- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 3 weeks ago:
It’s something most of us cannot afford to achieve, probably.
- Comment on Bee-ing Creative 1 month ago:
Yeah, was thinking something different.
- Comment on Bee-ing Creative 1 month ago:
- Comment on Ever wanted a robot vacuum and w 3D printer hybrid? 4 months ago:
Crank up that in-floor-heating! The printer’s running!
- Comment on The best part about being in a straight jacket? 11 months ago:
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Mental Health issues are not what are discussed here. For twenty years now I work with people who have severe mental health issues and with children to the age of 5. With almost every client and every child I can trace back where their issues stem from. If you deal violence, you experienced violence. Nobody defaults to violence from nothing.
- Comment on Disturbing increase in violence at school as principals say both parents and students are making threats 11 months ago:
Those people suck because their parents suck. Violence begets violence. That includes psychological violence. If you are raised right, violence is off the table.
- Comment on Do bike tires increase pressure in summerm 11 months ago:
This makes sense. Thank you!
- Comment on Do bike tires increase pressure in summerm 11 months ago:
Something I thought about recently as well. I might be wrong, but is pressure not just a differential from inside to the outside? If it gets warm, air expands inside the tire, but so does the air outside, pushing back. It kinda sounds right, but I don’t know.
- Comment on STOB 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s obviously a STO sign. Look at the color and shape!
- Comment on Fallout TV Show - Trailer 1 year ago:
The only reason we watch shows is to get the story. Being spoiled ruins the whole idea of the show. Besides: Even though some showrunners miss the mark, most of the fans ideas of what might come instead are mostly terrible.
- Comment on Sad boi 1 year ago:
Sam Fisher’s dog!
- Comment on Which is which though? 1 year ago:
No u
- Comment on Which is which though? 1 year ago:
Combinations of letters before and after change the pronunciation of certain parts of a word. None of your words have “gif” pronounced a “jif”. If you have one, tell me. I’m seriously curious if there is a word. As of now the only reference I have is “gift” with a hard g.
- Comment on Which is which though? 1 year ago:
Gif as in gift. Anything else is nonsense!
- Comment on Viva La Ai 1 year ago:
Sam Gorsky of Corridor fame :D
- Comment on Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Maybe AI won't be taking all of our jobs after all? 1 year ago:
Remember to buy just a medium fear. Large fear will make you sore beating it stiff!
- Comment on [Survey] Can you tell which images are AI generated? 1 year ago:
The avocado had real text. Is Dall-E 3 capable of creating legible text?
- Comment on Saying you feel like a million bucks is like 'meh' in today's economy. 1 year ago:
Gee, spot the billionaire 🙄 /s
- Comment on Everyday is like living through spring summer fall and winter. 1 year ago:
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
- Comment on Maybe I'll just get a soda... 1 year ago:
Well, IT IS fart free.
- Comment on That'll be my last word 1 year ago:
You create a file on 30.09.2010, back it up and lose it due to hardware failure on 12.07.2022. When you restore the file from your backup to your device it will most likely be stamped as created 12.07.2022 even though originally it was created before that. If you name your file manual_2010-09-30.pdf you always know the date it was created and sort it by that filename.
- Comment on Do people just not use the YouTube subscription feed? 1 year ago:
My theory for the apparent need of “click the bell for notifications” is not that videos don’t show up in the subscription feed but that most people just use the home page to get informed which does not show all content. My subscription feed worked without a hitch and not a single missed video since it’s inception. I strongly believe most people just don’t know about the subscription feed.