Full stack developer and privacy advocate. I like to keep the mentality, if you can program one language well, then you can program in any language!
- Comment on The Fediverse Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present We’ve Been Denied. 2 days ago:
I lately have a saying: “If it’s not FOSS, it’s not worth your time”
- Comment on Sounds crazy but... maybe you shouldn't delete Facebook just yet 2 weeks ago:
OP I appreciate the reasoning.
But I’d advise against it,
and would recommend users to delete their Facebook account asap.Why? 4-5 years ago I already noticed the “illusion of free speech” on Facebook.
The platform is a data farm,
but I’m a data privacy advocate,
so I regularly posted data privacy articles/tools.Which went against the best interest of Facebook, so they simply held back that content from nearly everyone’s feed, resulting in it getting nearly zero attention.
But if I posted a dumb meme,
it would get a lot of attention.I’ve asked around to friends back in the day who where scrolling online if they saw my data privacy posts, none did.
So staying on the platform to advertise things that go against Facebooks best interest, will likely not yield good results.
However deleting your account,
is a great conversation starter that can easily be directed into WOM (Word of Mouth) marketing, to teach your friends and family about Fediverse tools. - Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 3 weeks ago:
That’s nice and all,
but when will they tackle loot boxes?That shit has pushed plenty of minors into gambling addictions, but they don’t crack down on it, since they get a sweet cut of it all.
Valve in general isn’t the worst company,
but they’re far from innocent as well. - Comment on The rise of ethical social media: can open-source alternatives challenge the tech giants? | The Optimist Daily 4 weeks ago:
Yes Fediverse software can challenge the tech giants,
but we can and must expect them to fight against it as soon as it gets on their radar!They’ll likely will attempt to do so by:
- Censorship: Keeping it out of the feeds/search results of their users.
- Propaganda: Putting it in a bad spotlight (e.g. marking it as security risks on their own platforms).
- Direct Attacks: E.g. DDoS attacks and/or bot user networks spreading bad content on the Fediverse platforms.
We should already try to harness ourselves against the direct attacks.
And help with spreading Fediverse software through WOM (Word-Of-Mouth) marketing,
since the tech giants certainly will not help it spread themselves.The Fediverse is one of the few sparks of hope I have remaining lately,
let us ignite these sparks together into something bright! - Comment on Google Showing Fewer AI Overviews In Search 2 months ago:
Good, only 96% to go.
- Comment on How to improve your Lemmy experience 4 months ago:
That’s true,
but hey, filtering and blocking out 90% of the unwanted/negative content is already way better then getting blasted by the full 100%! :D - Comment on How to improve your Lemmy experience 4 months ago:
Bliss for mental health indeed,
been doing this for a while now,
zero regrets. - Comment on About today's downtime 4 months ago:
New server appears to work well,
thank you for the quick resolve! <3 - Comment on They stole my voice with AI | Jeff Geerling 5 months ago:
No, instead they raped his rights with some ToS…
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Spying on you :P
That’s why I replaced it with MicroG:
microg.org - Comment on is iceraven a good fork of firefox? 6 months ago:
Happily been using it for a few years by now.
The enhanced privacy, extension and about:config support are great features to have.
- Comment on I Don’t Want To Spend My One Wild And Precious Life Dealing With Google’s AI Search - Aftermath 9 months ago:
You can ditch YouTube,
without actually ditching YouTube content,
through a privacy respecting alternative frontend:
www.privacyguides.org/en/frontends/#youtubeMy favorite ones:
- Desktop: Invidious + Piped
- Android: Newpipe + Tubular
- Comment on Using Ubuntu may give off a hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect. 9 months ago:
Correct me if I’m wrong,
but I have been disliking Ubuntu because they use:- Proprietary pieces in their code
- Telemetry (spyware)
- Snap packages by default
- Comment on We keep measuring everything's value with something that continuously loses value over time 10 months ago:
I guess a little inflation is good,
to prevent all money from ending up in a single party’s hands.However that’s the only upside I could think of, other then that I fully agree with you.
Central banks “printing” money, through obligations and fractional banking, is blatant stealing from people who worked / saved in the past imo. Since it leads to inflation / devaluation of the currency.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Sign-up still requires a phone number… -.-"
Checkout Matrix/Element or Session,
there you can actually enjoy privacy by signing-up without a phone number/email: - Comment on GitHub Copilot CLI now in public beta 1 year ago:
Well, the post was about copilot,
so that’s what my comment was about.But I agree, fck all big-tech software.
If it’s not produced by a non-profit as open source, then it’s not worth your time.
(Due to anti-consumer practices, spy-ware/telemetry or vunerabilities to worry about)
- Comment on GitHub Copilot CLI now in public beta 1 year ago:
Not on my machine. Or at least, I do everything humanly possible to limit it.
Either through:
- Switching to FOSS alternatives
- Custom patches applied to proprietary binaries.
- Blocking network access for certain processes
I don’t expect everyone to become a privacy expert though.
However I do believe systematic privacy is important, and that we should aim for better privacy laws to keep the intellectual property of the average user safe.
- Comment on GitHub Copilot CLI now in public beta 1 year ago:
Now they can also train their gray area trained model (trained upon our Github projects without consolidating with us if it was alright to do so) further!
By spying on every command you type in your CLI, and phoning home to MS about it, to train it further.
I guarantee you, If you use it, you’ll be their free training monkey.
- Comment on [HN] Google promises Germany to creep on users less after market power probe 1 year ago:
I don’t believe them, they lied plenty of times about such things before, why would this be different?
Just let the spyware giants die out, they all are anti-consumer.
- Comment on [TECHCRUNCH] Meta planning ad-free subscription or tracking ads ‘choice’ in EU, per WSJ — in latest bid to keep snooping 1 year ago:
Can’t wait for the scandal where it becomes clear that the settings where just placebo, and that paid users are still data-farmed, in a true Fb fashion.
Just let this spy-ware corp die out…