- Comment on EU chief Ursula von der Leyen unveils €200 bn boost for AI at Paris summit. 3 weeks ago:
What a colossal waste…
- Comment on The new trailer for sandbox strategy game Antimatter shows off the epic scale 5 weeks ago:
Name me one game were that worked. Even No Mans Sky which put a lot of work into it with a large variety of assets starts to repeat after you visited like 20 systems. And even if the models are different, it still is “oh, another desert planet, just with a slightly different color palette”.
I have not a problem with procedural generation per se, i just do not believe it works at scale. To stay with NMS as example, there is no reason whatsoever to explore the universe or even switch to a different one because everything is just more of the same. There is nothing new.
- Comment on The new trailer for sandbox strategy game Antimatter shows off the epic scale 5 weeks ago:
procedurally generated and dynamic universe with thousands of systems to explore
meh. So basically just the same couple of things randomly thrown together over and over again without anything new to discover and with a shit ton of empty space between.
- Comment on The voice actor of the GMan just posted this promising cryptic HL3 rumor 2 months ago:
To be honest, I hope they never do it. Because at this point it is absolutely impossible that it can live up to the hype. It will be a disappointment no matter what.
They can do other games in that universe though. They will work. I actually believe they will work better without HL3 existing.
- Comment on No Man's Sky Head Claims Team Isn't Close To Being Done With Game's Content 3 months ago:
I wish there were some big story / quest updates. Exploring the galaxy was a fun for the 150 hours I put into it, but after the end of the storylines and relatively few sidequests it got boring pretty quickly. This whole “Explore a new galaxy!” thing didn’t make sense to me either. What was I supposed to do that for? It looks practically the same everywhere. And there is nothing that would be actually new or surprising.
I mean, I could still do things like finish upgrading the freighter and the fleet, but for what? There is nothing to do with it.
Nevertheless, the purchase was definitely worth it. Games these days can rarely entertain me long enough to get that much time out of them.
- Comment on EU slaps Meta with a nearly 800 million euro fine for engaging in 'abusive' Marketplace practices 3 months ago:
Keep going. They got last year already severals fines for GDPR violations. suming up to 2.26 Billion. Needs moar!
- Comment on Wednesday it is, my dudes. 4 months ago:
German is wrong. Its Quak.
- Comment on Arch Linux and Valve Collaboration 5 months ago:
they added some nice tools though. e.g. their pacdiff & meld tool eos-pacdiff is pretty nice. then there is a kernel manager and a pretty clever update-script / wrapper around pacman and yay (eos-update). saying it is just Arch + GUI is selling it a bit short imho.
- Comment on Women in STEM 5 months ago:
Right? In germany there is a lot named after her. e.g. The Institute for Nuclear Research in Berlin is the “Hahn-Meitner-Institut” (after her and Otto Hahn). There are countless Schools and streets named after her all over the country.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Cheats running at ring0 aren’t invisible
Every rootkit ever disagrees with that statement.
They can actually invest in server-side detection
I’m not deep enough in the topic to be able to judge this, but i would guess the needed extra hardware is simple not worth it. especially in games with many players or complex physics i would guess that could lead to considerable load on the servers.
Plus, server side is not able to catch things the client manipulates on his side. e.g. graphical data to make walls transparent. The server could at most catch the player abusing this knowledge, but if he is smart about it, the server has no way to ever notice.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
it’s possible to make a good AC without fucking around in the kernel.
What if the cheat runs in the kernel? I am also against these extremely invasive anti-cheat measures, but it must be clear to everyone that the cheat developers and users have no qualms about this.
A user level AC can do shit all against that if the cheat runs in ring 0.
- Comment on Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me? 5 months ago:
“Synchronous 26” and “Synchronous 320” sounds super weird. Are you combining RAM with different clock frequencies / timings? that can and often will cause problems like instabilities and crashes. i would take out the one you added and try the games again.
- Comment on Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath 6 months ago:
You compare entirely different things here. I’m talking about a website i own not a product i sell. And no, this “on the internet forever” is complete and utter nonsense that was never true to begin with. the amount of stuff lost to time easely dwarfs the one still around.
- Comment on Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath 6 months ago:
I’m not sure if i can agree with that. A third party cannot simply override the rights of the owner. If i want my website gone, i want it gone from everywhere. no exception.
That kinda also goes in the whole “Right to be forgotten” direction. I have absolute sovereignty over my data. This includes websites created by me. If i want it gone, it will be gone.
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 6 months ago:
Plungers are extremely common in germany. To be precise i can’t remember ever being in a bathroom without one.
- Comment on Top Russian economist dies after falling out of window 7 months ago:
In a few hundred years
I mean… there is already a Wiki Article about it: […/Suspicious_deaths_of_notable_R…](Suspicious deaths of notable Russians (2022–2024))
- Comment on Nintendo DMCA Notice Wipes Out 8,535 Yuzu Repos, Mig Switch Also Targeted. 10 months ago:
Yeah i tend to forget that github is in the US and their allmighty DMCA can be used to take down anything. i just have a hard time believing this shit would fly in the EU.
- Comment on Nintendo DMCA Notice Wipes Out 8,535 Yuzu Repos, Mig Switch Also Targeted. 10 months ago:
Did not get a e-mail but my fork is gone. That can’t be legal can it? I’m in the EU.
- Comment on Will this run GTA 6 and why not? 1 year ago:
I miss the days when computers were real MACHINES. With the CLACK of a fat button humming and buzzing to life. The whole experience was so different with much more audiovisual and haptic feedback. love it.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago:
yeah, but to be fair, we get a lot of free shit for it.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago:
thats gross salaray. i mean net salaray.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago:
I tend to exaggerate, but my actual income is just under €12,000 a year. Adult german but can’t work full time for health reasons. But even with a average income here you would rarely go over 25.000€, which is still a joke in comparison what this guy makes.
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook's total pay drops to $63 million for 2023. 1 year ago:
a year? i don’t make that much in 10!
i could live a whole long life with what this guy makes in a week.
- Comment on I finally found him 1 year ago:
That is the guy sudo incidents are reported to.
- Comment on Watch a 13-year-old become the first person to ever beat Classic Tetris 1 year ago:
It was posted yesterday with a different video that goes more into details what this is all about, the old records and how these were achieved and what the “true killscreen” is, etc. I didn’t think it would actually be that interesting, but I watched the whole thing:
- Comment on Steamboat Willie, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, is now public domain. It's also now a top-traded NFT. 1 year ago:
TIL there are still idiots buying NFTs
- Comment on That explains the shiny nose 1 year ago:
That looks like something that escaped SCP containment…
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 'Isn't Going to be on Game Pass', Insists Larian Boss 1 year ago:
Weird to see you getting downvoted for a legitimtate question. It’s a shame Demos are not really a thing anymore.
- Comment on What happened to LineageOS? Has it been replaced by GrapheneOS? 1 year ago:
- Comment on WhatsApp is one step closer to adding email address verification 1 year ago:
It is extremely widespread in Europe. In Germany, a good 50 million people (out of 80) use it every day. I would describe myself as very tech-savvy and privacy-conscious and would normally never use it , but since everyone in the family and friends use it without exception, there is no escape.