- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
It’s because in the majority of cultures (and hegemonic cultures today) have had men at the top of their hierarchical structure and there are more straight men. The male gaze makes women into sexual objects, culturally we see women as inherently sexy as a result.
This is the same when you see little kids given dolls with different skin colors and told to pick the “good” and “bad” doll. Even children of color pick the white doll for the good one. Because “normal” or “default” means good. In the case of sexual attraction in a male dominated
- Comment on I Don’t Want To Spend My One Wild And Precious Life Dealing With Google’s AI Search - Aftermath 9 months ago:
In a similar vein, I was trying to find something on Facebook (yeah, I know, but it was a funny work thing) today and went to use the search function to look for the FB page in question (searched the exact name) and if you just hit enter the new AI assumes you’re asking it a question. It’s FB! It’s not a search engine! Why is it trying to give me a phone number for the police department I’m looking up to see their insane post?! I want to see the page! The page with the name I searched! On the app I searched in! Now you have to click a separate button that specifies you’re looking to search through FB… In the FB app!
This AI crap is already k.i.l.l.i.n.g. me.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Some people do, but it’s not as easy as “just eat better” for everyone. If we were arguing about how people aren’t eating healthy I think very few people would be frame it as just a choice.
Cheap meat, fast food (few if any veggie options, and basically no vegan ones) - these are staples of the poor. There’s a limit to how much rice and beans anyone wants to eat, especially when just getting a couple pounds of ground beef is a luxury. I don’t think it’s right to shame people for taking the beef. Or judging them for taking it.
I think if vegans want to change the world they should be campaigning against poor practices in the industry, not attacking the guy who just worked 16 hours at a minimum wage job and is choosing to grab a mcdouble rather than going home to cook a beyond burger. Is one better for the environment and world? Sure. But it’s not that guy’s fault the system is rigged in favor of the mcdouble, and reminding him of the fact that he’s making the world worse isn’t furthering the goal of making the world better.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
It’s the privilege thing that gets me every time. Not everyone can participate in your exclusive food club and be healthy and fulfilled. Let people do the best they can with what they have.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I’ve not had this experience with vegans because I don’t really know many people who are vegan, but I always find it funny when a vegetarian says something like “you could add chicken or beef if you wanted” when the whole point of asking for the recipe is that you liked it enough to try to make it again… It’s kind of adorable and sweet.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
There are lots of people who believe this for religious reasons. Not saying I agree, just saying they absolutely exist.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
The very first vegan I ever knew talked at me for 10 minutes about how I should go vegan. It was the only 10 minutes I knew her. I was 15, still living with my parents, didn’t have a way to get around, and my family was fairly poor. Oh, and my mother didn’t cook so much as unboxed dinner, because the kitchen was always filthy. I definitely walked away from that interaction feeling like I’d been told I was a terrible human who deserves to suffer by a rude principal. So yes, they definitely exist.
I’ve never met a Vegetarian that wasn’t chill about it, though.
I’m sure there are plenty of chill vegans too, but some of them come off like an annoying televangelist, in my experience.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
That choice is steeped in privilege though, and I think it’s worth acknowledging that. Food choices are just something we shouldn’t be judging other people on, regardless of what those choices are. “Fed is best” applies through all stages of life.
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
The fact that you just think people should live more poorly and with less nutrition if they can’t afford the fru fru stuff is really disturbing.
I’ve been rive and beans only poor before. It sucked a lot. And on the rare occasion I could get some meat or cheese in my diet I definitely wasn’t in a position to be worried about which choice was “worse”. I just wanted some freaking variety. I should be able to have that. Everyone should.
Donate to your local food bank!
- Comment on It's important to get a good interest rate 9 months ago:
You’re right, they should have just starved instead! So enlightened, thanks for setting us all straight!
- Comment on It's important to get a good interest rate 9 months ago:
The only people who don’t need credit to live are rich enough that money will never be out of their reach.
- Comment on It's important to get a good interest rate 9 months ago:
Also, your credit cards are a different kind of “loan” - revolving - vs those other debts, which are installment. Having a mix of the two will improve your credit. They literally want it to be impossible to have good credit without the cards.
- Comment on It's important to get a good interest rate 9 months ago:
The first time I wanted to finance a car I discovered I have what’s called a “thin file.” My (interest free) student loan wasn’t reporting to all 3 agencies. I was able to get my dad to co-sign. I was 26. Discovered then that being told “never ever ever own a credit card” (by my dad!) was very bad advice. Get one with a low limit and use it to pay the same bill every month. Credit! Now other places trust that you pay your bills.
I’ve since gotten several cards (it’s been nearly a decade) and they each serve a different specific purpose. I purposely target high signing bonuses and my purchases are better protected. My limits are stupid high, which I guess is nice but I’ll never put that much on so it’s a bit pointless. Then again, knowing I have access to that if things ever become dire is nice.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
While I don’t disagree that it’s going to be too late, I do think SMRs are likely to go the distance, at least abroad.
The reality is that we aren’t going to hit 90% carbon free by 2030 without a huge social and political shift. There’s just no way that is happening in 6 years. I really hate being a downer about it but I think we need to face the facts on it.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
The storage capacity is the hard part. Batteries aren’t really a viable option (we don’t really have good enough batteries, limits on how many can be made with current resources, etc).
Dams would be good (pump water uphill when electricity is cheap and release when you need the energy back), but dams are not a viable option everywhere and also have a high environmental impact and are arguably not the safest thing for a community.
I read somewhere recently about the idea of putting smaller batteries in individual homes, basically distributing the power ahead of time to a certain number of places so they are not taking from the grid in peak times, but it would be hugely expensive still, and I also question if we have the ability to make so many batteries, much less get enough people to install them.
- Comment on 40% of US electricity is now emissions-free 1 year ago:
To be fair, Plant Vogtle just turned on Unit 3 earlier this year and Unit 4 should be coming soon.
- Comment on Are any self-cleaning cat litter boxes any good, or worth the money? 1 year ago:
So freaking expensive. But honestly I love mine. Sometimes I travel for work and I’m gone all week. Come home and there’s still no smell. Worth it.
- Comment on PlayStation keeps reminding us why digital ownership sucks 1 year ago:
OoO this would be fun to try to do the whole song…
- Comment on T-Mobile switches users to pricier plans and tells them it’s not a price hike 1 year ago:
I have mint too and haven’t had much trouble with bandwidth. But to be fair I don’t use my phone for very much while not on wifi, mostly just streaming music and Google maps.
- Comment on Don't forget to tip 1 year ago:
I have a small house I purchased in a neighborhood full of renters. I bought during the low interest pandemic times, too, so my mortgage is less than most people’s rent. If I won the lottery tomorrow I would definitely sell my house for a better one (I make about 30% more now than when I bought, and the only reason I won’t move now is because of the interest rate). So many people have told me that I need to rent this place out rather than sell it. But I don’t have the ability to be the kind of landlord you described and therefore I know I shouldn’t be a landlord at all.
- Comment on Buying neices and nephews Christmas presents? 1 year ago:
Lol, I have 8 nibblings. It’s always been a chore.
- Comment on Canon is getting away with printers that won’t scan sans ink — but HP might pay 1 year ago:
Want to drop some links for where to get started? I only sort of understand what you just said but I like the idea of my own network and it being easier than it seems!
- Comment on Would you work for a corporation that you oppose ideologically, if the pay is good? 1 year ago:
Only very briefly if I really needed the money. I used to work a corporate job and for a while I was a contractor doing data analysis. Those jobs left me feeling like I wasn’t doing anything of value and that was enough to shift me into the public sector, which I enjoy immensely. I’d rather not go back but I could see myself needing more money than is generally on offer in public service.
If I opposed the organization ideologically I’d probably sell plasma before I took a job there. But I don’t have a family relying on me so that makes it easier.
- Comment on There is no such thing as an effective "AI detector", nor will there ever be one. 1 year ago:
Personally I think we’re looking at it wrong. ChatGPT is a thing now, so teach it as a tool. Instead of write me a 5 page paper about Shakespeare it’s “here’s a five page paper on Shakespeare - figure out what’s wrong with it, edit it, check sources, etc.” Because that’s the stuff ChatGPT can’t do, and skills that will be valuable in the future.
We can check if students know material via tests (including their ability to write). But we should be teaching the new tool, too, not trying to get around it. Imagine today if your teacher said all your research needed to be done without the internet (in library and paper book only). You’d be rightfully pissed, because in the real world you have the internet to help you do research, and that tool should be available to you as a student.
Just my two cents. I used ChatGPT to help me write some stuff for work for the first time just a couple weeks ago. I would say it only got me about halfway to where I needed to be. Just like the ability to Google stuff doesn’t mean we no longer have to know how to research (source checking, compiling information) ChatGPT doesn’t mean we no longer have to have writing skills. It just shifts it a bit. Most tools throughout history have done that.