- Comment on Adults diagnosed with ADHD have shorter life expectancy, UK study shows 5 weeks ago:
Maybe there is some synergy here, so far you’re immortal
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 publishing director thinks GTA 6 might have the "clout" to normalise a $100 price tag 5 weeks ago:
First point in favor:
I actually think Rockstar is one of the true AAA studios that can justify this kind of pricing, they have such a huge dev team for rockstar flagships and on top of that the quality is unmatched throughout the gaming industry.
We are not talking about Bethesda here, RDR2 was basically a masterpiece.
Counterpoint: they also make more than enough money from GTA online to subsidize the base game cost. They will make many many times over what they spent on game dev and marketing with their online pricing model. So it’s just a further money grab really.
- Comment on It's a tradeoff 3 months ago:
Basically this mutation is shown to protect against malaria, but it causes an issue with producing a molecule needed for the creation of ATP (energy your body needs)
So while they can offer a protective effect to the subject they could need transfusions or other treatment to stay healthy.
Subject 1 & 2 had similar biomarkers, and subject 3 had different markers causing a type of misread that made them transfusion dependent.
That’s my understanding at least
- Comment on Tiger Predators 3 months ago:
They are actually doing a bit better than we thought
- Comment on Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens 4 months ago:
I’ve been playing God Of War Ragnarok and haven’t felt the need really to use the map much at all.
I do find the armor system to be annoying and basically decided to ignore all the gear I pick up, sell it, and upgrade the base items all the way instead because of the buffs the beginning gear gets if you upgrade all the way. All that to say I wish they just had a more robust leveling system instead.
Otherwise minus my deaths (playing on God Of War difficulty ) I’ve been feeling pretty immersed in it.
- Comment on AI sees beyond humans: automated diagnosis of myopia based on peripheral refraction map using interpretable deep learning. 5 months ago:
Neat and a great use for ai
- Comment on *Naruto 9 months ago:
I’m a childless 31 year old and I look up to you fellas as my elders
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
Paradox of tolerance, blah blah
- Comment on Woaaaaa 10 months ago:
Yeah, they certainly are:
- Comment on Woaaaaa 10 months ago:
Uh, antartica is about as wide as the U.S. and about as tall as it is wide.
So, I just feel like I’m being bamboozled here
- Comment on So sad 10 months ago:
yeah just about 9500-10k calories, nbd
- Comment on Do you have to be Japanese to be a Kaiju? 1 year ago:
Altered Beast, Sonic and then this Zombies are my neighbors or something game are the first games I remember at all.
Maybe around ‘96?
Anyways, yeah that’s hard soli evidence right there you can’t deny it
- Comment on FCC to declare AI-generated voices in robocalls illegal under existing law 1 year ago:
Man some of these are funny, bold and ironic
The FCC described the other 12 companies' attached "robocall mitigation plans" as follows: Humbolt VoIP: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a .PNG file depicting an indiscernible object." National Cloud Communications: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a document titled 'Windows Printer Test Page' that was unrelated to robocall mitigation." Route 66 Broadband: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification consisted of a signed declaration by the Company's CEO presented without additional content or context." Tech Bizz Solutions: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification contained a letter, unrelated to robocall mitigation, from Harvard Business Services, Inc." 2054235 Alberta: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification contained only the company's business address." Evernex: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a .PNG file that depicted the filer's 'Taxpayer Profile' on a Pakistani government website." My Taxi Ride: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a copy of an FCC public notice titled 'FCC Facilitates Review of Restoring Internet Freedom Record.'" (Restoring Internet Freedom was the title of the FCC's 2017 net neutrality repeal.) Nervill: The "attachment provided was a signature page on company letterhead with no substantive content or context." SIA Tet: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a letter that stated: 'Unfortunately, we do not have such a documents.'" Textodog: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a .PNG file that depicted a corporate icon." USA-Connect.net: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification contained only a signature." Viettel Business Solutions: "The robocall mitigation plan attached to its certification was a promotional document titled 'Viettel Solutions: Making Smart Cities Vision a Reality.'"
- Comment on The man who owes Nintendo $14m: Gary Bowser and gaming’s most infamous piracy case 1 year ago:
I like you man, you’re a reasonable fella. I wish Lemmy had superficial awards like Good Samaritan or something.
- Comment on Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought 1 year ago:
You get cancer all the time your body has natural mechanisms of finding and breaking down the cancerous cells. As we age some of these mechanisms start to falter, cells divide, but small errors over time accumulate.
A youth serum is really not the goal, the goal is fixing errors in these systems, maintaining current functions and creating a new mechanism.
This would work like a booster for this mechanisms and effectively make it possible to maintain and improve these systems. The side effect being an increase lifespan to some degree.
I suppose this I just the cancer component, but several other things are still needed on the field of longevity research for a “youth serum” to be viable.
- Comment on Stunning sadistic striker😄 1 year ago:
Presumably, I get two more wishes.
So you know, id just wish them to the core of the sun after that. Sorry my boys. No murdering me allowed.
- Comment on What are some essential browser extensions for "quieting down" the internet? 1 year ago:
What are you looking for from iOS Firefox? I was hoping for a solid ad blocker but someone made an iOS browser called Orion and it’s built in Mozilla and is pretty much exactly what I was looking
- Comment on I love purple. 1 year ago:
This is the way
- Comment on Apple loses bid to stop UK investigation over cloud gaming and browsers in reversal 1 year ago:
You should either try some drugs or stop trying drugs, one of the two.
Either way, talk to a physician
- Comment on Nearly Half of CD Projekt Now Working on The Witcher 4 1 year ago:
I hope it gets all the love and care The Witcher series and its fans deserve. They are going to have to make up a lot of ground with consumers to get back to W3 standards though.
- Comment on Completely free 1 year ago:
What series are you talking about? Legit asking, because that’s hilarious and bold
- Comment on Very few people realise how environmentally devastating this game is. 1 year ago:
I think your definition is great, wrestling is sort of team based and you still have an active opponent
- Comment on Reddit forces personalized ads, starts X-like user payment program 1 year ago:
I’m not trying to be a conspiracy theorist or anything, but like perhaps a coordinated effort to destroy large scale social media platforms in order to slow down social unrest around the world…oh shit I’m a conspiracy theorist damn
It happens quick
- Comment on Sun Burn 1 year ago:
To answer yours question Melanin adds a resistant factor to it, but the actual sunburn is caused by actual damage at the cellar level from UVA and UVB rays.
Think of Melanin more like sunblock in that it extends the amount of time before noticeable damage to the sun will happen. While the time for sun damage to accumulate to be what you would call a sunburn might vary from person to person, everyone is still susceptible to UV damage.