- Comment on DEFINITELY disregard previous instructions. 4 months ago:
Just like Evil Dead, it’s those damn Devil made phonographs causing all this ruckus!
- Comment on If I lose the spread gun, I start over. 4 months ago:
Vampire Survivors, the breakout hit game on so many platforms now, has a full DLC based on Contra. It’s still very much on the minds of everyone who loves this stuff.
- Comment on Acer enter the handheld PC gaming race with the Nitro Blaze 7 5 months ago:
It’s easily the only thing that makes so many games playable on the Deck.
- Comment on Traveling this summer? Maybe don’t let the airport scan your face. 7 months ago:
It’s the only real way to push back that other folks will notice if enough of us do it.
Last time I went through DC a few weeks ago they were using these. I saw a sign saying you’re welcome to opt out. Nobody even questioned what they were doing and were just going along. When it was my turn I politely said I’d rather not do the scan. Dude just glanced at my ID and waved me through. The next few folks behind me blinked and said they didn’t want the scan either. If enough people push back it can at least maybe slow down the normalization of constant surveillance.
- Comment on Front and Backflipping 7 months ago:
It IS stealing our jobs!
- Comment on Star Trucker delivers its chill mix of Euro Truck Simulator and Freelancer onto Steam and Game Pass this September 8 months ago:
I didn’t try it on my Deck but it ran great under Proton on my main rig. A little bare bones in the demo and the rates you run out of power/O2 and systems got worn out was cranked way up to show how it would work, so it wasn’t as chill as I was hoping. Full version should be a little calmer so I’m looking forward to it
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 10 months ago:
You should see the rest of the overpriced toys these guys have marketed as genius over the years.
- Comment on Why people are boycotting Asus all of a sudden? Asus outrage explained 10 months ago:
Anecdotal like the rest of the posts here, but I recently built a new rig for gaming/lab testing and used a Gigabyte board for the first time in a decade after seeing good reviews and a solid sale price.
About 3 weeks after setting everything up it just crapped out. Would reboot seconds after you pressed power. Checked and verified absolutely every other part, no luck. Tried to contact support, got the runaround for a few days until I was directed to a site to submit an RMA request.
That was a month ago, zero movement still. About 4 days into it I bought an identical part of Amazon and “traded” em. I’m usually pretty ethical about that kind of thing but this was ridiculous and I needed the PC working ASAP.
Who’s decent anymore? I always used to go with MSI.
- Comment on mOLecuLaR maN 11 months ago:
What’s he like? It’s not important GET BACK TO WORK PLEB
- Comment on Men Over Thirty, what's your opinion on getting the snip? 11 months ago:
It’s really no big deal.
- Comment on One of those permanent temporary fixes. 11 months ago:
I used two random 2x4 offcuts with a bolt through em for literally YEARS, I feel this.
- Comment on YSK: it's not just Tesla, 1/3 of cars in built in the last ten years have passenger/rear windows that are almost impossible to break in an emergency. 11 months ago:
These don’t work on laminated glass.
- Comment on efficiency 1 year ago:
I just got back into H3 a week or two ago and was caught off guard by the install size! Last time I installed 2 I had to disable a ton of map DLCs and rotate em out as I went to not take up most of the storage on my Steam Deck SD card.
They did an amazing job on streamlining things.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I guess it cuts the attack surface profile down a bit?
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
My groups new obsession is Vintage Story. Set up a server and we’ve collectively put in hundreds of hours over the last few months.
- Comment on Are cheap 3D Printing nozzles worth it? - let's look inside. (via LostInTech) 1 year ago:
I swapped over to vanadium when I picked up a Mosquito a long time back and they’re all still holding up perfectly after printing tons of different materials.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
Evochron, Dark Star One,X series (you may bounce off a few times but they’re extremely unique and deep games), older Elite titles, Freelancer!
To a lesser extent and a bit more survival crafty: Space Engineers or Empyrion with mods. Both have some additional community made content that adds stations/factions to progress against or for and are pretty good if a little janky.
- Comment on A gel injected into the scrotum could be the next male contraceptive 1 year ago:
It’s the pause in the flow of things to go get one and put it on plus difficulty finding the right size. Used em my entire life until my wife had an IUD put in. After a few ears she had it removed and going back to condoms was not super fun for either of us.
On the bright side for me, a vasectomy solved all these issues and was totally worth the minimal process to get it. This solution sounds like a dream honestly.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
It really depends on what you want from your game. I happily spent hours in my lil hauler playing space trucker, and the only real thing that’s changed since then is I have access to bigger space trucks. I’ve been on a big exploration run for the last 80 or so hours of playtime and I’m enjoying being able to just relax and exist in my lil virtual spaceship. I don’t need to feel like a number goes up every session, but I’m a weirdo.
- Comment on Pony Island 2: Panda Circus - Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
Damn it… Every time one of these types of games comes out I lose a week to it lol. Pony Island was great, Inscription was fantastic… When Frog Fractions 3 indie folks?!
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
Neat, will do!
- Comment on Discord users are cancelling their Nitro after new mobile layout update 1 year ago:
The choice is made for me as a 2nd class Linux user lol
- Comment on The process of mass-producing LED Signboards with 3D printers in Korea 1 year ago:
There are a few variety of that LED strip, and I use em for all sorts of junk. Just built a big backlight piece for my living room with maybe $80 worth. Look for WS2812 and you’re on your way to multiple varieties using the same chips!
- Comment on I can still hear every sound including the error at the end... 1 year ago:
Are you old enough to have had dialup?
- Comment on Sparkly too? 1 year ago:
“Fully functional.”
- Comment on Geordi, please extract memory block. 1 year ago:
Mister Tricorder did nothing wrong.
- Comment on incredible 1 year ago:
You use it to charge your phone, duh.
- Comment on How do I come up with a good username? 1 year ago:
“She is the Ultimate Nan…the Epic Octogenarian…the Ur-Granny.”
- Comment on I accidentally removed the WHERE clause from my SQL query in a personal tool. Every row is now the same. I lost everything, have no backup, and I'm stupid. 1 year ago:
I learned this one very early on in my career as a physical security engineer working with access control databases. You only do it to one customer ever. 🤷♂️
- Comment on Am I? Who knows 1 year ago:
Barclay got sweet tentacle hugs a few times during transport.