- Comment on Microsoft defends new Windows 11 Store UI, says impact is "very positive" 2 months ago:
It’s Teams and/or the Office 365 interface. Because everyone “loved” teams 😐
- Comment on is that real? 3 months ago:
Too late. It’s out there somewhere.
- Comment on Apex Legends is taking away its support for the Steam Deck and Linux 4 months ago:
All of this anticheat bs is still making the baseline assumption that the problem needs to be solved at the expense of the players.
It’s illegal to steal someone else’s property. We don’t enforce that law by cutting off everyone’s hands preemptively so that there is less demand on police to solve a problem that hasn’t happened yet…
If people are assholes and go against the wishes of society, you police and moderate them. If they can’t moderate their platform, that isn’t the fault of the community - it’s a failing of the corporation. It’s such a ridiculous mindset. It’s a fucking video game…
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
Didn’t calculate the price by weight. Just took the number from the 6" cube here and extrapolated from that since it was the easiest math.
The 5’ cube is 1000 times the size of the 6" cube and the 6" cube is $15k. The prices don’t scale up linearly though. The smaller cubes are better value by weight.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
Assuming that’s about 5x5’, and going by the price of the first tungsten cube found on Google, this would be worth about 15 million dollars. Decent prize of you could move 150,000lb.
- Comment on Last Epoch 1.0.3 patch notes include lower stash tab costs and more 11 months ago:
It’s effectively non-functional. “Absolute shit” is overselling it.
I know I could just use the proton version and get decent performance, but the fact that it has a native client that just doesn’t work kind of killed my expectations for the future. It’s one thing if the issues were new, but the map bug was reported over 4 years ago…
- Comment on How Working From Home Changed My Life 1 year ago:
A 5 minute commute still necessitates putting on pants. Can’t win there.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
I’ve got all Dewalt for the stuff that needs to last (circular saw, reciprocating saw, drills, etc), but for some things I get the cheap garbage because the cost difference is so extreme and I know I’m just going to replace them every couple years anyway.
Most of my yard equipment is ryobi. All of the stuff with massive batteries is just so stupidly expensive from Dewalt and Milwaukee. I don’t expect an outdoor lithium ion battery to last more than 5 years anyway, so instead of getting the high quality version, I got the shit one and had money to spare on extra batteries.
- Comment on What is the most efficient method to set up a home server? 1 year ago:
You can always just undervolt the cpu and take out the gpu. Sure, a 1000w power supply is going to be inefficient at 20% draw, but if you already have old hardware it isn’t always cost effective to replace it just because of a higher power draw.
Also the pi is great for stuff like dns and network storage, but it’s going to struggle with transcoding as a media server. I can’t speak for the 5 from personal experience, but the 4 was completely incapable as a jellyfin/plex server. I just use an old stripped down computer for media and the pi is relegated to dns adblocking.
- Comment on By letting the capitalistic class write the laws we let them dictate the morality of the country. 1 year ago:
And yet the accidental theft of walking out of a store with unpurchased goods is still punishable by the same laws that would affect those with destructive intent.
Sure, intent “should” be a major factor in crime, but it is definitely skewed in how it is regularly applied.
- Comment on Lyft and Uber say they will leave Minneapolis if the mayor signs a minimum wage bill for drivers 1 year ago:
Generally the driver gets the majority of the ride cost, but their earnings vary a lot by region/time. If you’re just asking if it’s a good job, then the answer is a resounding no. I did it for a few months a couple years ago, and I have a friend who has done it as his full time job for the past 6 years or so. No change that Uber/Lyft makes is ever designed around benefiting the driver. You can safely assume that any new policy is going to make you earn less than you were before.
At the end of the day, you are not fairly compensated for vehicle wear and tear, fuel consumption is not factored properly for all rides, certain arbitrary locations pay more or less and require unpaid relocating to actually land rides, etc. The best is when you take a 2 hour trip only to find out after drop off that you aren’t allowed to pick up new rides in that area and that you need to spend nearly the same amount of time getting back to an area you’re qualified to drive in. I think that one at least has been mostly resolved since I drove years ago, but you get the idea…
- Comment on Social differences even between coasts are massive 1 year ago:
It’s pork roll.