- Comment on Technically, almost all video games are puzzle games. 8 months ago:
Going to submit my probably-not-a-puzzle-game-game: rhythm games. The game tells you exactly what to press and when you’re supposed to press it, it’s just up to you to actually press the buttons. See: DDR, Rhythm Doctor.
Note that there are rhythm games that have more decision making like crypt of the necrodancer (rhythm roguelike)
- Comment on Resin Printing: Good for a Beginner with Limited Space? 9 months ago:
Yes, it really is that bad. We have a resin printer at work and it has been banished to a different room due to the resin fumes. The table it sits on is perpetually sticky, and we go through twice as much IPA postprocessing the prints than we use in resin
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
“Trust me.”
- Comment on Upgrading our folding wagon to carry 100 pounds worth of kids 1 year ago:
Near the bolt holes joining the two halves, you can see thin strips going across that overhang gap. Those eliminate local sagging without needing support material. The part could have been flipped 180 instead, but then the outer edge rim would be unsupported.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on abandonware empires 1 year ago:
If you really don’t want to spend money, there’s always GNU Octave. Sure, it doesn’t have the thousands of matlab toolboxes, but if you’re running code from 40 years ago it shouldn’t need those anyway. I wrote a couple of scripts recently and then rewrote them slightly so that they would be compatible with octave.