- Comment on Where can I buy a mosquito laser system? 3 months ago:
Forget lasers, you can also shoot them with a bit of salt. But I still need a tracking system. How does that even work with such a tiny insect?
- Comment on SanDisk introduces the first 8TB SD and 4TB microSD cards - Liliputing 6 months ago:
No one is using SD cards for data storage, I hope.
- Comment on Amazon workers narrowly reject union in historic vote 7 months ago:
Except most developed countries have strong unions and guess what, most everyone is happy with them and the workers actually have rights and get paid a fair wage. Only in the worker-trampling corporate-hellscape that is the US someone would think this nonsense.
- Comment on Geometry 7 months ago:
Yes but what if one side is so slightly curved that it’s invisible to the naked eye? Then your total angles would be 179.99 degrees and it’s not a triangle.
- Comment on Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative 8 months ago:
Funny how in the video the guy say that all other browsers are based on Google’s code. But Firefox is also independent right?
- Comment on [Gamers Nexus] "Google is Getting Worse," ft. Wendell of Level1 Techs 8 months ago:
It’s not even that their results suck, per se, but they straight up ignore most of my search query and focus on one or two words only. Obviously that makes your search results suck.
- Comment on China's state subsidies in green technologies significantly higher than those in EU and OECD countries, distorting competition, researchers say 8 months ago:
What the fuck is this bullshit article? China gives subsidies for green tech? GOOD! And then they want the EU to stop is? See, this is why we can’t have nice things. When we lay parched on our barren sun baked fields this is who we can thank.
- Comment on Grass is Greener 8 months ago:
Wait, clover is a legume? How tiny are their peas?
- Comment on Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company 8 months ago:
Just because he’s in tech does not mean this is tech news. Please stop posting this and leave it to the gossip websites.
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
Reading about rue treasure fleet is wild:
The Chinese expeditionary fleet was heavily militarized and carried great amounts of treasures, which served to project Chinese power and wealth to the known world. They brought back many foreign ambassadors whose kings and rulers were willing to declare themselves tributaries of China. During the course of the voyages, they destroyed Chen Zuyi’s pirate fleet at Palembang, captured the Sinhalese Kotte kingdom of King Alakeshvara, and defeated the forces of the Semudera pretender Sekandar in northern Sumatra.
- Comment on Hmmmmm 9 months ago:
Why would these be sold to counter infection?
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
Iew, using the word normies seriously makes you sound like an incel.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip 9 months ago:
I don’t know which company I would trust developing my brain implant, but it sure as hell isn’t Tesla. Their software and hardware history is less than stellar.
- Comment on Microsoft’s VASA-1 can deepfake a person with one photo and one audio track 10 months ago:
It was midichlorians all along.
- Comment on LEARN THE DIFFERENCE PEOPLE 👏👏👏 10 months ago:
No, I also though so at first but a quick google confirms this is right.
If you look up ‘freshwater crocodile’ you’ll see he looks a lot like his mommy.
- Comment on My house! 10 months ago:
So which house do you live?
The one with the plants.
Eehh… you should give me more details.
No, no I don’t.
- Comment on So glad I'm ditching these fucking idiots 1 year ago:
Ah FINALLY there is a good fork. FreeCAD exists now for like 15 years, but almost no one uses it because the ui absolutely sucks. And the worst part is, the maintainers know it but they refuse to change it because they think they’re geniuses and everyone else should conform to their twisted vision of cad ui instead of following the standard of literally every other cad program out there.
- Comment on Mozilla lays off 60 people, wants to build AI into Firefox 1 year ago:
What if you don’t have Angkor graphicscard? Wait 5 minutes for your URL completion to finish?
- Comment on China consumer prices plunge at fastest rate for 15 years as deflation fears deepen 1 year ago:
And if food becomes too cheap producers will stop making it, which has its own obvious problems.
- Comment on Security researcher charged with defrauding Apple out of more than $2.5 million, company thanks him two weeks later 1 year ago:
What’s wrong with it? Just a normal, albeit kinda flat, keyboard.
- Comment on Former PM Gordon Brown slams ‘obscene’ levels of destitution in the UK, criticises ministers for ‘moral outrage’ of ‘systematically shredding’ social security system 1 year ago:
Well, at least he slammed them. I’m sure the slammees are very slammed right now and are hoping not to receive any more slammings.
- Comment on A tiny radioactive battery could keep your future phone running for 50 years 1 year ago:
The problem with led bulbs is that they are build to operate at their limits. It’s still within spec, but just barely which is why they break so quickly. If you would reduce the current by half they would last for decades.
But of course Big-Light doesn’t want that, so after the initial well-build led bulbs became standard they switched to cheaper designs with less internal led modules for the same brightness.
- Comment on I'm using gpt4 on they call it copilot, i can only get it to generate images in 1024x1024 is there a way to get a higher resolution? 1 year ago:
Bing itself cannot upscale it or generate a higher resolution, it just can’t. Vast majority of ai generators can’t, by the way.
You can either Upscale it yourself using something like upscayl ( which is probably the easiest option, although not very customizable. Or learn to use something like comfyui (…/upscale_models/) for more control. And you can even generate images with comfyui.
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 1 year ago:
In water yes, but not in sodas.
- Comment on When characters in a cartoon start speaking a different language do they get someone else to do the line or does the voice actor learn the line on their own? 1 year ago:
Probably just the voice actors, most of the time the pronunciation sucks. Like in Oppenheimer where he suddenly talks Dutch, just complete gibberish and all the scientists are there smiling and nodding thinking “What an idiot, thinks he can learn a language in a few weeks”.
- Comment on YSK: How to clean your wood-burning stove glass 1 year ago:
Oven cleaner works a treat too.
- Comment on €45,000 for a heat pump installation in Germany -- really? 1 year ago:
If you have a cavity, which a house from the 1920s probably doesn’t have.
- Comment on Fear of cheap Chinese EVs spurs automaker dash for affordable cars 1 year ago:
All cheap cars are made ugly on purpose to make the expensive models more attractive to buy.
- Comment on Fear of cheap Chinese EVs spurs automaker dash for affordable cars 1 year ago:
The “giant” battery should be at least 10x bigger to call it “medium sized”.
- Comment on Hummingbird feet 1 year ago:
Nature doesn’t have a reason to do things. There’s no ‘why’ in anything, other than ‘the laws of physics make it do so’.