- Comment on What is going to happen when AI becomes extremely advanced? 6 months ago:
When it becomes really advanced (we could even do it now, actually), we replace all upper management jobs and leaving human work to human workers, e.g. customer service, healthcare, arts and culture etc.
- Comment on Gina Rinehart demands National Gallery of Australia remove her portrait 9 months ago:
I’d love to get prints from the artist to hang on my wall.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Right. I see it similar to flavours. What if regulation stipulated that you needed to have food that everyone could eat? Nothing spicy. Must have meat options at veg restaurants etc. just so that no one would be discriminated against when they went out to eat. You’d miss out on different cultures, opportunities for innovation etc. Variety would die.
So, for context, I’m from Australia and familiar with the exact museum in this article. This museum is known for putting forward very provocative art. For example, there is a wall of plaster mould vaginas and they have a soap in the shape of a vagina called ‘Cunt on a rope’. Last time I was there, they had violent and sexual imagery (with warnings outside the entry). This exhibit is par for the course for MONA. The owner is rich enough to drag the court case to the highest level but the intent has been achieved. It got people talking.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Only if I’m allowed to open up a space next to you with a water fountain outside and allow everyone in.
In this context, your business plan would severely limit your customer base and therefore end up ruining your own finances than anything else, while my business plan will definitely get more customers.
You plan would only end up working if the society you’re living in is more racist than not, which is not the case in the real world. There’s no need to regulate everything when moral code can do the job just fine.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
I would consider water fountains to be part of public infrastructure and essential, and therefore doesn’t fit into the model that I’m putting forward.
I’m not proposing that essential things like roads, water etc. are segregated but, rather, private businesses can choose how they operate. The risk is public backlash and hurting the bottom line and other businesses can choose to be open and accepting.
For example, queer bars vs het bars. It’s not segregated per se, but a business can choose how they want to operate to draw in the customers they want.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
Infrastructure is, and should be, government run so that wouldn’t work with the model I’m proposing.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
But the idea is that everyone can open their own and run it by the rules they want. If you or a group don’t like how one thing is run, there is freedom to open up the same thing but make it open for all. This museum is a private one, rather than run by the government, and therefore they can do what they like. The government ones should be open to all because they are elected by the public.
I’m not at all in favour of forcing everyone to comply to uniformity for the sake of inclusivity but I’m all for ensuring that there are spaces available that are inclusive and that there’s freedom to operate how you like, provided that it doesn’t hurt anyone.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
I’m all for segregation spaces as long as essential spaces are open to all such as hospitals, parks etc. There are women only gyms where I am and I used to go to them because I felt safer and more comfortable.
- Comment on There's a baby drought in Australia. Maybe we should fund IVF? 10 months ago:
I’m late to this conversation but I’ve gone 5 rounds of IVF and it’s cost us most of our savings. IVF didn’t work for us and we’re looking at egg donors. Did you know it’s illegal to pay someone or receive money for being a surrogate or egg donor? We’re having to look overseas because hardly anyone here will do it for free (understandably).
Clearly, the government isn’t interested in anything remotely related to female health.
- Comment on What should we nominate for Lemmyvision? 11 months ago:
My vote is for “Yes” by A.B. Original, DJ Total Eclipse and Marlon.
The lyric “I never swore allegiance to the crown” sends chills down my spine.
- Comment on Sam Kerr allegedly called police officer a ‘stupid white bastard’, source says 11 months ago:
Storm in a teacup. Move along, nothing to see here.
- Comment on What are some good games with *zero* replayability? 11 months ago:
To The Moon; Once you go through the experience of the story, there’s really no need to replay again.
- Comment on What were some of your favourite Australian TV shos?w 1 year ago:
Yes! That’s the one. With the talking backpacks etc.
- Comment on Real estate lobby blames high-paid union tradies for housing shortage in Queensland 1 year ago:
Excessive government regulations? Please. Those regulations are shit as that result in mould ridden dog boxes that can barely be considered liveable.
Material costs are rising because we barely manufacture our own here. It’s all imported and we’re girt by sea. Of course it’ll be expensive. Bring manufacturing back en masse and we might see some relief on that part.
- Comment on Solving the supermarket: why Coles just hired US defence contractor Palantir 1 year ago:
This is why there needs to be a cap on company size and redistribution. We don’t want another Dutch East India.
At this stage, ColesWorth are just two behemoths akin to Testuo’s evolution in Akira gasping out the words “feed me” as shareholder parasites gorge on their innards. Kill it with fire.
- Comment on What were some of your favourite Australian TV shos?w 1 year ago:
I loved The Ferals, Mulligrubs and Take Off as a kid. So many cool and imaginative things.
Honorable mentions are Big Square Eye, Beyond 2000 and Hey, Hey, it’s Saturday.
- Comment on Barnaby Joyce captured on video lying next to planter box 1 year ago:
He had apparently been taking prescription drugs and drinking alcohol. Beetroot was on a trip. If he’s the best that his electorate has, yikes.
- Comment on What spider is this? 1 year ago:
Juvenile huntsman maybe? I only say this because huntsman feet look like they would look great with socks and this one could use four pairs.
- Comment on ‘Tragic and unnecessary’: Truck driver didn’t see cyclist hit and killed 1 year ago:
Until Australia considers cycling as a legitimate mode of transport, you’ll never see any changes. The average person just sees a person on a bike as a casual cyclist at best and a Lycra wearing wanker at worst; not as a person legitimately using the road to get somewhere.
We’ve actually spent tax dollars sending council members over to Holland to check out the safe bicycle infrastructure there to bring the knowledge back here. Wonder what came out of that trip…
- Comment on It is 'nearly unavoidable' that AI will cause a financial crash within a decade, SEC head says 1 year ago:
So, how do we engineer a situation in which the richest suffer most? End of capitalism?
- Comment on Why did there need to be a vote? 1 year ago:
That’s what’s likely going to happen, and there is a very high chance that it will get dismantled again, just like Abbott did after Rudd set up that very thing.
All it will take is a media barrage in favour of the Coalition and we’ll be right back to where we started. History repeats, and so on, and so forth.
- Comment on Comedian Cal Wilson has passed away today 1 year ago:
I’m so shocked and saddened. I had a great conversation with her a few years ago when we got her to do a gig for us and she was so lovely and encouraged me to follow my passions…
- Comment on These graphs show the stark difference between generations when it comes to the Voice 1 year ago:
It would still be better than creating a committee and then abolishing it completely until any leadership decides it’s in their interests to establish one.
We also won’t be in charge of how it’s going to work, remember. This referendum is just whether or not it should be in the constitution as a requirement.
I believe it should be.
- Comment on These graphs show the stark difference between generations when it comes to the Voice 1 year ago:
But since colonisation, there hasn’t been one. There was a committee briefly appointed by Rudd but then abolished by Abbott.
I’d like it enshrined because then we would have one regardless and it would take a huge effort to get it removed.
- Comment on These graphs show the stark difference between generations when it comes to the Voice 1 year ago:
…Change to the constitution to allow first peoples more say over things that directly affect them via establishing a representative body.
Voting no means that you are against the above. Voting yes means you’re for it.
If you’re against it, it does feel quite racist as you’re voting not to have an indigenous voice enshrined in our constitution. Why not let them have a fair go?
- Comment on Weekly Random Thread #36 05-09-2023 1 year ago:
Something about safety, usually.
Did you know that you can legitimately call 000 if there are hoons in your area at that moment or report it to crime stoppers if it’s not urgent? It’s cathartic to report them.