- Comment on There you go little guy 5 months ago:
I am in fact stating that there is no proof that they do anything to reduce collusions or deaths. I stated in my first comment that such proof does not exist.
These cameras are only deployed to generate revenue. There is no scientific basis for improved safety.
- Comment on There you go little guy 5 months ago:
It focused on the Arizona study because that was the only one out of the 35 that actually measured Motor Vehicle Collisions. The rest did not even attempt it in any controlled manner.
As stated, there are no meaningful studies that these cameras reduce accidents.
- Comment on There you go little guy 5 months ago:
These cameras do nothing to improve safety. There is no meaningful scientific evidence that shows any difference improvement in safety.
Their only value is socioeconomic harm.
“after accounting for MVC increases in the control segment we found that neither camera placement nor removal had an independent impact on MVCs. In other words, speed cameras did not statistically contribute to an increase or decrease in the number of MVC.”
- Comment on China constructs world's first dual-tower solar thermal plant — and it will help generate nearly 2 billion kWh annually 6 months ago:
California has one of these solar thermal towers. Quite a spectacle as you drive by on the way back from Vegas.
Interestingly this one does not store energy for 24/7 operations like the one in China. As they are both smolten salt based, not sure why
- Comment on [ArsTechnica] The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president 1 year ago:
Shame the guy couldn’t be bothered to do a short interview with a writer from a well known tech magazine. Most small businesses CEOs would jump at the chance. Or at least they should.