- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
Mentions skidding on ice in first paragraph. No amount of training can reverse the laws of friction.
Thing is, I agree and think normal consumer passenger cars are getting far too heavy. Like people.
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
The article is focused on passenger cars becoming heavier, no?
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
What a load of shit. Pretty sure roads are already used by many vehicles of Greater mass than 7000lbs. Trucks. Buses. Coaches.
- Comment on Lost Fuel Duty Could Have Paid For Two HS2 Networks Or A Better NHS 11 months ago:
It would have just been squandered elsewhere.
- Comment on Scientists Unveil Radical Plan to Drill Into a Volcano For Near-Unlimited Energy 1 year ago:
I’d like to see some definitions or units put next to ‘ultra high’.
- Comment on Dog walker films winds lifting forest floor in Scotland 1 year ago:
Yeah was my first thought too! Was worried it was going to have its last bark…
- Comment on WhatsApp will now let users log into two accounts simultaneously 1 year ago:
Please could you point me in the right direction on how to do this / an app I would need. Thanks.
- Comment on JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns 1 year ago:
Because how many trans people are there compared with straight people?
And society does, very much judge outsider demographics on the worst actions of individuals.
- Comment on WhatsApp will now let users log into two accounts simultaneously 1 year ago:
I just want the ability to turn off WhatsApp.
Like on a Sunday morning let me kill all notifications and calls.
- Comment on JK Rowling prefers two years in jail over using correct pronouns 1 year ago:
No one gets hyperbole anymore.
Clearly she does not want to spend two years in jail. She is making a stand about the importance of sex being recognised and standing up for girls and women and the preservation of safe spaces for them.
Not all trans are like this, but:…/paedophile-andrew-miller-jailed…
- Comment on BBC News - King Charles III new coin designs revealed 1 year ago:
I use cash pretty much everyday. I purposely do so over contactless. Cash is freedom. Cash is anonymous. Cash is king. Don’t give up on it or you’ll be sorry when it’s gone.
On topic, I love the new coins.
- Comment on Britain is much more liberal-minded than it was 40 years ago, study finds 1 year ago:
Great news overall. Not surprised support for Trans and their rights has dropped. A noisy minority have alienated, abused and eroded the good faith of the majority.
- Comment on Bald people save a lot of money on shampoo. 1 year ago:
It’s not needing to go for haircuts where the real money savings are.
- Comment on British Gas reports record £969m profit after price cap increase 1 year ago:
It may not mean much but I am switching supplier away from them tomorrow. This is the company that was forcing their way into the homes of people on their arses and installing pre paid meters that cost much more per kwh, not to mention just how sickening this is - “heating or eating” should never have been a thing. Cunts.