- Comment on Digital Fingerprinting: Google launched a new era of tracking worse than cookie banners | Tuta 2 weeks ago:
“Decentraleyes” is such a good game, damn!
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 2 weeks ago:
If you can’t bite it, it doesn’t exist.
- Comment on Over 20M 'people' listed as 100+ years old in the SS database? 2 weeks ago:
The language wasn’t the point. The point is that if this data is being retrieved by these young clowns, we can’t trust any of it. There is no good excuse for Elon to have given them this much responsibility.
- Comment on Over 20M 'people' listed as 100+ years old in the SS database? 2 weeks ago:
Occams razor tells me this is most likely caused by shitty SQL by his teenage goon squad
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 4 weeks ago:
So not a much different experience than Spotify
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
Isn’t “heavier” only used when describing weight and not mass?
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 4 months ago:
Apple is powered by the copium of their fanbase, so maybe the next model won’t even need a power cable.
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 4 months ago:
Imagine a world where we had politicians who understood technology enough to put proper rules and requirements in place, so that big dumb companies would avtually be forced to act ethically and sustainably…
- Comment on Thronefall's tiny tower defence townbuilding has reached version 1.0 4 months ago:
Great game! I highly recommend watching the creators videos about the development process
- Comment on I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying. 5 months ago:
Hades filled a Diablo shaped hole in my heart, after being disappointed by D4. Highly recommend the Hades games.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
I wish more games came with couch co-op. It was a lot of fun in Halo and Diablo.
- Comment on [rant] I want computers to become personal again 5 months ago:
I hope I live to see the death of private banking. It’s insane how much of the fuckery in the world that originates in banking.
- Comment on Campaigners tie baby slings to statues in call for better UK paternity leave 5 months ago:
- Comment on Questions about the safety of Tesla's 'Full Self-Driving' system are growing 6 months ago:
Tech bros underestimating the complexity of real life yet again
- Comment on Does a clean PC run better than one with a lot of dust in it? 6 months ago:
Never underestimate the effect dust can have on airflow and cooling in general
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
Homeschooling sure is… Something!
- Comment on What’s a game you can 100% without hating by the end? 6 months ago:
It was tough, but I had an absolute blast 100%'ing Neon White and Hades
- Comment on Rayman: The Board Game Goes Live On Kickstarter September 2024 | Retro Dodo 6 months ago:
Rayman and Cosmere board games in the same week? This’ll get expensive
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
Oh boy, Lemmy really doesn’t get sarcasm without the “/s”, huh?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
I think we are about to experience a true Butlerian Jihad. Not because of the fearsome power of AI, but because of the hatred of shitty LLMs.
- Comment on China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report 8 months ago:
Great! Now I know who to contact when I accidentally delete all the plaintext API keys and passwords I had stored in a public github repo.
- Comment on Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough 8 months ago:
Every time I compare specs to prices on Apples website, I get irrationally angry.
- Comment on Parents overestimate sons’ maths skills more than daughters’, study finds 9 months ago:
Hmm. In my personal experience as a teacher, parents overestimate all skills of their children if their child is talkative and charismatic. The silent children are the only ones underestimated. Maybe the girls are generally just more silent and therefore underestimated more?
- Comment on "I lost trust": Why the OpenAI team in charge of safeguarding humanity imploded 9 months ago:
Combine the two and we’ve got a proper Matrix situation on our hands
- Comment on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sues Meta, citing chatbot’s reply as evidence of shadowban 9 months ago:
Private companies should not be able to do whatever the fuck they like. They have a very important responsibility, and they will not consider ethics over profit, unless we as a society force them to.
- Comment on RIP Twitter Dot Com: Elon Musk Moves Social Network to X Web Address 9 months ago:
He’ll do it on truth social.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
I think you’re 100% correct in assuming they’ve already fed it data scraped from SO. I’ve previously gotten code samples from ChatGPT that was clearly from SO down to the comments in the code. Even reverse searched some of the code and found the question it was from.
- Comment on Hades 2 early access launch on Steam reaches over 100k concurrent players 24 hours after launch 9 months ago:
It’s really, really good! Tougher than the first game, but that’s a welcome change. After about ~10 hours of gameplay, I already feel like it’s the best sequel I’ve played.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
Teach. I already teach and I would continue to do so even if I had enough money to retire. I just love seeing young people discover the joy of programming and 3D modeling.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
I think that’s the entire point of this exercise. Thinking about what making the world better would actually mean and entail.