- Comment on Raccoon Poop 3 months ago:
Racoons also basically create latrines where they will all go in the same spot.
And there’s some really bad (bacteria? pathogen?) in it so you have to take extra extra precautions when cleaning a raccoon latrine.
- Comment on brains! 3 months ago:
But poltergeist cat is real!
- Comment on pew pew 3 months ago:
No you were supposed to read [The Oatmeal](theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp.
- Comment on Toothless is real!! 3 months ago:
I can’t pay attention to the cuteness because I’m trying to figure out the photo credit. Do… do they not believe in et al.?
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
Pretty sure I have photographic evidence of the leaf monster I spawned to terrorize the overgrown creek bed into revealing its outcroppy secrets.
- Comment on Feral Science 3 months ago:
Actual cannibal Shia Lebeouf?
- Comment on AI are like shitty palm readers/fortune tellers 3 months ago:
Look man, all I know is it makes writing cover letters way faster.
- Comment on xkcd #3004: Wells 4 months ago:
We’ve known that groundwater existed for verifiably more than 7,000 years (the age of the oldest well ever found). Springs and seeps are easily observable groundwater coming up out of the ground. I seriously doubt it was stumbled into by accident. We probably started by modifying springs for our use and then dug in other places to see if we could tap into the same source.
- Comment on Ahoy me hearties 4 months ago:
- Comment on Friendship is Universal 4 months ago:
Apparently not but mostly inconclusive.
- Comment on Foundation crack 5 months ago:
Good points, I withdraw my DIY comment and reiterate that this is structural damage that needs to be looked at by professionals.
- Comment on Foundation crack 5 months ago:
This comment does not constitute professional advice and whatever else I have to say that clearly indicates this is not my professional opinion.
These cracks appear structural in nature.
They do need to be repaired and probably by someone who can rule out other factors. Mostly I’m concerned about the large aperture crack between the blocks at the top as a source of water infiltration and maybe even pests but that’s not my purview.
You probably don’t need a structural engineer but a foundation repair company should take a look at it.
If you DIY it I would document the cracks really well and check on them regularly. I don’t really recommend DIY simply due to the large aperture crack up top. Were I there in person I would look at the penetration of it (how deep does the crack go?) to determine more. If it penetrates deeply, again, I would recommend having someone look at it.
That being said are you on a hill of any kind? Did these cracks appear the same day as the earthquake or after? The larger one looks older. Do you have other cracks in the foundation? Sticky doors or windows? If you’re on a hill at all I would reach out to a geotechnical firm as these cracks, if they’re not directly earthquake related, could be indicators of slope instability.
Also are you in a floodplain? Old filled in estuary? There could have been significant settlement during the earthquake that may need to be addressed.
Homeowner’s insurance, in my experience, will not fix earthquake damage. If you live in an earthquake prone area I recommend you purchase a separate earthquake policy. Ours is about $40/month.
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Jesus fuck
- Comment on This might also apply to conferences. 5 months ago:
Look maybe I just am tired of sitting, did you ever think of that?!
Lol, nah it’s because I was late. Or might leave.
- Comment on Hummingbird feeders 5 months ago:
I read late October
- Comment on Mental hell 5 months ago:
Geology. A PhD is unnecessary unless you want to work in academia (bleh) or for the USGS, which is prestigious but hard to get into even with a PhD. So I’ve heard. There likely would be no appreciable salary increase and in fact would fall into the “overqualified” trap. Master’s is the standard level employers desire.
I’m unemployed and bummed about it and looking at the PhD because having a project like that sounds awesome.
- Comment on Mental hell 5 months ago:
I’m staring at a PhD and genuinely considering it. I already have an M.S. and that was brutal. But my career stalled and nobody is hiring. Plus I hate myself. Should I do it?
I just want to do a cool project. I have no interest in academia, lol.
- Comment on Weevil time 5 months ago:
I agree
- Comment on Be more specific 5 months ago:
Am geologist. You got it.
2 years should have gotten you through petro and geomorph so you’re just as qualified as a lot of grads. Nobody ever remembers anything from structure.
- Comment on Be more specific 5 months ago:
- Comment on Birds and the bees 5 months ago:
I didn’t know hornets/wasps made honey. I thought it was just honey bees.
- Comment on What are the biggest red flags when talking with a Trek "fan"? 5 months ago:
“Nowadays” ? Boy let me tell you of the proto-memes in the days of the early internet.
Tl;dr: Everybody be snarky since forever.
- Comment on Was Elvis Presley a pedo? 5 months ago:
It was gross back then too. In the 90s the Coasties would trawl the junior high girls. 25 year old men “dating” 13 year olds. We all knew it was gross as fuck and not okay but small town cops didn’t give a fuck. Hell there was a deputy “dating” a 16 year old too.
It wasn’t looked at differently in the 90s.
A guy in my class knocked up a 14 year old during senior year and we basically all stopped talking to him because fucking ew, dude.
- Comment on We don't really work 9 to 5 but still call our job 9-to-5 6 months ago:
Yeah and in that movie those gals had a paid lunch hour WITHIN that 9-5 timeframe. Can you imagine? Damn that would be nice.
Every place I’ve ever worked most people who worked 8s worked 8-5 with a 1 hour unpaid lunch. In fact, 8-5 is what is considered business hours in my industry.
- Comment on YSK there are more than 3 US credit bureaus 6 months ago:
Thanks for the info. I’ve had my credit frozen at the 3 since the Equifax leak and now I gotta add this bullshit. Ugh.
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
This is my biggest pet peeve and I will die on this hill.
Yes, I drive my family nuts.
- Comment on Fear itself 6 months ago:
Also “Cenozoic” is rather… broad… so for anyone who is curious like me, nautilus…es? Nautili? Whichever, they slowly retreated to their current habitat starting around the Oligocene to the end of the Miocene (source.
- Comment on The term literally means "exactly figuratively" 7 months ago:
And should not be accommodated by dictionaries.
- Comment on It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose 7 months ago:
- I’d ask Picard about archaeology. Chakotay and I would be fascinated by his lectures for a few hours then we’d all quietly read and probably nap.
- Comment on Pesticide Use Has Increased by Over 80% since 1990, Causing Pollinator Declines and Water Contamination 9 months ago:
Dude you know why, right? They used to spray DDT everywhere. Like drop it from planes and fog and entire town (still do outside the US). Silent Spring came out in like the early 60s and they didn’t ban DDT until the early 70s. It took a hot minute for DDT usage to ramp down and insect/bird populations to ramp up.
Hence “”“sudden”“” need 20 years later.