, that monster never dies. and is not back bigger than ever in its physical form.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
You can’t join into multiplayer/gta online unless you disable all mods. For a live service that needs loading Individually it still doesn’t operate as good as it should especially when they have the funds for it. They dont care for the player experience. After 4 times having to enable, test and disable mods just to play online with friends, I dropped gta V all together. Wasn’t worth co figuring 150+ mods just to have them all break when you have to disable them.
- Comment on Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 1 year ago:
Am I the only one who no longer cares for GTA series after the Shark Code shitshow series has become ans the dropped promise of single player mods and DLC?
- Comment on Survive the zombie apocalypse 1 year ago:
Dog if trained, water purifier, fire axe, AK (if with bullets of around 250), otherwise a flashlight AK maybe priority since I know how to make my own ammo.
- Comment on 'Great' games I didn't play this year due to requirements 1 year ago:
For me it’s because work, school, research, and car/house repair.
- Comment on College Students Dump Dating Apps as Bumble CEO Steps Down 1 year ago:
Hello there. 👋
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 09-10-2023 1 year ago:
Cyberpunk 2077, really love the story and character interactions. Still buggy as hell though lol.