- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Oh look, a person who gets it!
- Comment on That explains it. 5 months ago:
Put something on a public platform = accept that people will look at it. Allow for people to comment on it and you invite these comments. If someone wants to post pictures and not get comments on them, they can post them to a platform that doesn’t allow comments.
- Comment on The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss 5 months ago:
Considering the origin of carbonara, it’s not that weird.
- Comment on Average game chat censorship 6 months ago:
Eden ring censored “Knight” to “K***ht” iirc
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
That would be fine if they were trying to reverse ALL personal vehicle adoption, but nooo.
The problem with this is that this will encourage Canada to do the same, like the good little brother it is, and we’ll get fucked along with y’all -_-
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
Mine comes from the many Hydroelectric barrages we have here in Quebec, because we ended our use of coal and methane for generating electricity. 99% of our electricity is Hydro and the rest is wind/solar. I think maybe we have one methane plant somewhere but I don’t know for sure.
The US have basically every climate on the planet at your disposal except the poles. You could create new interesting ways to generate electricity cleanly, but your government doesn’t. It baffles the mind.
And then even with coal and methane, burning it at the station in troves is still less damaging than burning gasoline or diesel in individual vehicles because of the tiny bit of carbon the stations that are well run manage to capture (It ain’t much, but it’s more than an F150 that’s for sure)
I agree that cars should become a niche thing, not used by everyone to get everywhere. That’s completely unsustainable, but it’ll take at least 20 years of good governance for the US to be connected in a meaningful way by fast, frequent, convenient public transportation. Until then, the people who are stuck unable to move closer to work for various reasons will still need to drive, and EV are a good option for more than 80% of them.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
I would just remove one word from everyone you wrote. “Unprecedented”
Look up how much time it took to build the initial interstates. Same shit in Canada and the Trans-canada highway. It didn’t take centuries to build, it won’t take centuries to fix either.
- Comment on Not happening, dude 10 months ago:
Basically the out of a simple pull of the trigger is too easy. Easier than jumping off a bridge, relatively painless, quick and doesn’t injure bypassers.
Having the gun is too easy an out, so people with suicidal thoughts will stay away from them. I was like that too at 22. Here’s just one of many stories. Trigger warning for suicide (duh)
If Quebec, Canada had the same access to handguns as the US, I would be dead today. Simple as that. Instead, I failed an attempt to jump from a viaduc because I was scared of causing a collision and taking someone else with me, was sent to the hospital by the police, got a psychiatrit’s help. Turns out I wasn’t a lazy worthless piece of shit. I had an untreated, very powerful case of ADHD blocking me from accomplishing anything of value.
I am no longer suicidal. I’ve overcome that. However, I always worry that those feelings will one day come back after a series of bad decisions. I am, therefore, keeping things that would kill me in an instant without pain away from myself. You just never know when you’ll have a moment of weakness. If I thought to off myself once, I can think of it again.
- Comment on Why is this so hard 1 year ago:
Sure, but you’re washing your vegetables anyway right?
- Comment on Why is this so hard 1 year ago:
Those bags are almost useless, just throw the vegetables directly in your grocery bag at checkout. It’s nice to take one to isolate chicken from the rest, or to put on your bike seat for rainy days, but definitely not useful for veggies.
- Comment on NASA has some explaining to do 1 year ago:
I did the research. It is satire. They wished everyone a Merry Eaglemas this week.
This is a funny one.
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
Salt may not be sauce, but it’s the only answer
- Comment on keep going lads! 1 year ago:
The plan is to send it into the sun
- Comment on keep going lads! 1 year ago:
Enough wealth to send a snail to space?
- Comment on I wish there were more articles about tech not tech biz 1 year ago:
Most technology news your average layman is interested in is ads for new products and how tech companies turn out to not be so great to work for. I think that’s why most news that appear on top don’t really cover the fun stuff.
- Comment on My whole night is booked now 1 year ago:
Literally me when Josh Strife Hayes posted the AdventureQuest video
- Comment on Where did the abbreviation "w/" for "with" come from? 1 year ago:
University shortcut. When you have to take notes on paper so damn fast, you develop techniques. Those techniques get shared around. That’s how it was explained to me.
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
Oh did they remove the 5 skips per day maximum?
- Comment on USB inventor explains why the connector was not designed to be reversible 1 year ago:
Let’s just say that I didn’t do too well when I wanted to become a helicopter engineer. Color coding is one of those things that are both inevitable and impossible.
- Comment on USB inventor explains why the connector was not designed to be reversible 1 year ago:
Reminds me of how we used to change the order of the wires in PC to PC connections on early RJ45 cables. What a fucking pain in the ass that was for colorblind like myself.
- Comment on Now that we're finally out of reddit, can we finally get different tag for NSFW and NSFL? 1 year ago:
Genius. Absolute genius.
- Comment on TikTok ran a deepfake ad of an AI MrBeast hawking iPhones for $2 — and it's the 'tip of the iceberg' 1 year ago:
Keep informed so you don’t buy AI-written books. Better know what’s going on instead of letting the world happen to you imo.
- Comment on You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? 1 year ago:
We had amazing localization for cartoons
- Comment on You had unrestricted access to the internet as a child, didn't you? 1 year ago:
Nope, I didn’t even unfettered access to South Park. After season one was translated to French and played in Quebec at kid hours, a bunch of parents decided their kids shouldn’t watch it because they were all cussing like old truckers.
It was good times :)
- Comment on Phones should have FM radio again 1 year ago:
With all the blackouts I had these past 2 years, YEA PLEASE. Hell, I was a out to relearn how to make a homemade AM radio. Haven’t done it in 28 years.
- Comment on Now that we're finally out of reddit, can we finally get different tag for NSFW and NSFL? 1 year ago:
Make sure to make gore red and nudity green to fuck with all the colorblind people out there
- Comment on What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? 1 year ago:
Offworld trading company was an amazing PvP game but “economics” never was gonna sell.
- Comment on Inside ShadowDragon, The Tool That Lets ICE Monitor Pregnancy Tracking Sites and Fortnite Players 1 year ago:
Why are internal combustion engines spying on pregnant women and fortnite kids now?
- Comment on Unity apologises. 1 year ago:
“we are sorry you feel that way. Cope”.
That’s what it reads like, honestly
- Comment on Unity apologises. 1 year ago:
I install it every 6 months or so to check if android controller support has been added. I expect many other people do the same. It’s just a drop in the bucket, but that bucket eventually fills up