- Comment on The Thing: Remastered 22nd Anniversary Screenshots Released | Retro Gaming News 24/7 6 months ago:
I found it at one point but didn’t know how to make it run on a modern computer.
- Comment on Why haven't car manufacturers standardized automatic brake lights when a built in accelerometer detects deceleration? 7 months ago:
Source? I have never seen a single car that does this.
- Comment on Millennials are old now? 1 year ago:
Yeah to me Classic Rock is 60’s and 70’s. Classic Rock is a genre not classic rock, rock which is classic, classic meaning it has stood the test of time. Linkin Park may be classic at this point, but they’re not Classic Rock.
- Comment on Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and the Blustery Day 1 year ago:
There’s definitely already stuff like that for Dracula and Frankenstein’s monster.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
FYI Durmstrang is from Hungary.
- Comment on Very powerful flashlight 1 year ago:
MS18 actually. Genuinely the brightest handheld flashlight in the world.
- Comment on Are you feeling... 1 year ago:
This is a Bernese Mountain Dog…
- Comment on We like our EV because it's green. But for escaping wildfires — maybe it's not the best option yet | CBC News 1 year ago:
Personally I wouldn’t want to wait that long while there’s an active wildfire. You’d need hours to go even a few miles and a day+ for a full charge. Not arguing against EVs, just saying regular outlets are not the fix in this situation.
- Comment on Nearly 500 smartphone brands have left the market since 2017 1 year ago:
Mine was a piece of junk. It would crash whenever I tried to open snapchat. Super slow in general. Completely stopped working after like a year and had to be replaced.
- Comment on I'm sick of phones 1 year ago:
I tried going to a brand that wasn’t top tier to save money once. The phone literally struggled to run snapchat. Crapped out and was replaced under warranty. Tried a not top tier Samsung, but anything below flagship has a lower res and it honestly bothered me. So I’m back to flagship Samsung mostly for screen res. I honestly don’t know where to go from here.
- Comment on Apple, Long a Critic of Right to Repair, Comes Out in Support of California Bill 1 year ago:
I don’t know, if apple is supporting it it seems dubious as hell.